original sword god

130 9 Li Chiyou

The person who came was none other than Master Xuandu, the chief disciple of the Taishang Laojun, the Supreme Leader of the Renjiao, who was ordered by his master to announce the decree.

As soon as the words fell, nine days away, the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot driven by Emperor Fuxi floated over, calling out incessantly: "Imperial brother, hurry up and go with me,"

The crowd unexpectedly saw His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Human Race whom they had not seen for a long time, and immediately knelt down and cried loudly: "Your Majesty, the Emperor, seems to be moved, Fuxi immediately got out of the chariot and floated in the air, waving at the human race who bowed down. A greater power of faith shot up from the bodies of the human race, and after circling around the human race for a few times, they poured into Fuxi's primordial spirit one after another. Fuxi was overjoyed immediately.

Only then did Shennong slowly wake up from the shock, and immediately fell to his knees to accept the order.

A ray of yellow light appeared, and immeasurable black and yellow energy fell from the sky, fell on Shennong's soul and combined with it, a burst of intense light burst out, the eyes of all the people were blinded by this strong light, and Shennong The soul of the family turned over and over again, and when the yellow light disappeared, he saw the appearance of the Shennong family dressed as a young man appearing in front of everyone. He kept waving his hands to signal, and then the clouds and fragrance wafted from the soles of his feet, and he rushed back to Huoyun Cave to meditate with Emperor Fuxi.

With the arrival of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Earth one after another, the luck of the human race has once again risen to an unprecedented height. The Empress Nuwa and the leader of the Renjiao have noticed this, but they all lowered their heads and thought about it. The luck of the human race has risen Too fast and too violent, I am afraid it will affect the stable development of the human race.

All the supernatural powers in the prehistoric period also thought about it one after another.

The sudden death of the chief of the Jiuli tribe near the human race caught the chiefs of the Jiuli tribe who arranged for the successor by surprise. Patriarch throne.

The Jiuli tribe is the remnant force of the witch tribe in the prehistoric world, and it is a new race born after the marriage between the witch tribe and the human race. Although the blood of the witch tribe is much weaker in this race, it can be stimulated. It turned into a great witch-like existence, and after the evolution of this race, a faint spiritual soul was born. This secret has always been kept as the highest top secret of the Jiuli tribe in the deepest part of the hearts of the Jiuli tribe.

The new patriarch, Chi You, is a freak of the Jiuli clan. His strength is innately strong, but his soul is also extremely strong, and he seems to have innate wisdom. This Chi You patriarch has the same name as the ancestor Wu Chiyou. The shamans of the Li nationality all had the illusion that they were the incarnation of the previous thirteen ancestor Wu Chiyou, but this doubt could only be buried deep in their hearts.

Under the strong recommendation of the great elder Wu Ba, the new patriarch Chi You overcame the objections of all the elders, pushed the young Chi You to the position of elder, and Tu Xin, who was more confident in inheriting the position of patriarch, was appointed as the elder. Excluded, the elders didn't have the slightest objection to this matter. Seeing the elder elder who was somewhat thin, the elders were convinced.

Chi You looked at his master who was looking at him from a distance without blinking, and saw that his master's eyes were full of gratification and admiration. Looking at this eager eyes, Chi You couldn't help thinking of the feelings of his parents who had passed away. Chi You's eyes couldn't help becoming confused.

At that time, Chi You had just turned ten years old, and his father, who was the head of the tribe, invited a gentleman home from other places to teach Chi You martial arts. At that time, Chi You still looked at the young man suspiciously. The 30-year-old thin man who doesn't look like a man of the Wu clan felt a little contemptuous in his heart, but his father persisted, so Chi You had no choice but to respect his father's wishes and reluctantly place him under this "thin" gentleman.

In the courtyard of the Wu tribe, the sky had gradually turned dark. A mid-aged woman was standing in front of the house, holding the doorknob and looking out of the house, as if she was waiting for someone to come back. From time to time, his eyes turned to the young man in the compound.

