The devil is coming

Chapter 838: Overthrowing the country in one battle!

Chapter 838: Overthrow the country in one battle!
The blind man asked: "As for the prophecy, I want to know the specific content. Is the person in the snowy field you mentioned earlier a servant?"
"Yes, that's how he was called in the prophecy. He will find the reincarnated loyal souls of Daxia, gather them, surround the destined emperor, and recreate Daxia."
The blind man "looked" at Zheng Fan;
It’s not like the demon kings have never guessed the identity of the man in black armor. You must know that he is already so powerful even in the state of "weakness" and "congenital imperfection";
No matter what, it seems that he deserves the position of "Demon King".
But the Lord said: No.
From this point of view, the Lord’s judgment is correct.
The black-armored man wearing the armor branded with the "Helian Family" clan emblem should investigate the relationship between the Helian Family and the survivors of Daxia.
In fact, after the man in black armor was captured, the palace conducted a round of investigations. A Ming, including the blind man himself, also went out to explore. A Ming even took the time to go to Yanjing, but in addition to tutoring, After looking at "history", I didn't get much directional information.
It's not that someone is deliberately hiding it, but the long history is difficult to record comprehensively and accurately by writing, unless there is a person among the demon kings, like Meng Shou of the Chu Kingdom, who spent his whole life cultivating the Four Kingdoms. History books, otherwise it is unlikely to retrieve the bead.
"As for the rest, I want to know the specific news about the devil... no, the loyal soul of Daxia."
Chen Ning was very cooperative and really answered whatever was asked. She answered directly:
"The three princes stepped aside, but sat back and watched the collapse of Daxia. According to the speculations of my ancestors and father, these three families would be punished by God if they broke the oath of Daxia.
Therefore, my father believed that a reincarnation of loyal souls should appear from each of the Yan, Jin and Chu lands to subvert the kingdoms of these three families.
There should also be magpie nests and doves in the Qian Kingdom. "
Zheng Fan was listening carefully and thinking at the same time;
According to the original idea, every day should be counted as one;
He will hate Dayan very much, and even hate his father very much. In addition, his own identity and attributes also have a strong appeal. Otherwise, he will not take him to Nanmen Pass this time.
King Jingnan died in battle, and the Jingnan army collapsed. As the heir apparent, Tiantian recruited his father's old troops to overthrow the Ji family. The motivation was quite reasonable, but the details could be tinkered with at will.
As for Xie Yuan,
The blind man specially collected information about the Xie family a while ago;
In short, the Xie family is different from other big nobles in the Chu State. It is more independent, equivalent to the former Zhenbei Hou Mansion and the current Pingxi Prince's Mansion in the Yan State.
Let’s look at the performance of the Xie family’s Qianliju, and give him 20 years of development and preparation. In fact, it won’t be a surprise to start a rebellion in Chu State. He has family background, prestige, and is smart since he was a child. Everything. If the conditions are met, why not ask for help?
Tiantian is in the Yan Kingdom. If Xie Qianliju is really one of the demon kings, then the Chu Kingdom will also have one.
What about those from Jin?unknown.
What about Qian Guo?Also unknown.
Although the Qian Kingdom has always boasted that the four princes are open to the border, the orthodox Three Kingdoms do not look down on him at all, but its size is there, and the territory of the Qian Kingdom almost includes the territory of Daxia's hometown;
Therefore, Qian Guo should also produce one.
That's four.
There are three more, which are more difficult to find.
"Father also said..." Chen Ning looked at Zheng Fan, "If Prince Pingxi rebels against Yan in 20 years, you will probably be one of the reincarnations of loyal souls."
Zheng Fan picked up the cup and whispered:
"Thank you."
The blind man said, "I'll give you pen and ink later. Think carefully about it. If there is anything else you can tell us, write it down in case we miss anything."
Chen Ning nodded and said: "Okay."
"Well, now, you can tell me your conditions."
