original sword god

129 The Emperor's Enlightenment

Although Fuxi ascended to heaven and left.But the remains of the human body remained.The human race cleaned up Fuxi's body.A mausoleum was established on the banks of the Cai River near Wanqiu, the capital.But human cultivators left vivid images of it.Every household has one.The descendants worship every day.

After the soul escaped from the body and merged with the original Yaozu body.Fu Xi's cultivation has reached a higher level and reached the peak of the quasi-sage in the later stage.Memories from when I was in the Terran.It's like playing a movie in your mind.And the cultivation base of the mind also cooperates with the enhancement of the physical cultivation base.And greatly increased.And the cultivation level of the Emperor Daoguo.Enough to make him immortal in immeasurable eons.

After entering Huoyun Cave.Fuxi secretly made up his mind to break away from all ties with Yaozu.Ideas just popped up.Countless powers of faith emerged from the body.This is caused by the incense worship of the human race in the lower realm.Fuxi suddenly mastered this method of following the power of faith.This way of cultivation is not stained with the slightest aura of the world of mortals.The original karma between Fuxi and Yaozu has been completely broken.

Shennong has made great contributions to the literature and art of the human race.He invented musical instruments.Eliminate the tung for the piano.The knots are strings.This Qin was later called Shennong Qin.The Shennong Qin is three feet six inches long.There are five strings on it saying: Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu'.The sound of this violin.Able to know the virtues of heaven and earth.It can represent the sum of Shennong.Can keep people entertained.

Shennong even invented the city.Today is the city.To the people of the world.Gather the goods of the world.Trade and get out.Everyone gets what they want.Barter markets became the common way of doing business.

And as the human race slowly develops.But once again faced with the danger of extinction.

Talk about the time of the Lich Wars.Leaving countless corpses of lich.As mentioned above, most of these corpses were swept away by Wutian.But a few have become food for wild beasts.Most of the human race eat the flesh and blood of beasts.If things go on like this.Gradually, symptoms appeared in the body.Even minor illnesses.Also because no one knows medicine.And suffering from illness.painfully.

in other words.The dead body that Wutian had inadvertently swept away.But it saved the lives of most human races.

Shennong for 15 years.A large area of ​​plague appeared in the human race.There were countless casualties.Shennong was heartbroken.Feel this.Shennong decided to go to the deep mountains and old forests in person.Go find herbs.In order to heal the people.

Since then.Shennong left the tribe.Start the journey of tasting Baicao.

Although Shennong was accepted as a disciple by Zhao Gongming.But stay on top for a long time.There is no time to practice the supernatant way.I only learned some simple ways to strengthen my body.When Shennong was picking herbs in the deep mountains and old forests.Encountered danger many times.Once surrounded by a group of poisonous snakes.The poisonous snakes rushed to Shennong together.Some loincloths.Some have legs bound.Some wrapped around their necks.I want to kill Shennong.Shennong was outnumbered.Eventually he was bitten and fell to the ground.The bleeding didn't stop.Swollen all over.He reluctantly shouted: "Teacher, come and save me."

Zhao Gongming was shocked and pinched his fingers to count.Immediately, Jin Ming was sent to turn into a green luan, hovering in the sky and peeping with a life-saving detoxification elixir in his mouth.Finally found Shennong in a forest.The poisonous snake saw Qingluan.They all ran away in fright.

Qingluan fed the elixir into Shennong's mouth.Shennong gradually woke up from the coma.

After Qingluan completed her mission, she returned gracefully through the clouds and fog.Shennong was grateful.Thank you loudly to the blue bird.

I don't know.a mouth.The elixir landed.Lihai took root and sprouted a green grass.A red bead grows on the top of the grass.Shennong took a closer look.Exactly the same as the elixir.Put it in your mouth and taste it.All the remaining pain in my body disappeared.So he happily said to himself: "There is a prescription for the poisonous snake bite."

