Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 233: Today’s celebrity list, number one in the past!

Chapter 233: Today’s celebrity list, number one in the world in the past! (superior)

Phoenix set.

It's getting dark.

A person walked slowly from a distance, walked to the corner, turned his back to the door, and sat down slowly.

When he came a year ago, this was where he sat. But now this place is like a tomb, and there is absolutely nothing that can make people miss it.

Why did he even sit down? Is he nostalgic for the past? Still waiting?

If he was nostalgic, what happened in this place a year ago that made him nostalgic?

If he was waiting, what exactly was he waiting for?

Is it death? Real death?


Night finally enveloped the earth.

No lights, no candles, no fire, just darkness.

He didn't know how long he had been alone in this deathly silence, when suddenly a melodious string sound came from the distance in the wind.

At this moment, this feeling, this scene, this music sounds like fairy music coming down from the sky.

But when he heard the music, his empty eyes suddenly showed a strange expression. No matter what kind of expression it was, it was definitely not a happy expression.

The sound of music gradually approached, and at the same time as the music, there was actually the sound of a carriage.

Besides him, could anyone else come to this desolate dead town?

His eyes gradually returned to coldness, but his hand holding the knife tightened.

Does he know who is coming?

And what kind of music is Xianle? No one has ever heard of it!

But if there is a kind of music that makes people feel that it can melt their souls, or even their whole body, they will think that this kind of music is fairy music.

But he didn't melt.

He never moved from beginning to end, still sitting there quietly.

Because his name is Fu Hongxue, and his name is because the blood shed on the day of his birth dyed the snow on the ground red.

And Fu is the homophony of Fu, and Hongxue is the tragedy of Meihua Temple that year. That night, the "Invincible Sword" Tian Tian Yu was ambushed by Ma Kongqun. After a bloody battle, Tian Tian Yu, who was in desperate situation, died of exhaustion.

Along the way, Bai Tianyu killed dead people's flesh, blood and bones everywhere.

During the day, no one in Yu's party was spared. And only seven of the thirty killers remained.

Therefore, the white snow outside Meihua Temple was almost dyed red that night, so Hua Baifeng specially named him Hongxue, just to make him remember this hatred.

And his name is just like his person, cold and cold, as if he doesn't have the emotions that ordinary people should have!

He still sat there quietly, listening quietly...

Suddenly, eight big men in black clothes with colorful silk waists walked in quickly, each holding a bamboo basket in their hands. The bamboo basket contained all kinds of strange things, including rags and brooms.

They didn't even look at Fu Hongxue. As soon as they rushed in, they immediately started cleaning and tidying up the hotel.

Their actions were not only fast, but also extremely efficient.

Like a miracle, this messy and dilapidated hotel became brand new in an instant.

Except for the corner where Fu Hongxue sat, every place had been cleaned spotlessly. Wallpapers were pasted on the walls, bead curtains were hung on the doors, tablecloths were spread on the tables, and even the floor was covered with red carpets. felt.

Soon after, the eight people went out and stood by the door, and then four girls in colorful clothes came forward. They came in carrying bamboo baskets, filled the table with flowers, wine and food, and filled the gold cups.

Soon another group of singers strolled over, waving their five-stringed strings.

At this time, another watchgang sound suddenly sounded in the music, and it was already the first watch. From the window, you could see a man in white holding a watchggu, standing in the darkness like a ghost.

The drums sounded again, and the singing started again:

"The road to the end of the world has not returned to anyone,

A person’s soul is broken at the end of the world, and his soul is already broken before he reaches the end of the world..."

Before the singing stopped, Yan Nanfei walked in. When he walked in, he seemed to be drunk.

Who is Yan Nanfei?

He is number one on the "Celebrity List" today and is also the most famous swordsman in the world. He is even hailed as "the best swordsman in the world".

The flowers have not withered,

The moon is not missing,

Where does the bright moon shine?

There are roses in the sky. "

When the singing ended, Yan Nanfei sat down beside the flowers, among the beauties, and in front of the golden cup.

Amber wine, bright roses.

The fragrance of roses in his hands was intoxicating, and the wine was even more intoxicating.

Amber wine, bright roses.

The fragrance of roses in his hands was intoxicating, and the wine was even more intoxicating.

He has fallen drunk beside the night beauty's knees and in front of the amber bottle.

Beauty is also intoxicating, Huang Yingyin's laughter and bright smile.

His people are still young.