Chen Ning raised her hand and said, "There is one more thing you haven't asked yet."
"Oh? You said."
"My father was worried that he would not live for the next 20 years, so he told my brothers and I that the servant who would return from the Far North needed my blood of Great Xia to guide him."
"Wake up?" the blind man asked.
Chen Ning was a little hesitant. Obviously, she didn't know the specific situation, and the word "awakening" was a bit difficult to understand.
The blind man said: "Okay, we know."
What the woman means is that the black-armored man seems to need the blood of the orthodox Daxia royal family for "nurturing";
But this condition should not be taken seriously for the time being, because it may be made up by the woman to save her life, but no matter what, she will still be kept here anyway.
Chen Ning looked at Zheng Fan, then at the blind man, and said:
"Now, I want to tell you my conditions."
Zheng Fan nodded slightly.
"Your Majesty, if my father and brothers are still alive, I ask you to rescue them."
Prince Pingxi said bluntly:
"Probably dead."
The corner of Chen Ning's mouth twitched a few times.
The considerate Prince Pingxi spoke again:
"Let's change the conditions to something more realistic."
The woman took a deep breath and said, "This is my second condition."
In fact, Chen Ning knew in her heart that her father and brother were probably gone.
"I hope that the prince can help me, the remnants of Daxia, to build an ancestral hall. With your current status and power, the prince, you can do it."
Zheng Fan frowned.
"It's too much trouble, so I won't do it."
Because the woman’s intention was very clear, not to build one secretly, but to build a shrine to Daxia in a serious manner and enjoy the incense;
Of course, with his current status, if he did this, no one would say anything to him. Even Xiao Liuzi would only complain a few words: What are you doing?
In Dayan, the degree of political freedom is too high now. As long as they insist on raising the flag to rebel without a fight, Yanjing can hold their noses and endure anything.
Chen Ning immediately said: "There are actually a lot of Daxia survivors scattered around the world. The prince can take them for his own use. As long as the prince can give them a title, they..."
"Just a bunch of trash."
"..." Chen Ning.
"Your family should be doing well, right? As a result, the Liang Kingdom was almost wiped out due to a turmoil. The other people are probably just rotten fish and shrimps. Why do I need them?
If Daxia had only been dead for less than a hundred years, it would probably be of some use;
Now hundreds of years have passed,
To be honest,
Truth theory is useful,
I might as well build an ancestral hall of the Liang Kingdom and avenge the former Liang, so that I can at least disgust the officials of the Qian Kingdom. "
The Liang State here is not the Liang State in front of us, but the predecessor of Qian State, the one usurped by Emperor Taizu of Qian State.
Zheng Fan waved his hand and said:
"It happened suddenly, didn't you think about it well?"
Finally, the woman could no longer force herself to remain calm, so she could only nod her head and said:
Today was an accident. She did not expect to meet Yan Jun, and she never thought of joining Yan Jun;
In fact, in his father's view, Prince Pingxi can be called the "executioner" of the survivors of Daxia.
"It's not a hurry. On your terms, I will keep it for you. Take your man and go down to rest first."
"Thank you, Lord."
Liu Dahu came in again and escorted the woman out of the handsome tent.
Zheng Fan reached out and flipped through the folding book in front of him, and said to the blind man: "We are fighting now, and you can't concentrate on her. When the war is over, search for her soul."
Searching for souls, and those being searched for souls, are likely to become idiots.
But man is still alive;
The underlying meaning is,
Still usable.
Of course, the Sword Master is here, and in order to maintain his own image, he naturally cannot explain it too clearly. Fortunately, the blind man understands.
The blind man nodded: "Okay, Lord."
"That's all for now."
Zheng Fan pretended to yawn;
However, at this moment, the messenger's urgent call came from outside:
"Report, great victory!"
"Didn't I not let them start a war without authorization? What's going on!"
