Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 234 Today’s celebrity list, number one in the past!

Chapter 234: Today’s celebrity list, number one in the world in the past! (Down)

At the same time, the golden ball that had just endured a critical blow suddenly split open like petals, and a person emerged.

A little man like Zhu Ru was sitting cross-legged on the ground. The spherical shell cracked like petals and slowly fell down, but his man was still sitting there motionless.

The blow just now was like a huge force, enough to destroy gold and jade with ease, but this dwarf-like little man was still sitting still. Not only did he not move, but his face had no expression at all, like a wooden man.

The only difference is that his face is slightly pale.

Fu Hongxue looked at him coldly. He didn't move, and neither did Fu Hongxue.

At this time, Fu Hongxue and Yan Nantian turned to look at him, but he remained motionless, as if he was a wooden man without fear.

But how can the wooden man move?

But this wooden man suddenly moved!

Not only did he move extremely fast, but he moved even more strangely. Suddenly, he suddenly crashed into the arms of the man in white.

He didn't have a weapon in his hand, but did he have to use a weapon to kill someone?

The answer is naturally no, because the person itself can be regarded as the weapon itself.

For example, the current dwarf uses himself as a weapon. His whole body, limbs, and limbs can be regarded as weapons.

It should be noted that no matter how terrible weapons are, they must be used by humans, but the weapons themselves are dead. It is humans themselves who give them their strange power.

And weapons like his are alive in themselves.

At the same time, in an instant, under the dry ground under the man in white, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out and grasped the feet of the man in white.

This move is extremely astonishing. The dwarf's movements are strange and fast, and now another person is ambushed underground in advance. The two of them cooperate so closely that they can be said to be perfect.

Even if it were any famous master in the world, facing their tacitly coordinated killing move, I'm afraid he would just hate it on the spot.

The hand stretched out from the ground and the wooden man who suddenly rushed towards the arms of the man in white, the two of them attacked in tacit agreement. Seeing that the wooden man's hands were about to tightly lock the weakest throat of the man in white.

However, faced with such a tacit cooperation between the two, the man in white seemed to be unable to react in time, and he was about to die.

But I heard the man in white suddenly snort. This snort seemed incomparable, but it was the wooden man flying in the air, and the figure hiding underground shook at the same time, as if he had suffered a strange and serious injury, and suddenly flew out.

The wooden man's throat suddenly became sweet, and a trace of bright red seemed to emerge from the corner of his mouth.

The blood flowing from the corner of his mouth was also bright red. It turns out that wooden people can also bleed...

Immediately afterwards, another person was seen jumping out of the ground quickly. This person's head was covered with mud, like a clay figure.

And this clay figurine is also a dwarf.

The two of them were injured at the same time. The moment they appeared, they turned over again and landed in another corner, huddled together.

Fu Hongxue and Yan Nanfei watched quietly, with the same expressions on their faces, as if they were not surprised by this scene.

The clay figurine covered his chest and said slowly, "You are the one who harmed me. You must have made sure you won't miss this move."

The wooden man also covered his chest and replied: "If you can't do this, you will still die if you go back. It's better to die now."

The two looked at each other, and the wooden man actually took out a firecracker from his body. He lit his clothes on fire.

The fire burned so fast, his people were instantly burned and turned into a pile of fire.

The clay figurine had already avoided it, but suddenly he shouted, "No, you can't die now. You still have three thousand taels of silver on you. It will be useless if it is burned to ashes."

However, at this moment, there was a voice coming from the fire: "Come and get it..."

But the clay figurine replied: "I'm afraid of getting burned!"

Suddenly there was a faint sigh from the fire, and a stream of water spurted out from the fire. It fell like raindrops on the fire and turned into a mist.

The fire was immediately extinguished and turned into thick smoke. The wooden man was still in the smoke, and no one could see how he had been burned.

However, Fu Hongxue and Yan Nantian didn't even look at it. They only cared about that one person from beginning to end.

The smoke dispersed, filled the small hotel, and then drifted out through the doors and windows. It's windy outside.

When the smoke group went out, it was gradually blown away.

The black cat stumbling across the long street not far away was hiding behind a wooden pillar in the distance.

A wisp of smoke was blown by the wind, and the cat suddenly fell down, twitching and shrinking.

At this time, the man in white, Fu Hongxue, and Yan Nantian were all in the smoke.


When the smoke dissipated, a smile appeared on the wooden man's lips. He was extremely sure that his opponent had fallen...

Since they came out of the world, countless famous masters have fallen under the smoke of the two of them. Even Shi Batian and Tong Hu knelt in front of him and begged.