In the courtyard, four iron tripods, one person tall, stood in the four corners of the courtyard, and countless iron chains about the thickness of a finger passed through the iron rings on the tripod cover to connect the courtyard. The four corners of the hall were sealed tightly, like a ring.

A boy about 15 years old, holding a half-human tall iron hammer in his hand, is violently hitting an iron ingot placed in the middle of the nine-day cold iron with a radius of [-] meters. The boy's resolute face shows the same A smile that didn't match his age at all, and the sledgehammer weighing several thousand catties was beating in his hand like a straw. After hitting the iron ingot fiercely, the half-foot-high square iron ingot was smashed instantly It became a piece of iron, and the middle-aged man standing next to the young man, not afraid of the heat of the iron ingot just after it was smashed, picked up the patch casually, turned and squeezed it a few times with his hands quickly, thin The patch instantly returned to its original state, and was quickly thrown onto the iron case by the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man moved his lips, and said sternly in his eyes: "You don't use enough strength, use seven points to close three points, there is a problem with your strength, remember that when you lean to the left, the center of gravity of your body moves with the hammer,... "

A trace of cold sweat slowly flowed from the young man's face, a trace of fear appeared on his face that had remained motionless when he raised the hammer to hit the iron ingot just now, the young man couldn't help but submissively said: "Master, Chi You knew it was wrong, Master, you Just stop talking," Chi You involuntarily wiped off the rainy sweat on his face, and just as Chi You was about to raise the sledgehammer again, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, and a man dressed as a farmer of about middle age entered the courtyard .

"Master Wuba, you have worked hard. In this way, it is already very late today, so please have some food for the master and the child. Today I killed two bison and prepared some good wine. Master will drink a few glasses with me today." , "When the middle-aged man saw the young man, there was a hint of relief in his eyes, but when he saw the young man's newly scarred tiger's mouth, it seemed to be cracked again, and the blood was slowly flowing down, and there was a burst of regret on his face. Open your mouth and say.

The middle-aged man Wu Ba followed Gengfu's eyes and saw the blood on Chi You's hand, and finally said with a soft heart: "Okay, that's all for today, and we will continue tomorrow."

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, a middle-aged woman hurriedly rushed out from behind Gengfu, with an anxious expression on her face, she grabbed the young Chi You's hand and looked at the bleeding tiger's mouth. It became red and swollen, and then he gritted his teeth and retracted the tears that had reached the corners of his eyes, put down the boy's hand, then pulled up the dress with both hands, and pulled a piece of cloth that was lowered, a strip of cotton cloth was torn off, the woman hurriedly used the cloth strip After wrapping the boy's hand several times, tie it tightly.

"Master, please come here for some food," the woman realized when Mr. Wu Ba and Gengfu watched the woman bandage Chi You's hands, without any embarrassment on her face, and then said in an easy-going manner .

"Patriarch, patriarch..." A hasty voice brought Chi You back from his memory, and Chi You straightened his posture immediately, as if waiting for a report. The elders burst out laughing when they saw Chi You's performance, and Chi You just remembered Like something, Teng Di's face turned red, and the elders laughed even louder when they saw this, and Chi You also grinned.

With the new patriarch in place, the Jiuli people were even more joyful. A grand celebration ceremony was held that night, and Chi You was so drunk that night that he returned to the house in a daze.

When he woke up the next day, he saw a naked girl lying in his arms. There was a tinge of red under the girl's body, and Chi You couldn't help turning red again. Chi You couldn't help stroking the bruises and purple marks that he had scratched on his skin with some pity.

This beautiful girl is about sixteen years old, with a green face, but she is a beauty embryo, as Chi You caresses, the girl's eyelids seem to twitch a few times, and then she seems to wake up Yes, Chi You hurriedly stopped the movement of his hands, but he seemed to be very angry in the morning, and Chi You was aroused again.