There was no joy on Prince Pingxi's face when he heard about the victory, because in his plan, there were still several moves that would fail;
If you force a war now, you may end up picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.
"I said Uncle Yi Shan, don't be so shameless. You don't even know what kind of situation you are in now. How dare you make the decision to change the prince's strategy without permission?"
Although the Third Master was short in stature, he instantly looked taller in this military tent when he held the Order of King Pingxi and moved out of Queen Pingxi.
Chen Yang's unit was incorporated into his own army by Zheng Fan. He had no choice but to leave other options open and no one else could suppress him;
Whether it is Luo Ling or Ren Juan, in terms of qualifications, they are actually equal to Chen Yang;
But this person had just made a big mistake and was in a hurry to make meritorious deeds. He would inevitably be greedy for merit and rush forward in other ways. King Pingxi could only put him aside and suppress him.
But who would have thought that this person was really going to take the initiative again. Xue San, who noticed the unusual movements of the front army in advance, immediately took out the king's order and came to stop it.
Xue San was in charge of sentry cavalry in the front army, and Ali was leading the troops here. In fact, these two were also supervisors of the army.
Chen Yang bowed his hand to Xue San and said:
"I'm not trying to take credit, but look at this map. When our army approached the capital of Zhao State, Zhao State's soldiers and horses at Sanshan Pass immediately began to return for reinforcements;
Here, here, and here, the returning reinforcements will inevitably pass through this road, and this is the perfect place to set up an ambush.
Our army laid an ambush in advance. During this period, we will definitely be able to win a great victory with few casualties.
This is free credit! "
Xue San smiled and said, "We don't like this food yet."
Xue San said seriously: "My prince has long been concerned about the overall situation. If you have any objections, you can write a note and send it to the commander of the Chinese army."
The current role of the former army is to constantly hang around the Zhao capital, forcing the Zhao army to return for reinforcements and remove the obstacles leading to Liang;
At the moment, Fan Li is leading his army to bluff his horse while walking under the capital of Zhao State.
"The opportunity is fleeting. If we delay it, the day lilies will get cold!"
"Then don't move. Our middle army has just arrived at Zhao State, and the other two troops have just entered Wei State and Qi State. Everyone should be busy searching for food and grass. The iron wall has not been built yet. Why are you anxious?
Even if you have to surround a point to bring reinforcements and fight a Zhao army, is it fun? "
"Then we just sit here and wait?"
"Yes, just sit back and wait." Xue San snorted coldly, "Everything must be done according to the king's orders. Uncle Yi Shan, I don't want to remind you again. The wisest thing you can do now is to be a puppet of my prince. , when you really have the opportunity to charge into the formation, the prince will definitely let you be the first one, why are you anxious?"
“Search for food and fodder for the logistics needs of the army, I know, I understand;
But the prince mobilized such a large formation, and the Yan and Jin troops in central and western Shanxi came out in almost all their numbers. After they came in, they suddenly slowed down.
What is the prince trying to do!
Did he want to wait for the Qian-Chu coalition forces to withdraw when they saw the situation was not going well, so that they could easily pick up this 'big victory'! "
As a veteran general and the commander-in-chief promoted by King Jingnan, Chen Yang did have some temper problems, but his battlefield acumen was beyond praise.
As one of the former army generals, he clearly knew that he could do more in a short period of time. He could even rush directly to Sanshan Pass or bypass Sanshan Pass and enter the Liang Kingdom to bite and stick the Qianchu coalition forces first. Then cooperate with other soldiers and horses to turn it upside down.
Be more careful, the center army and rear army protect the rear, and when the situation is not good, they will pull their troops away, and they will not make the same mistake as Tiger Wilbur after breaking contact.
There are too many choices, but now I can only sit here and watch the show!
This forced him to guess,
King Pingxi came with a high profile, gathered troops and horses, and led everyone to burn, kill, and loot in the Three Kingdoms. Then he waited for the Qian-Chu coalition forces to retreat in a wise manner, and then pinched the Liang Kingdom, and then returned with a great victory?