Most of the human race went to the mountains to collect firewood for a living.Often bitten by snakes.After discovering this medicine.Shennong was very happy and named this herbal medicine "a bead on top of his head".Pharmacists named it "trillium"

Shennong was poisoned many times by eating poisonous weeds.After Zhao Gongming rescued her many times.Very irritable heart.So I remembered the treasure entrusted by my uncle.Then I was overjoyed.Will pinch the law.The cane given by the uncle immediately turned into a whip.

Shen Nong Shen Nong met the teacher.bow down.Two lines of muddy tears rolled down.He choked up and said: "The disciple is incompetent. I have dragged down the teacher. Thank you teacher for saving me."

Zhao Gongming sighed with emotion.Help up Shennong.Said to him: "You are now a mortal body. Even if you have a magnificent and exquisite jade body, you can see the internal organs. Identify the properties of herbs. But some poisons are extremely toxic. I am afraid that you will not be aware of it. Maybe you will be killed." life."

talking.Take out the red silk whisk that you carry with you.swing.Turn into a light whip storage.The meaning of red clay.The whole body is red.He said to Shennong who was looking up at himself: "This is the original sage who is my master. It was transformed from the congenital rattan that I saw in Buzhou Mountain. Before testing the medicine, use it to touch the herb. You can understand it in detail. Whether the vegetation is poisonous or non-toxic. Whether it is cool or warm."

Thank you Shennong.took over.Can't put it down.Smile through tears.Zhao Gongming said to him: "Don't be afraid of hardships and dangers. Complete this unworldly feat. Remember. Remember."Go away with the clouds.

Shennong bowed in the direction the teacher left.Pick up the storage whip.Started the process of tasting herbs again.He was poisoned seventy times in one day.Saved by the gambling whip.

Finally one day.People finally saw an old man in his sixties at the bottom of the cliff.Arguing that its appearance is still Shennong's.The current co-lord of the human race.

Just over 50 days.The age of Shennong seems to have passed 40 years.All I saw was a worn animal skin.Wrinkled.Messy hair and long beard.He also held a blade of grass in his hand.Standing in a corner of the cliff, he muttered to himself: "The nameless grass. It is cool in nature. The storage whip is red. It is highly poisonous."

Suddenly the old man stuffed the grass into his mouth.The human race was shocked and hurriedly stopped.But it was a step too late.Shennong had already swallowed this poisonous weed.Shen Nong felt as if his intestines had been cut off by a chainsaw.Shennong, who was covered in iron black, finally fell to the ground.

Zhao Gongming in the distance saw this situation.With tears in his eyes, he flew towards Jin'ao Island.But he hadn't waited for him to get up.But he was stopped by a middle-aged man behind him.Zhao Gongming saw the identity of the visitor.Hastily bowed down and said: "Gongming has seen the uncle. The uncle is holy."

The old man nodded kindly.He took out a jade bottle from his bosom.Without a trace of smoke all over his body, he said: "Let him take the elixir in this bottle. It will detoxify." Finish.The figure disappeared immediately.

Shennong was saved because of this.

At this moment, the grass was also named "broken grass" by Shennong.It is the poison that solves the human plague.As the saying goes, 'fight poison with poison'.Shennong crushed the herbs.After taking the plague with the water, the people were swallowed.After three spits and six vents.Finally lifted the catastrophe.

When Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs.With him is a live "instrument" that can only see the internal organs and twelve meridians, and help him identify the properties of medicine, a roe mouse.Also known as "deer lion", there is a folk saying that "medicine is not effective for deer and rats".

this day.Go to Shennongjia.This roe rat ate crotons.The diarrhea doesn't stop.Shennong put it under a green leaf tree to rest.It's been a night.The roe rat miraculously recovered.It turned out that the roe rat detoxified the poison by inhaling the dew dripping from the green tree.

Shennong picked off the green leaves of the green tree and put them in his mouth to taste.Feel refreshed, sweet and thirst-quenching.

Shennong taught people to plant this kind of green tree.It is now the tea tree.There is a folk saying in Shennongjia, "Tea trees were originally planted by Shennong. The white flowers and leaves are blooming. When planted, they are not afraid of clouds and fog. For a long time, they are not afraid of wind and rain. Tea made from young leaves can cure all kinds of poisons. Every family loves it." "Folk song.