The girl underneath immediately sensed something was wrong, opened her eyes, looked at the young patriarch in confusion, then stretched out her hand and grabbed her body, as if she had been scalded, she immediately gave her hand away, and then her face His face was covered with red clouds, and Chi You couldn't control his desire after being clawed by this girl, so he turned over and rushed forward.

Pushing open the door, Chi You walked out of the room with his upper body on. Feeling the freshness of the morning air, Chi You couldn't help but took a deep breath. Immediately following the suction of his nostrils, countless auras spiraled one after another along the suction force. was sucked into the abdomen.

Ahem, Chi You, who is not used to it, coughed twice as if being choked, and then suddenly thought of something, Chi You suddenly performed the kung fu, and felt that his whole body was full of strength, as if he had been strengthened by more than ten thousand times last night. Similarly, Chi You couldn't help being overjoyed, and then walked towards the big cauldron in the courtyard. This big tripod was ten feet long, and it was the treasure of the Jiuli tribe. No one had ever been able to lift it. When he was young, Chi You always wanted to lift it, but Even if he tried his best, he couldn't move at all, let alone lift it up. At this time, another voice sounded in Chi You's heart: "Lift him up, you must be able to do it, you are the ancestor Wu Chi You,"

Chi You circulated the kung fu all over his body, and suddenly there was a beeping sound on his body, and Chi You's body suddenly increased several feet. At this moment, Chi You rushed to the unprecedented power to emerge from his body, as if it was about to explode, and immediately grabbed Standing on one corner of the cauldron, he suddenly exerted force on the soles of his feet, and a blue force suddenly appeared all over his body. Following Chi You's movements, the cauldron was slowly lifted up. Chi You was so happy that he howled loudly: "I came back,"

Suddenly a trace of soul appeared in the cauldron, Chi You was terrified, but it was too late to take precautions, but this soul followed Chi You's hands holding the tripod, and rushed into Chi You's brain, Chi You was shocked and sighed secretly When it was over, he closed his eyes and let the soul do what he wanted.

However, what he never expected was that this strand of soul did not damage his brain in any way, but slowly merged with his own soul. Chi You's hand that raised the cauldron still did not move, but the expression appeared on his face. There was a tinge of ghastly bluish-gray.

All the elders of the Jiuli clan were drunk last night and were sleeping soundly, but when they heard Chi You's roar, it seemed that something incredible happened, and they all turned into a blue shadow and rushed to the courtyard , Seeing Chi You's expression, they were very surprised and nervous, and wanted to go forward to pull Chi You.

"Don't touch him,"

The elder's voice and a girl's voice appeared at the same time, the elder was fine, where did the girl's voice come from? The elders looked back and saw the girl squatting in front of the door, suddenly covered her face with her hands , shyly as if about to get into the door.

Hahaha, these matured elders were all stunned for a while, and then laughed out loud knowingly.

But seeing Chi You's expression, everyone looked at the Great Elder with an extremely expectant look. The Great Elder nodded, and then signaled, all the elders came to Chi You together, and the Great Elder scolded in a low voice: " kneel down,"

The voice seemed to appear in the souls of the elders, and they knelt down involuntarily. The elders woke up and were about to get up, but they all knelt on the ground respectfully as if they remembered something, as if they were waiting for something.

After a long while, all the Jiuli people woke up. Seeing such a situation, they were all surprised. Although they didn't know the legend, they all knelt down when they saw all the elders kneeling on the ground.

The golden crow fell to the west, and seeing that the day was about to pass, the blue-gray color on Chi You's face disappeared. In an instant, Chi You opened his eyes, scanned the expressions of all the Jiuli people kneeling in worship, and then slowed down the big tripod that had been held up all day. Slowly put it in place, and then waved his arms and said: "My fellow Wu clansmen, everyone, get up."

Immediately, looking at the sky, Chi You murmured: "I, Zu Wu Chi You, I'm back,"

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