original sword god

131 Battle of Emperors

After all, Shen Nong did not practice Taoism.Under the weak life limit.It didn't take long to govern the human race.When the merits and virtues are complete, they will achieve a positive result.What Shennong left behind was an extremely powerful human race.There is no alien invasion of the human race.No food shortages.No disease-ridden hazards.It presents a state of high development.

but.As the saints expected.With Shennong's departure.The leaders of Shennong's descendants had no governance ability.Lost the suppression of the co-lord supported by the human race.Contradictions and disputes began to arouse.The animosity between the tribes accumulated more and more.Slowly fell apart.The human race gradually split into several major forces.These forces compete with each other.The Terrans were caught in a brief period of civil strife.

The northwest of the prehistoric land.There is a river.The name of the river is Jishui.On the bank of Jishui.There are two tribes living.There's the Bear Clan and the Bug Joe Clan.The patriarch of the Xiong clan is named Shaodian.He married Fubao, the niece of the patriarch of the Chongqiao clan.one night.Fubao when watching the Big Dipper.Suddenly a white light shone at the Tianshu.The four fields are brightly illuminated.Fu Bao was induced to become pregnant.A son was left for Shaodian.The son was just born.I heard the report from the guards outside.A Taoist outside the door asked to see the patriarch.Shaodian heard a monk coming.Don't dare to neglect.Then go out to meet.Get to the door in less time.I saw only one person standing outside the door.

"The head of the patriarch is very polite. I am the second disciple of the Holy Father. My Taoist name is Guangchengzi. Linger and I have a relationship between a master and a disciple. I am here to accept him as a disciple under the order of my master."

This Taoist is Guang Chengzi.He received the original decree.Come down the mountain to accept the emperor as a teacher.All the disciples of Chanjiao were envious.But do the math.Only Guang Chengzi has a predestined relationship with the Emperor's teacher.Although the other disciples were more envious, they were helpless.Even Yu Ding, the original personal disciple, did not have such a blessing.Primitive Taoists are even less likely to entrust orders to other disciples.In fact, Yuanyuan didn't want to compete with Tongtian for the title of Master of the Human Emperor.However, most of the disciples who saw Tongtianmen only had the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian in the early stage.But the original knows the future.It was only then that I asked for this difficult errand.

Yuan originally wanted to sneak into the underworld.Discuss with Empress Pingxin not to allow the Wu clan to help Chi You.But then abandoned the idea.This time is the last catastrophe in human history.Passed smoothly.

Shao Dian knew that this Taoist was a disciple of the Holy Father.He happily agreed.Wait until the maid brings the baby.Shaodian handed it over to Guangchengzi.

"Immortal Head. This is the child. This child is newborn. I also ask the Immortal Head to give the child a name."

Guangchengzi looked at the child.Nodding with satisfaction. "Natural Dao Body. It really is a piece of beautiful jade. This son was born near Xuanyuan Hill. Let's call it Xuanyuan."

that's all.Guangchengzi accepted Xuanyuan as his apprentice.And stayed in Youxiong tribe to teach Xuanyuan.Xuanyuan was born with magic and supernatural powers.Started talking at an early age.He reacted quickly when he was a teenager.When he grows up, he is honest and sharp in character.He is even smarter as an adult.After Shaodian died.Xuanyuan became the leader of the Youxiong clan.After Xuanyuan became the leader of the tribe.Follow the advice of your teacher Hiroshiko.Start conquering the world.Prepare to unify the human race.

Xuanyuan studied with Guang Chengzi since childhood.There is success in Taoism.Brave and fierce.It can drive all kinds of wild animals such as wolves, tigers and leopards to fight.Wherever you go.The tribes surrendered one after another.Not long after.Most of the human race has been unified.Only two large tribes remain.Yandi tribe and Jiuli tribe.

