The devil is coming

Chapter 837 The survivors of Daxia

Chapter 837 The survivors of Daxia
The handsome tent will be set up in Tengjia Village tonight.
Tengjia Village is very safe. First of all, this is the Zhao territory. When the Yan army entered the Zhao territory, except for the removal of some forts and small towns that were really in the way, they basically never had a serious fight with the Zhao army;
One is because this small country does not have many soldiers and horses. Before the Liang Kingdom expanded its army, there were only [-] regular soldiers in the country, and they were stationed in several places. Secondly, even if a war broke out temporarily, it would be difficult to pull out auxiliary soldiers and civilians. They also came up to join in the fight, forcibly raising tens of thousands, and their combat effectiveness was basically negligible.
When the Battle of Liangdi occurred, in the entire Liang Kingdom, only General Pu's army played some role, and the rest of the Liang army just occupied a pit.
There are examples of monarchs from small countries like Helu and Goujian, but they are too rare. At least, they are incompatible with the current Zhao country.
The real threat is the Qianchu Allied Forces, but the Qianchu Allied Forces are based in the Liang State. If you want to use the "cage strategy" to deal with Li Fusheng in the Zhao State, you have to look at Prince Pingxi. Will Bian be willing to cooperate?
Furthermore, the other two armies were not vegetarians;
Right now, there are only two ways left for the Qian and Chu armies in Liang;
Or, retreat, abandon the Liang Kingdom directly, and before the Yan army's prison cage is set up, everyone goes back to their homes to find their mothers;
Or, stick to Liang Guo, fight another war of attrition with the Yan army, and at the same time wait for the support of the army from Qianchu, directly triggering the Three Kingdoms War.
There is no third article.
The active attack now was actually to expose the Yan people and leave a loophole for the wolves.
The Yan people were defeated once, and the Yan State's national strength was also extremely weak.
But at least in the short-term battlefield situation, the strong position of the Yan people is still very obvious. Unless the Qianchu coalition forces can fight two more battles like the one that destroyed Hu Weibo, they will still be unable to change this situation on the battlefield.
King Pingxi did not panic;
In the evening, he also asked He Chunlai to make a chicken stew for himself.
The blind man came back in a hurry. Unlike before when he went on an expedition, everyone gathered around the Lord. Now there were more soldiers and horses mobilized, and other aspects also needed "family members" to watch. The blind man has been organizing the rear army with the rear army. road, and at the same time collect the collected grain and grass for storage;
The stored grain and grass will be distributed again. This may seem like taking off your pants to fart, but in fact it is the essence of fighting to support war.
Fighting to support war does not mean that after winning a battle and having a full meal, you can continue to fight the next one and continue to eat. The army is not a bandit. It must be supported by a stable order structure to ensure its good operation.
When the blind man came back, he saw A Ming and Cahir sitting in the tent next door, drinking wine;
After entering, I saw the Lord and the Sword Master sitting together eating chicken pot.
In addition, there was a woman sitting there, and behind the woman, a man with a bruised nose and swollen face lay.
The blind man came in, picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started working without saying a word.
Everyone ate quickly and didn't rush to talk.
When everyone was full, they all put down their bowls and chopsticks one by one.
The sword master stood up and wanted to leave, but Zheng Fan reached out to hold him back;
"Be cautious."
The sword master had no choice but to sit down.
Zheng Fan opened his mouth and briefly told the blind man about the women during the day, especially the sentence about the snowy field.
The woman had been sitting there quietly;
After the blind man heard that the woman and her "husband" had nothing to do with each other, he
The blind man smiled,
"She wants to negotiate terms."
It makes no sense whether she and her "husband" are incompatible with each other.
She herself knew this very well. Since she said "that person in the snow field", it proved that she had revealed a corner of her secret;
It is impossible to recover from the overflowing water, and it is impossible to pretend that nothing happened;
While saving her "husband", she also wanted something else.
The blind man looked at the woman and said:
"Tell me about your conditions."
"I'm hungry, and so is he."
The woman spoke.
The blind man pointed at Zheng Fan and said: "My prince doesn't like this style. Sometimes, he would rather not know the secret than get used to your bad habits."