The soldiers below will not be dissatisfied, and the generals will not be dissatisfied either, so they should bring their own soldiers and horses out to fight and sacrifice;
But Chen Yang couldn't stand it. You know, he was guilty of the crime. Whether it was his own interests or emotional tendencies to feel guilty about Li Fusheng's death, he hoped to fight a tough battle and tear down the Qianchu coalition forces.
"The prince himself said it when he was beating drums in the commander's tent to gather the generals. He wanted to inflict thunderous wrath on the people of Qian and Chu, and he wanted to bring back the face that I, Dayan, had lost tenfold;
Just rely on tacit understanding, just rely on tacit understanding, just rely on you being good to me and everyone being good?
Is this how to take it? "
Xue San narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "My prince has his own rules in mind."
Chen Yang's fists clenched tightly.
"Uncle Yi Shan, have you ever thought that you think you are on the second floor, but my prince may already be on the fifth floor?
If you really can't stand this humiliation,
Just right,
I have a dagger here. I forged it myself. It has been tempered with poison and will seal my throat when it sees blood. You can use it. "
With that said, Xue San threw the dagger in front of Chen Yang;
Chen Yang stared at the dagger on the ground, his body trembling with anger, but he did not pick it up.
Xue San smiled "haha",
"I don't believe it. When Prince Jingnan was here, you dared to make such a fuss, why didn't you just obey the greetings?
to be honest,
Or maybe my mind is wild now;
what's the matter,
Killing a tiger Wilbur is not enough.
Do you want to kill another one? "
"By the way, it's just a troop of soldiers and horses from Zhao Jun's Sanshan Pass. What does it count? How much impact will it have on the entire battle situation if it is eaten or not?"
"Then what should we eat to have an impact on the outcome of the battle?" Chen Yang asked rhetorically.
Xue San stretched out and said: "For example, if we eat the whole country of Zhao, not to mention the storage in the capital, this city alone is enough to become the logistics base of my army.
If Uncle Yi Shan can do it, I will personally go to the prince to ask for your favor. Of course, it is impossible to mobilize a large army to besiege the city and storm the city. The physical strength and vigor of our army cannot be wasted here. "
"Then how do you ask someone to attack the city? Run to the city gate and shout, asking Zhao Guo to open the capital gate and surrender by himself?"
"I didn't say you have to do this, it's just for fun..."
The third master hasn’t finished speaking yet.
The messenger's cry came:
"Report!!! General Fan has conquered the capital of Zhao and captured the King of Zhao alive!"
"You're kidding, if you can't do something, do you really think we can't do it too?"
Fan Li, as usual,
He led a group of Yan troops to walk their horses at the northern city wall of Zhao State. On the city wall was a nervous Zhao army.
When the Yan army entered the Zhao territory, the leader of the Zhao state immediately began to mobilize surrounding soldiers and horses to gather in the capital to defend himself. As for how his people were plundered and bullied by the Yan people, he did not care.
If we exclude King Zhao's own character of being overjoyed with great achievements but actually being cowardly, this move is actually very wise from a military perspective. It can prevent the few soldiers and horses in his country from being scattered and eaten by the Yan army, and it can also retain the ability to counterattack. Tinder.
But Zhao Jun was too timid;
Fan Li rode his horse to the city wall several times in the past few days. The Zhao army above did not dare to shoot an arrow down. Instead, he sent envoys over every day to visit Prince Pingxi, but they were rejected by several generals of the former army. .
Not only that, the capital also sent out wine, meat and several singers from Zhao in the city, saying that Prince Pingxi had worked hard on the march to comfort him.
Fan Li took the initiative and took the water and wine to share with the soldiers he had just taken over these days;
As for the singer,
Fan Li stepped back,
"Straight bitch, you really don't know what's good or bad. I don't know what kind of woman my prince likes!"