Young men are handsome, young men are rich in gold, flowers, wine and beauties are like jade.

The beauty took Yan Nantian's hand and whispered in his ear, with beauty and fine wine, at this moment anyone should completely forget the sorrow, trouble and pain in the world.

But Fu Hongxue seemed to regard everything in front of him as in vain.

There were never flowers, beauties, or wine in his eyes, but it seemed as if there was an invisible high wall that isolated his people from him.

In addition to their joy.

He has been isolated from joy for a long time.

The drum sounds again, it's the second watch.

Yan Nantian was talking to the beauty beside him.

There is still wine in his glass, the rose is still in his hand, and a beauty is holding his hand: "Why do you like roses?"

"Because roses have thorns."

"You like thorns?"

"I like to prick people, prick their hands, prick their hearts."

The beauty's hand was stung and her heart was stung. She frowned and shook her head: "This is not a good reason. I don't like to hear it."

Yan Yanfei smiled and said: "It is said that a long, long time ago, when the first rose bloomed in a far, far away place, there was a beautiful nightingale who loved it and even threw herself from the flower branch into the pond to her death.

"What a beautiful story!"

The beauty's eyes turned red: "It's a pity that it's too sad."

"you are wrong."

Yan Nanfei smiled happily: "Death is not a sad thing. As long as the death is glorious and beautiful, what's the point of dying?"

The beauty looked at Qiangwei in his hand, and Qiangwei seemed to be smiling too.

At this moment, the drum beat started again!

It’s the third update!

"Tianya Road,

Not classified

The third watch of the night,

People lose their souls. "

Yan Nanfei suddenly shook off her hand.

The music suddenly stopped.

Yan Nanfei suddenly waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

This word is like a magic spell. The ghostly watchman in white outside the window has just struck the third watch. As soon as this word is said, the place that was full of joy just now suddenly becomes only two people.

Even the beauty who was stabbed by the rose was determined, but her hand was stabbed/the wound in her heart was deeper.

The carriages and horses were far away, and the land became dead silence again. Fu Hongxue still sat there quietly, not hearing, not seeing, not moving.

Yan Nanfei stood up.

When he stood up, he could see the sword on his waist. The hilt was bright red and the scabbard was also bright red.

Redder than roses, redder than blood.

The house that was full of joy just now suddenly became full of murderous intent.

He started to walk forward towards Fu Hongxue.

Even though his men were drunk, his sword was not.

His sword is already in hand

Pale hands, bright red sword.

Fu Hongxue's sword is also in his hand. His sword has never left his hand.

Dark knife, pale hands!

Yan Nanfei suddenly drew his sword. It seemed that the situation was tense. There was about to be a duel between the two that would be remembered for hundreds of years!

However, the sword energy was right between Fu Hongxue's eyebrows.

Fu Hongxue still doesn’t hear, doesn’t see, or doesn’t move!

The sword light passed by, and the bead curtains one foot away broke off one after another, falling like the tears of a beautiful woman.

Then the sword light suddenly disappeared.

The sword was still in Yan Nanfei's hand. He held the plane in both hands and held it in front of Fu Hongxue.

This is a sword that is unparalleled in the world

He uses swordsmanship that is unparalleled in the world

Now he wants to give this sword to Fu Hongxue?

Fu Hongxue finally raised his head at this moment. His face became even paler under the light, but his eyes were fixed on the sword in Yan Nanfei's hand.

His face was expressionless, but his pupils were shrinking.

Yan Nanfei was also staring at Murong Fu, but there was a hint of weirdness in his expression, as if he was hiding something unspeakable in his heart.

The two people's eyes looked at each other, as if a series of contemptuous sparks were flying.

Fu Hongxue suddenly said: "You are here."

Yan Nanfei said: "I'm here."

Fu Hongxue said, "I knew you would come."

Yan Nanfei said, "Of course I will come. Of course you know that. Otherwise, how could you let me go a year ago?"

The two seemed to be asking and answering each other, but even if there were people around them, it was difficult to understand what was going on between them.

The reason was that just a year ago, at this Phoenix gathering, Yan Nanfei, the most famous swordsman in the world, was defeated by Fu Hongxue at this moment.

This news is so secret that only one or two people in the world know about it.

Fu Hongxue sighed softly: "It's been a long year."

Yan Nanfei also sighed and said, "It's been such a short year."

Is a year long or short?

Fu Hongxue said: "Have you finished your work now? Have you fulfilled your wish?"