The woman felt a little aggrieved and said, "I haven't eaten. I'm really hungry. Let him and I eat first. I'll talk to him carefully. There's nothing else to do."
"What about the conditions, just a full meal?"
"When you go on your way, I won't mention any conditions for now. After the meal, you will ask and I will answer. When you have finished asking, I will finish talking. Finally, I will tell you what I want."
"What if we don't agree?"
"You will say yes."
"So sure?"
"My terms are beneficial to you at no cost."
The blind man turned his head and "looked" at Zheng Fan.
Zheng Fan nodded.
The blind man asked Liu Dahu, who was waiting outside, to bring in more food.
Liu Dahu brought a bowl of steamed buns.
It's not the stuffed buns from Xuehai Customs, it's solid steamed buns.
The woman sat down first, picked up the steamed buns, and started eating. Then, she turned to look at Teng Yihan in the corner and cursed:
"Come here and eat."
Teng Yihan nodded. He was very afraid of the atmosphere in the handsome tent. The furnishings, the people here, and the atmosphere here all made this man, who did the most outrageous thing in his life, pick up fallen crops on the battlefield. And I feel cowardly in other places.
But he still instinctively listens to women;
Got up, walked over, and sat down.
The two of them used steamed buns and the remaining chicken to make soup. They ate very deliciously.
Finally, the woman was full.
Man, I'm not full yet.
The woman scolded: "Go away and eat."
Teng Yihan nodded, took three steamed buns, and returned to his exclusive corner.
The woman stretched out her hand to take the veil in front of King Pingxi;
She hesitated for a moment, then reached for it, then folded it, wiped her mouth and hands, put down the handkerchief, and sat upright;
He first looked at Prince Pingxi, then looked at the blind man, and said to the blind man:
"You can ask now."
Liu Dahu came in with a teapot and started pouring tea.
Drinking tea in the army is not so particular. Hot water and tea are enough. In fact, even the sergeants of the army like to drink tea when marching. Firstly, it can relieve fatigue, and secondly, it can also supplement the body's needs.
The soldiers didn't understand the latter, but the military habits formed over the years certainly made sense.
The woman held the cup in her hand, blew on it, and took a sip.
On the other end, the man choked and started beating his chest.
Liu Dahu took another glass and gave it to the man. The man took it and took a big sip, which made him scream.
King Pingxi waved his hand,
Liu Dahu picked up the man and took him out of the handsome tent.
The blind man nodded and began to ask:
"Tell me about your identity first."
The woman answered: "My surname is Chen..."
The blind man immediately said to Zheng Fan: "The country's surname is Daxia."
Zheng Fan rolled his eyelids and said, "I know."
"My subordinate is being abrupt."
A member of the Daxia royal family, with the surname "Chen".
The woman continued: "I am a survivor of Daxia."
Zheng Fan couldn't help but think of what the black-armored man in the palace dungeon had said, the curse from Daxia.
Obviously, according to the development of the world structure, the so-called prophecy of the arrival of the devil should be inseparable from the Great Xia that year.
"My name is Ning, Chen Ning; my family has guarded a secret for generations."
When the prince heard this, he couldn't help but stretch out his little finger and pick his ears;
Oh, that damn cheesy opening line.
"According to that secret, in 20 years, seven loyal souls of Daxia will be reincarnated to assist the new son of Daxia, revive our Daxia, and unify the world."
Seven, seven again;
And this time, it was very clear that a Daxiazi was added, the so-called... Lord.
However, in this woman's mouth, it is the seven loyal souls of Daxia, not some "devil king";
The blind man said: "He is a hero and I am an enemy."
In the eyes of others, it is the Demon King who brings trouble to the world, but in the eyes of the survivors of Daxia, it is the opportunity for the revival of Daxia. The butt determines the head, and the head determines the perspective.
Therefore, the version of the prophecy will change a lot. What does not change is the foundation, but what changes is the stance.
"Who is Daxiazi? Where is he?" the blind man asked.
Chen Ning shook her head and said, "I don't know, even my father didn't know when he was alive."