Many times King Ping Xi himself wondered how his reputation was harmed.
Fan Li made the decision on all these matters by himself, because his master had no intention of letting them attack the city and start a war on his own initiative. He just wanted to buy time for the troops in the rear to collect food and fodder.
But who knows,
After receiving the reply, King Zhao actually planned to send his queen away.
Yes, there really is such a ridiculous king in this world.
Originally, the blind man's evaluation of King Zhao was probably that he was too far away from the wise kings of small countries like Helu Goujian, but he never expected that he could directly call Hui and Qinzong brothers.
In the eyes of King Zhao, he is capable of bending and stretching, and he is about to marry the princess of Qian State. The queen is old and beautiful, but she still occupies the position. Well, as the mother of the country, she should sacrifice herself. If she can entertain people with sex, let her Prince Pingxi was satisfied. He and he became brothers-in-law, and they were considered a family, right?
Then, word of the incident leaked;
The prince of Zhao is a capable prince. He has been busy these days in charge of the defense of the capital city wall. After a busy day, he suddenly learned that his mother was going to be sent out of the city to the Yan people by his father?
The prince was really filled with righteous indignation, his brain was filled with blood, and he led a group of soldiers loyal to him to counterattack into the palace and captured his father.
He didn't intend to continue fighting with the Yan people, because he couldn't understand the kind of arrangement his father made at Sanshan Pass. How could the small Zhao Kingdom take the initiative to provoke a big country?
The prince just doesn't do anything and doesn't stop.
After tying up his own father, he ordered the city gates to be opened and he surrendered to the Yan army.
Because the Yan army did exist outside the capital, and it indeed brought great pressure to the city. Therefore, when the prince rebelled under the banner of "Qing Jun calms down Yan people's anger", many people in the capital who had the ability to protect the king people have chosen silence;
Just like before, they remained silent when the king wanted to give the queen to the Yan people.
Even when the prince took action himself, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. The villain didn't have to do it himself, and he could surrender to save his life. It was great.
There was no way, they didn't know that the Yan people came in three armies this time, and they didn't know that the Yan people didn't plan to attack the city at all, they just grabbed some food and grass and left;
From their perspective, the Yan people made a special trip to retaliate against the State of Zhao. Otherwise, how could they explain that the Yan army did not go to the State of Liang and came to the State of Zhao?
Outside the capital,
Fan Li raised his ax happily,
The soldiers behind him also raised their weapons in excitement and cooperation:
"Ulla! Ulla! Ulla!"
Ever since Zheng Fan once raised his sword and shouted a slogan, the barbarian soldiers behind him could only shout "Ula" and lost his superiority. From now on, Fan Li was directly prohibited from preaching this slogan among his subordinates.
This really frustrated Fan Li.
This time, I finally brought other people's soldiers with me, so of course I had to regain the memories of my youth.
"Ulla! Ulla!"
Fan Li wielded a pair of big axes with rhythm.
"Ulla! Ulla!"
The guys cooperated enthusiastically.
Fan Li threw the ax into the air,
Point your finger to the sky,
Why didn't you answer?What are you doing?
Fan Li was a little confused. The ax had already fallen to the ground. He turned around to pick it up. At the same time, he saw the gate of the Zhao capital slowly opening from the inside.
The leader of the Zhao Kingdom was tied up and thrown into a donkey cart and drove out;
There was also a lamb tied to the donkey cart;
Behind them are the prince and a group of Zhao officials, all dressed in sackcloth.
Fan Li frowned.
I found that things seemed to be out of my control:
In the first year of Longping, King Pingxi of the Great Yan Dynasty was ordered by the emperor to lead the Yan and Jin armies from central and western Jin Dynasties out of Nanmen Pass to attack other countries;
Fan Li, the No. 1 general under King Pingxi,
Destroy the capital of Zhao and overthrow a country in one battle!
(End of this chapter)

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