Shennong reigned for 120 years.Although he feels that his merits are enough.But there is still no decree from the Supreme Being.Shen Nong was quite surprised.Immediately, he burned incense and summoned Master Zhao Gongming to come.

After asking.Only then did Shennong know the current problem.The number of human monks is increasing day by day.Consume the aura in the earth star.People from the earth and stars cannot go up to the heavenly courts.It has become the largest energy consumption of the earth star.

Shennong was shocked.Then I asked Master Zhao Gongming how to solve it.Gongming just left a sentence: "On the shore of the East China Sea. There are built trees." Then he drifted away.

Shennong immediately sent people to the East China Sea to look for Jianmu.It took ten years to build a ladder to the sky.Straight to heaven.Later generations called it: Shennongjia.When the words are ready.There are three thousand loose immortals in the human world who have become ascendant immortals.The aura of the human world is full again.It was originally gray.Immediately there was a thriving scene.

So in order to encourage people to live regularly.Cultivate crops according to season.Shennong recalculated the hexagram.Calendar day.Li Xingchen.Day and night.Set the date and month.The month is thirty days.November is the winter solstice.Shennong is due to the time of the sky.The benefits of dividing the land.The beginning of the rule of farming, righteousness, cold and warm.Think sooner or later.Therefore calendar day.

Shen Nong manages the tribe.Don't expect it to report.Don't be greedy for the wealth of the world.And the world is rich together.Wisdom is more valuable than people.The world respects it together.He treats virtue with righteousness.Don't reward but work hard.Evil is not punished.Don't fight and get rich.There is no order but the people obey.Mighty but not killing.Save the law and not bother.All the people respect him.

After repairing the wood.Shen Nong's aging body suddenly felt a burst of relief.Immediately, I felt that I had completed my merits and virtues.And his limit has come.Suddenly, he found that he hadn't passed on the medical skills he had mastered.Plus thinking about my daughter.Overjoyed and saddened, he fell ill in bed.

Mr. Zhao knew what he wanted.Immediately said: "You write down your experience. Make it into a manuscript. I will teach it to the Lord. You don't have to worry."

then.There is Shennong's dictation.And Zhao Gongming wrote it himself.Complete this medicinal herb book in a smooth manner.Finally, Zhao Gongming named it "Shen Nong's Materia Medica".

Shen Nong barely finished speaking.Then he spat out three mouthfuls of hot blood.fell dead.

A breeze blew by.Books flew to Chendu.It fell on the desktop of the future Renzhu Linkui.

Linkui is the eldest son of Shennong.Shennong passed away.The clan alliance elected him as the leader.Inherited his father's mantle.Bless the title of "Emperor Yan".He is worried about his father's health.Rumor has it that his father has passed away.Immediately weeping in sorrow.Suddenly a gust of wind passed by.A book appeared on the table.It is made of animal skins.Dense fonts are painted on it.The cover is "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" at first glance.I thought that my father's soul was in trouble.Special to give a treasure book.Kneel down to the treasure book.I vow to make this book public.Let people share.Don't let your father leave regrets.

at this time.In Jiangshui Basin, the purple air came [-] miles from the east for a while.There are thousands of auspiciousness.Purple air filled the air.A purple-robed Taoist shouted: "The Lord Shennong received the edict from the Supreme Leader Daode Tianzun."

The soul of Shennong rose from the body.He looked at Zhao Gongming in a daze.Zhao Gongming nodded to him.Said: "Hurry up to receive the order."

Shennong hurried out of the house.Kneel down.Just listen to the faint fairy voice from the sky:

"Taishang Wuji Hunyuan leader Daode Tianzun said: Shennong has benefited the human race. His merits are immeasurable.

Today, he is enshrined as the emperor of the human race by the imperial edict of Taishang Daode Tianzun.Uphold fire virtue.For Emperor Yan.He went to live in Huoyun Cave to practice.Not stained with cause and effect.When all kalpas are immortal.

Er Qiqinzai. "

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