"Aren't you a survivor of Daxia?" the blind man asked.
"How much do you think the survivors of Daxia can do today?
When the Great Xia collapsed, the three princes sat idly by and ignored it. None of them sent troops to help. They watched helplessly as the ancient land of Great Xia turned into a battlefield divided by heroes.
After hundreds of years, there was no fiefdom, and they didn't even dare to build ancestral temples. The so-called survivors of the Great Xia had been blown away by the rain and wind long ago. "
The history of the collapse of Daxia was very chaotic and bloody, not to mention that later warlords who wanted to "hijack the emperor to control the princes" were grouped together to attack them, which was equivalent to digging up the roots of Daxia's survivors in disguise.
Hundreds of years have passed,
The three princes back then became the three great kingdoms;
In the hometown of Daxia, the Qian Kingdom was established;
For these four major countries, the so-called "British Xia survivors" are actually their "black history";
Naturally, I hope that the great summer of that year will completely disappear.
Just disappear into the crowd, that's it. In the old days, the king Xietang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people. This is the general trend;
Anyone who really dares to gather and stand out in his own capacity will inevitably be strangled by the Secret Agents, the Silver Armored Guards, the Phoenix Nest Guards, etc. On this point, everyone is unanimous.
The most important thing is, hundreds of years have passed, how many people who care about the motherland do you still want to wait for you to cheer up?
How many people will continue to be loyal to your banner and wait for your return as the emperor?
How many more underground forces do you want to attract, and once your trump card is revealed, it will shake the world?
During the Qing Dynasty, the rebels all shouted "Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty". Who has ever shouted "Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Song Dynasty"?
Chen Ning continued:
"My family changed its surname to Qiu a hundred years ago and settled down in the Liang Kingdom. My father became a general in the Liang Kingdom, and I myself may have been assigned to one of my father's lieutenants.
Only our own people know about the survivors of Daxia. My father, my uncles, and my brothers. Even my husband doesn’t know that he is actually a consort.
But this is the best we can do. In this small country, being a small general can continue to reproduce and have some channels to pay attention to things outside.
Moreover, there were only 20 years left before the deadline for the secret prophecy. As a result, there was a coup in Liang State, and my father and husband, as generals loyal to the former leader of Liang State, were immediately purged.
My father and husband were arrested in the army, and my home was ransacked. I escaped on my own, even though I was disfigured and took advantage of Liang's war to escape from Liang..."
This is a very twisty story;
Originally, this lineage was passed down very well because the secrets were not cut off, but it completely collapsed due to a coup;
They may still be looking forward to the big changes that may happen in 20 years, but they don't know that they have no chance of it.
"How did you know about the snowfield?" the blind man asked.
"Because my father is a very smart man. He guessed it based on the news about the palace's military deployment." Chen Ning replied.
It seemed that he was afraid that King Pingxi and others would not believe him.
Chen Ning immediately continued:
"In the secret of family inheritance, the prophecy says that from the far north, the most loyal servants will return, gather the reincarnations of loyal souls, find the emperor, and recreate Daxia."
"But isn't it normal for our prince to go hunting in the snowfield?"
After the blind man asked, he smiled and said:
"My lord, I will repair the book and go back right now. Among our Jinyi guards... no, even among our generals, it seems that there are survivors of Daxia named Chen."
Chen Ning was shocked when she heard this.
Obviously, the blind man's reaction speed was much faster than she expected.
The sword master felt that things were a little interesting.
When Zheng Fan made his statement earlier, he was very meticulous and told the blind man everything the woman said, including the woman's description of Chen Xianba, Liu Dahu and their brocade clothes.
Feiyu suit, Jinyi bodyguard, the storyteller in the teahouse will also say it, but what exactly does it look like, and how can someone recognize it immediately if they have never seen it before?
This proves that women only know the specific details before they can quickly verify and distinguish the real objects after seeing them again.
Some of the Jinyi guards are child soldiers who came out of the school, but most of them are actually the nephews of various generals and powerful officials in the palace.
The prince's personal guard is the best place to be gilded;
One is that he is noble, and the other is that he can stay with the prince often and become familiar with him or even have a personal relationship with him. Furthermore, the prince can also use this method to show kindness and appease people's hearts.