The sky is full of sword light, and the sword is thin and lightning-like.

The knife seemed to be very slow.

But before the sword light arrived, the sword had already penetrated the sword light and blocked it.

Then the knife was at his throat.

Fu Hongxue's knife, Yan Nanfei's throat!

Yan Nanfei stared at the long black knife in front of him. At this moment, he seemed to be lost in memories again. After a long time, he heard him say slowly: "A year ago, I was defeated by your sword!"

Fu Hongxue said calmly: "Although you are young, your sword skills are old!"

Last year, at this time, he was defeated by Fu Hongxue's sword.

Fu Hongxue once asked Yan Nantian if he had fulfilled his wish?

But Yan Nantian's answer was surprising. Even if he had an unfulfilled wish, it was still his business. No one could force him to do something he didn't want to do.

Even Fu Hongxue is the same!

And now it seems that he is unwilling to tell his story. It is obvious that he is going to die.

After a long time, Fu Hongxue finally said: "Are you here to seek death?"


At the same time, there was another visitor in Phoenix Collection.

The moonlight was deep, and a person was walking quietly in this dead market.

The world only knows that animals and birds, including people themselves, will die, but they don’t understand that the market will die too. For example, the Phoenix Market itself is already dead right now!

Although the street is neither long nor wide, there are dozens of shops and households.

There are countless similar small towns in the world, and each one looks like this, with simple shops, cheap goods, kind families, and honest people. The only difference is that although there are still such shops in Fenghuangji, they are not. There is no one left.

No one.

Some of the doors and windows on both sides of the street were closed, but they were all dilapidated. Thick dust accumulated outside the houses, and spider webs had formed under the eaves at the corners.

Obviously, during this year, something happened in this border town that outsiders didn't know about.

This man was strolling through this dead town, as if he were strolling through the back garden of his own home. After a while, he saw a restaurant in the distance.

Suddenly a wind blew by, causing a wooden signboard on the street to "squeak". You could still vaguely make out the eight words written on it: "Chen's old shop, old wine!"

This was once a respectable sign in the town, but it was now broken and cracked, like an old man's teeth.

But in this dead town, there are far more terrifying things than this sign.

The rotten wooden door of a small shop facing the street was suddenly shaken open, and something rolled in. It turned out to be a shiny golden ball as big as a wheel.

In the blink of an eye, the golden ball rolled straight in front of his eyes and was about to hit him.

No one can withstand the force of a collision. This kind of force cannot be resisted by human flesh and blood.

And the man in white just suddenly stretched out his hand, to be precise, it was a finger.

The unstoppable golden ball came to a halt with just a tap of his fingertips.

At the same moment, the golden ball suddenly popped out thirteen sharp spears and pierced the man in white.

But this man just turned his fingers into palms, and the sharp spear head stabbed the visitor. The golden ball, which seemed to weigh more than a thousand kilograms, was imprinted on it with his palm.

His palm seemed light and powerless, but the golden ball seemed to be swept away by a huge force. It suddenly made a 180-degree turn and roared into the "Chen Family's Old Shop".

The wall suddenly collapsed with a "bang", and the bright moonlight shone through the gap into this small shop that was supposed to be deserted.

The two figures inside were clearly illuminated. One was sitting in the corner holding a knife, while the other was holding a long sword in both hands, standing quietly in front of the man.

These two people were Fu Hongxue and Yan Nanfei.

It's just that only the two of them should have known about this dead town, but now suddenly there were outsiders, and the situation began to become confusing again.

At this moment, the thick clouds above the night sky also began to disperse, and the long street outside the town was suddenly shrouded in bright moonlight, making the man in white outside the street look extremely sacred.

The person who came was dressed in white, with a long sword hanging from his waist. His face was handsome, free and elegant. Under the moonlight, his whole body faintly revealed a sense of airiness that was rare in the world. He was as noble as an immortal descended from the sky. , not stained by the slightest dust in the world.

Looking at the young man in white who suddenly appeared, Fu Hongxue and Yan Nantian rarely looked at him at the same time.

Both of them can be regarded as rare masters in the world. Their own eyesight and knowledge are extraordinary, but this is the first time they have seen such a person.

Even Yan Nantian, who was full of gold, sang songs, and prided himself on being chic, was for the first time dimmed in front of such a person.

Fu Hongxue also stared closely at the visitor. He had experienced endless pain, and rarely had a dazzling feeling in his heart. He even ignored the golden ball that crashed into the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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