Just for that wispy glimmer of life!

However, this time they were destined to be disappointed, because the three people present did not fall down, but their eyes were actually shining.

The light in the wooden man's eyes began to extinguish as the fire on his body began to extinguish, revealing the dark bones and flesh, which looked like unburnt gold and iron, but also like burnt charcoal.

Yan Nanfei frowned slightly and suddenly said: "You are a double kill of the Five Elements!"

"Wood is hidden in gold, water and fire come from the same source," "Escape through the earth, and use the ghost's hands to catch one's feet." These are all unpredictable assassination methods. The Five Elements Double Kill is also one of the most valuable among professional assassins. It is said that they are already rich men with a fortune of tens of millions.

It's a pity that there are many rich people in the world who, in the eyes of some people, are simply worthless.

The clay figurine smiled, obviously very confident in his name, and said: "He is metal, wood, water and fire, and I am a scholar..."

However, before he could finish his words, his face suddenly turned pale, his eyes showed fear as he stared at the man in white not far away, and said tremblingly: "You..."

He was standing there perfectly fine. As soon as he said the word "you", his face suddenly turned pale. The next moment, all the flesh and blood in his body seemed to be drained out. Suddenly he became dry and haggard, and suddenly he collapsed. Go down.

Fu Hongxue seemed to turn a blind eye to this scene.

And Yan Nantian's eyes were shining with a strange light, as if he had remembered something.

Only the wooden man smiled bitterly and said tremblingly: "You are Xingxiu Hai..."

Unknowingly, his face turned pale, and while he was speaking, his body became stiff.

he died!

Seeing this scene, Yan Nantian sighed and said, "Is it possible that you can't see the martial arts used?"

Fu Hongxue said: "I can't tell."

Yan Nanfei said: "This is one of the only two kung fu techniques in the 'Great Compassion between Heaven and Earth Conquering Yin and Yang' that has been passed down to the human world."

Fu Hongxue said: "Oh?"

Yan Nanfei said: "The Great Soul Searcher of Heaven and Earth Destruction, you may not know this martial art, but maybe you should know this person."

Fu Hongxue said: "Oh?"

Yan Nanfei continued: "Eighteen years ago, someone once joined hands with the famous hero Ye Kai to defeat the masters of the Demon Cult in Chang'an City. In one fell swoop, they thwarted the Demon Cult's move southward and the money gang's rise to power!"

Perhaps because of the mention of Ye Kai, Fu Hongxue's iceberg-like expression finally changed.

He naturally knew Ye Kai, and the friendship between the two of them was extraordinary. There had been rumors in the world that there were only a few people in the world who knew Ye Kai's whereabouts, and he was among them.

Yan Nanfei said: "Furthermore, the Fuwei Escort Bureau founded by him could be regarded as the leading force in the world in the past. Even the Money Gang and Shen Knife Hall had never been so powerful. It was just that he was eighteen years ago. He disappeared mysteriously and his whereabouts are still unknown..."

"Could it be him?"

Fu Hongxue seemed to have remembered something, and her tone became solemn as she stared at Murong Fu.

Although he and Ye Kai were not biological brothers, they were better than biological brothers. When Ye Kai and others worked together to defeat the Demon Cult in Chang'an City, he was accompanying a kind old lady in a remote countryside. Therefore, he naturally missed this battle, but later he also heard rumors that Ye Kai and others were working together to defeat the Demon Sect.

"Yes, it is the Master Murong who 'repays others with his own way'!"

When Yan Nanfei said this, he suddenly showed respect in his words, and took the initiative to salute the man in white beside him: "Yan Nantian has met Mr. Murong!"

The man in white sighed softly and said: "I didn't expect that after so long, there are still people in the world who know my name!"

"No one in the world dares to forget the great name of the young master!"

When Yan Nantian heard this, he remained respectful.

Murong Fu smiled and said, "Now that you are number one on the celebrity list, you also know my name?"

This man in white is naturally him. In this border town under the moonlit night, he is the only one who would travel thousands of miles to get here.

Fu Hongxue said: "List of celebrities in the world?"

Murong Fu said: "Yes, it is the list of celebrities in the world!"

Fu Hongxue's face turned even paler.

He elaborated on the people who had become famous in the world, and no one would bow to anyone.

In the past, Bai Xiaosheng wrote a "weapon catalog" to criticize the world's masters. Although he was fair, it still caused a series of murders. Later, some people even said that he deliberately caused trouble in the world.

How did this "celebrity list" come about? Do you have ulterior motives?