However, the political review of Jinyi's personal guards is also extremely strict, after all, it is directly related to the prince's safety.
The blind man said again:
"They must be a remnant of the Great Xia Dynasty. They must have ancestral precepts at home and have followed us. They must also have a certain identity and status in the palace or the army;
Then, I contacted this side.
Not many people know that Heijia is imprisoned in the dungeon of the palace. Most of the people who did this are the Jinyi guards, and his descendants should be inside.
However, repeated political reviews by his subordinates found no clues, proving that this family did not have bad intentions and did not belong to the Silver Armored Guards or the Phoenix Nest Guards. He may have passed on the news just out of the echo of his own clan. In addition, When I went to Qiu's house, there was no movement..."
When you don’t have bad intentions, it is difficult for you to be exposed, and there is almost no possibility of being exposed.
The Qiu family is just a small general in Xiaoliang Kingdom, and they have not done anything earth-shattering. All they do is wait and wait until 20 years later to see how things will change;
The family in eastern Jin Dynasty was just a visiting relative and passed on the news;
It can be said that the person in Jindong has no bad intentions and no agenda. He may be quite satisfied with his life in Jindong.
They knew that they were the survivors of Daxia, but they didn't want to do anything. They just wanted to share information with each other for the sake of their ancestors.
Blind Man and Xue San, all the fishing and law enforcement, deliberate digging of holes, and self-retrieval are all useless, because they don’t have any bad intentions, and they don’t even feel that they are lurking...
Maybe when he heard about catching a spy, he became even more indignant and tried his best to catch him, because he didn't think he was a spy at all, and he might be extremely loyal to the prince.
The blind man added: "If we look at the generals and officials who were born in Jin, the scope is limited to those who were in Jin, that is, small landowners and above. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that this inheritance will be connected with the Qiu family in Liang State in advance. .”
The scope was suddenly reduced a lot.
"He has no ill intentions, and neither do we!" Chen Ning immediately explained.
Zheng Fan looked at her, smiled and said to the blind man:
"The survivors of Daxia are treated like Jews."
They are also scattered all over the place. Some of them have relatively long inheritance. In reality, they live well. In spirit, they also think that they have another identity, or it is called the inheritance of ancestor worship;
Then, they all dreamed of rebuilding the country.
"My Lord, this metaphor is very apt."
Zheng Fan pointed at himself, still staring at the woman, and asked:
"So, I'm curious, what do you and your father think of this king?"
The woman replied: "My father believes that Yan has the power to unify all Xia, and the prince himself is also a person who was born at the right time. From the beginning of Guizhou to today, step by step, he should uphold the fate of Yan;
My father said that the Yan people should be preparing to end the reincarnation of loyal souls and the hope of Daxia's revival, and this task should fall on you, the prince. "
Zheng Fan curled his lips. It was a very cliché positioning. It was clear that he was placed in the villain's trap against a group of children of destiny.
Zheng Fan immediately laughed again;
Chen Ning was a little confused, wondering why the Lord Yan was laughing;
The sword master was also a little curious, but he refrained from asking;
The blind man immediately laughed along with him, understanding the situation.
Because the Qiu family has always adhered to the inheritance and waited for the fulfillment of the prophecy,
The root cause of its destruction was most likely the work of the Xie family Qianliju who they believed in as the "reincarnation of the loyal soul of Daxia".
In the capital of the Liang Kingdom, Xie Yu'an hijacked the old Prime Minister and launched a coup, forcing the original leader to death and purging all members of the original leader's army. The Qiu family was destroyed. It is estimated that Chen Ning's father and brothers were all killed. It was unlikely that he was still alive. After all, it would have been necessary to cut through the mess quickly at that time.
According to the Qiu family's expectations, 20 years later, they planned to respond to the prophecy, and they might even defect to the Xie family's master.
The prince took a deep breath to stop himself from laughing;
Pick up the tea cup in front of you,
I cursed in my heart:
"Oh, this world line is already in chaos."
Also at night.
(End of this chapter)

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