Xuanyuan was a little puzzled.In the end, should we attack the Yandi tribe or the Jiuli tribe first?Because the Jiuli tribe is the most powerful.Xuanyuan's generals all persuaded Xuanyuan.After defeating the Yandi tribe first.Then unite with Emperor Yan to attack Jiuli directly.But Xuanyuan scruples about the name of Shennong, the former master of the human race.He insisted on attacking Jiuli first.

Chi You regained his sanity.His ambition was also restored.His patriarchal position is unbreakable.Although the skill has not yet reached the body of the ancestor witch in the previous life.But he already has the demeanor of a great witch.

Chi You became the head of the clan.The first fire is to move the family.He moved all the Jiuli people to the vicinity of Pangu Temple.They live together at the foot of the original Buzhou Mountain.There are dangerous terrain as a natural barrier.Chi You ordered the entire Jiuli tribe to mobilize their troops and horses.The ambition to annex the Great Desolation is slowly growing.

I heard that the Xuanyuan clan led troops to attack the Jiuli clan.Chi You was in front of all the elders.He patted the table and laughed loudly: "Xuanyuan, you only have the same strength as a cat. You actually want to break through the Jiuli tribe. Isn't it delusional." All the elders also echoed.The Great Elder Wu stroked his beard.He nodded slightly.

Xuanyuan is in order to unify the human race.Soon it reached the vicinity of the Jiuli nationality.Xuanyuan has always practiced benevolent government.Coupled with the influence of the original Taoist theory of "beginning with etiquette and then fighting with soldiers".It even photographed the envoy to the Jiuli tribe to persuade them to surrender.Unexpectedly, the messenger had just arrived in the tribe.He was killed by Chi You, the patriarch of the Jiuli tribe.

Chi You made a knife out of the big tripod in the original courtyard.The blade is nine feet long.It weighs three thousand catties.Chi You's original ancestral witch's body was a human body and a bull's hoof.Four eyes and six hands.Ears and temples are like swords and halberds.It has huge horns on its head.Good at fighting with knives, axes and Ge.Never die.Very brave.

The messenger was killed.Xuanyuan knew that he decided to put down Jiuli by force.However.All Jiuli people are good at fighting.He was born with supernatural powers.The two armies had just fought.There was thick fog ahead.There was a thunderstorm.The wind and sand are everywhere.Water, fire, thunder and lightning all attacked Xuanyuan's troops.Most of Xuanyuan's troops are ordinary humans.I have never seen such a formation.All of a sudden there was chaos.The soldiers scrambled for their lives.There were countless casualties.

Xuanyuan was defeated.Retire and return to the Xiong clan.But Chi You led the tribe to take advantage of the situation to chase and kill him.Chi You was warlike and joyous.Not about kindness.Harm Li Shu.Indiscriminate killing of innocent people.The place where the Jiuli army passed.All human tribes suffered.All of a sudden.Chi You's fierce reputation spread throughout the entire human race.

The current patriarch of the Yandi tribe is Shennong's grandnephew.The son of Shennong, the leader, is also a son when he is all year round.Only the power of the tribe is handed over to the nephew.This nephew is quite talented.It's just that it was born at an untimely time.Although he is also known as Emperor Yan.It's just that the reputation of Emperor Yan is too far away.

Go back to the Xiong clan.Xuanyuan wants to regroup.He planned to conquer Chiyou again.The patriarch of the Yandi tribe took the remaining human race of the tribe.In order to avoid being slaughtered by Jiuli, he came to Xuanyuan.Emperor Yan respected Xuanyuan and became the co-lord.Xuanyuan was overjoyed to get this help.

Although supported by the human race.But the magical powers of the Jiuli people are too powerful.Xuanyuan was still invincible.Lost steadily.Xuanyuan knows to rely on ordinary human soldiers.It is simply impossible to compete with the Jiuli tribe.So he ordered people to set up the incense table.Master Guang Chengzi is invited to come.