Murong Fu said: "It is said that this list of people was written by Gong Ziyu. There are only thirteen names on the list."

Fu Hongxue suddenly sneered and said, "His own name is definitely not on the list."

Murong Fu said: "You guessed it right."

Fu Hongxue's eyes flashed and she asked again, "What about you and Ye Kai?'

This time it was Yan Nantian who took the initiative to explain, "The names of Mr. Murong and Ye Kai are not here either. This may be just because they have completely separated themselves from the world. They are already outside the world and in the sky beyond the sky."

Fu Hongxue was silent, and her eyes seemed to have suddenly reached a distant place.

On the far bank of the sky, the cool breeze blows, and a man's clothes are fluttering. As if waiting to ride on the wind.

Murong Fu said: "I know Ye Kai is your only friend!"

Fu Hongxue's eyes suddenly became as cold as razor blades, and she said coldly: "I have no friends, none at all."

There was a strange light in Murong Fu's eyes, and then he slowly said, "But he once said that you are his only brother!"

Only brother?

After hearing the words from Murong Fu's mouth, Fu Hongxue's expression changed obviously.

He didn't move or speak, but there was a strange light in his eyes, and the expression on his face was equally strange.

Obviously, these overly warm words were a bit cruel to him personally.

It's like a person who has been alone for a long time, and there is an extra person holding an umbrella for you. This kind of warmth is not suitable for people like Fu Hongxue.

Fu Hongxue stared at the knife in his hand and was silent for a long time. The expression on his face showed an indescribable loneliness.

People like him have never had many friends, and now even his enemies don't have many left.

How many people in heaven and earth are worthy of being his friends?

"Are you Yan Nanfei?"

Seeing Fu Hongxue become silent, Murong Fu turned to look at Yan Nantian who was standing aside.

"If there is no one with the same name in the world, I would be Yan Nanfei!"

Yan Nanfei's tone was very complicated, and it was obvious that he had a heavy secret hidden in his heart.

"I know you, these two people originally came for you!"

Looking at the seemingly dashing Yan Nanfei in front of him, Murong Fu suddenly revealed a secret.

"Yes, but for some reason he took the initiative to attack the young master..."

Yan Nanfei's expression was a little bitter.

Although he only said half of the words, he already understood the reason.

For eighteen years, the name of the Gusu Murong clan has been resounding throughout the world, and everyone in the martial arts world knows this name.

It's just that his origins are mysterious. Of course, he was like a divine dragon coming into the world. He disappeared from the world in just a few months. Afterwards, all major forces secretly inquired about his whereabouts.

However, in the end, they all found nothing, as if there had never been a person like him in this world!

But half a month ago, news spread that he appeared in Chang'an. Although this rumor was secret, many big figures in the world had already learned about it.

And he is among them...

He just didn't expect that this big man who was famous all over the world would actually appear in front of him.

"Although I have only appeared in the world for a month, the news cannot be hidden from interested people. Faced with my appearance, some people will naturally not feel at ease. It is natural to send people to test!"

Murong Fu looked at Yan Nanfei in front of him quietly and said calmly.

"It's Gongziyu!"

Yan Nanfei already had the answer.

The restaurant suddenly became quiet, as if even the moonlight in the sky had stopped at this moment.

This name has great magic power in the world, just like the heroes Shen Lang, Xiao Li Tanhua, Murong Fu and Ye Kai.

Murong Fu said: "It seems that you know him very well?"

Yan Nanfei said bitterly: "That's right, because except me, no one else knows that he deserves to die!"

Fu Hongxue suddenly said: "You want to kill him!"

Yan Nanfei nodded stiffly and said, "I want to kill him, neither to win fame nor to increase the price. But to do justice and justice, because I know his secret, and I am the only one..."

"This is your unfulfilled wish!"

Fu Hongxue seemed to have guessed something.

Yan Nanfei admitted, nodded and said: "I have indeed made up my mind to never tell anyone...

Fu Hongxue said: "Why do you want to tell me now?"

Yan Nanfei looked at him, at the raindrops on his face, at his pale face, and said, "I'm telling you now because I suddenly discovered something."

Fu Hongxue asked, "What's the matter?"

Yan Nanfei smiled again, looked at Murong Fu and said calmly, "Because this matter involves one person, one who can avenge me!"

Perhaps this secret had been hidden in his heart for too long, and the smile in Yan Nanfei's eyes turned into pain again.

I just heard him say slowly, "Gong Ziyu, that person I killed quickly, but unfortunately I know that I will never be able to kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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