Primitive Taoists knew it very early on.The struggle between the emperor and Fuxi is different from that of Fuxi and Shennong.Xuanyuan wanted to unify the human race.Obviously, the way is to use weapons.Therefore, Guangchengzi was inevitably killed.But Chanjiao's disciples have already started to practice swordsmanship.Why be afraid of killing and robbery.Originally, he wanted all the disciples to go through calamities and be reborn before repairing.But it was opposed by Empress Nuwa.So I gave up.In fact, he feels sorry for all the disciples.

actually.It was originally based on the legend of the sword fairy of the human race in later generations.Summarized a set of effective methods of practicing swordsmanship.only.The conditions for practicing this method are relatively cruel.It needs to be reborn after calamity.If you don't have any experience in Taoism, you can get twice the result with half the effort.It is definitely faster than the current practice method.But it's not easy to refute Empress Nuwa's kindness.The original can only give up.

Xuanyuan raised troops to unify the great cause of the human race and the original meaning.So Guang Chengzi was ordered to return to Kunlun Mountain after raising troops in Xuanyuan.And strictly ordered Guang Chengzi not to come out of the mountain without the invitation of the emperor.

He was invited by the emperor.Yuan Yuan Tianzun then sent all the twelve disciples under his seat and the two registered disciples to the stage.Even Yu Ding, who practiced hard in closed doors, was no exception.The disciples have been since the Lich's defeat.One after another retreated and practiced penance.Yuanyuan knows the truth behind closed doors.This time just let them show a little success in learning.But all the disciples were very excited.

Under the leadership of Master Yuding, the twelve major disciples of Chanjiao went straight to Xuanyuan's army.The twelve major disciples are Yuding Zhenren, Huanglong Zhenren, Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Taiyi Zhenren, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, Ci Hangdao, Master Lingbao, Fearing Sun, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Moral king.Carefully directed by the original.They all have the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian in the later stage.And Yuding already has the strength to fight against the quasi-sage masters.Plus the original quasi-holy master Ran Deng Taoist and the refining madman Yun Zhongzi.It just formed two sets of Big Dipper arrays.The disciples have gone through countless drills.Use this formation with ease to the extreme.

This war.It was just to warm up the disciples.Said in the original heart.The Conferred God War is the highlight.Yuan cast his gaze into the void.Looking at the Western Paradise from a distance.

And in the Western Paradise.The Buddha's mother Zhunti sage and the Buddha lead the sage to stay in the Xumi Palace to practice the secret.And outside the palace.Countless disciples dressed as monks.He is holding the Heart Sutra in his hand.Chanting loudly.The entire Sumeru Palace was enveloped by infinite auspiciousness.All the disciples are having morning classes.

Sudden.It seems to feel a tyrannical probe of divine sense.The receiving sage hurriedly waved the Oriental Qinglian Baose Flag and threw it out of the palace.In order to isolate the probe of the divine sense.The original instant divine sense returned to the body.I have never thought that Western Buddhism has such a magic weapon.Originally, Yuanyuan, who was particularly concerned about the magic weapon, became interested in winning it again.But now is obviously not the best time.The original sighed secretly.Then he closed his eyes and sat down.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Zhunti Saint was interrupted by the guide.Also woke up from the perception of heaven.Then he asked.

"It's Sanqing. I don't know if it's the original Tianzun. Or the leader of Tongtian. Just now, he even crossed time and space and put his divine sense into the Western Paradise. Look at its strength. I don't know who it is. But most likely it is the original Tianzun. I don’t know what happened this time.” Jieyin said to Zhunti with a bitter face.

Zhunti was shocked.Then he thought for a while and said: "Brother, I think it might be the leader of Tongtian. The strength of the leader of Tongtian is also unpredictable. In addition, he is very hostile to the West. Last time I broke his face again. This time I came to revenge Yes." Zhunti said with more certainty as he thought about it.

Master Tongtian's impression of Zhun Ti.It turned out to be the case.If only the primitive Taoists knew.I will definitely be secretly happy.

Looking at the Zhunti sage, he nodded solemnly and confidently.The reception is really speechless.He just couldn't figure it out.How stupid is this quasi-mention?He came to the opposite conclusion.He came to the conclusion based on the contact with the divine sense on the banner.What is his basis.The reception is unknown.

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