Ruanruan answered very firmly.

She may not be able to tell what the other person is, but she can tell good and evil with just a glance.

"Then what should I do? If there is such a thing pestering my eldest brother, wouldn't he be in danger?"

Mu Cong was startled, worry written all over his face.

"Actually, it's not dangerous. It won't hurt your life. Brother is destined to suffer this fate. Since we can't stop it, we might as well take it one step at a time."

Ruanruan felt that she had tried her best, but Mu Qi could still get together with Luan Taohua, which only meant that there was a fate that could not be avoided.

It's not like she doesn't want to catch the monster behind her.

But everything has a cause and effect.

If it is that goblin who comes to provoke her, and kills or subdues it, it will be considered her cause and effect, and she is following the trend.

But the eldest brother didn't believe her and didn't ask her for help.

Then this matter has nothing to do with me.

It doesn't matter that if she takes action at will, she will be implicated in the cause and effect. It may also have a bad impact on her elder brother because of her accident.

"Sister, are you really not going to care about big brother?"

Mu Cong thought Xiaotuanzi was unhappy and wanted to let go.

But Ruanruan was completely out of line with his brain circuit, and she didn't understand what he meant at all.

I could only nod my head very honestly.

"Well, I can't control it."

"That won't work! No, no, I...I can't let my eldest brother jump into the fire pit, I have to keep an eye on him."

Mu Cong originally wanted to beg Ruanruan's sister again, asking her not to give up, just in case the elder brother could save her again.

But the words came to my lips but I couldn't say them out.

He could clearly see what eldest brother's attitude was just now.

This is my brother.

If it were anyone else, he would have to throw up his sleeves and leave. Ren Ping would never help him no matter how much he begged.

After thinking about it, Mu Cong could only think of one way to follow Mu Qi: himself.

From what he sees, he shouldn't develop that much.

"Then I'll go with you."

Ruanruan glanced at Mu Cong.

She always felt that this second brother didn't seem very smart.

A big brother who doesn't quite understand the situation.

A second brother who is not very smart.

Hey, if they were left alone to get along with that goblin, she might no longer have a brother tomorrow.

"I knew Ruanruan was the best. Let's go and observe in secret."

Mu Cong was very surprised and agreed with a smile.

He picked up the little dumpling and tiptoed back to the door of Mu Qi's office.

I found a blind spot, brought in small stools and snacks, and started waiting.

The children, one large and one small, two and a half years old, behaved like spies.

Staring at Mu Qi's every move.

At the end of the whole day, Mu Cong felt as if the Mary Sue novel had come into reality.

They started at ten o'clock in the morning and kept watching until three o'clock in the afternoon.

In these short few hours, the assistant threw himself on the ground in various ways and fell into Mu Qi's arms accurately.

Or perhaps, various situations suddenly occurred, causing the two people to have varying degrees of close contact. The least inappropriate time is when the assistant is delivering coffee.

The floor of the office was obviously very flat, and there was nothing strange about her walking posture, but when she was only one step away from Mu Qi, she fell again.

This time, the two fell into each other's mouth by mistake.

The picture is too beautiful to look directly at.

"He! The eldest son of the Mu family! He is cold and ruthless and should not be approached by strangers, but she is the only one who can approach him."

"She! An ordinary assistant! Stubborn yet delicate, she doesn't give up for five buckets of rice. She has become the most special glory in his life!"

"She accidentally sprained her foot, spun around and fell into his arms; she accidentally spilled coffee on herself, and he wiped her gently with a handkerchief; she..."


Shen Weixun really couldn't listen anymore.

Half an hour ago, after witnessing various incredible scenes, Ruanruan decisively called the third senior brother for help.

Shen Weixun arrived at the Mujia company building as quickly as possible, and met with Ruanruan and Mu Cong to find a private room in a hotel to eat and chat.

As a result, he was here listening to Mu Cong complaining about various idol drama plots for half an hour.

"Ruanruan, you better say it."

Shen Weixun rubbed his slightly aching temples.

The second brother Ruanruan is indeed a bit familiar.

No! To be precise, it’s too familiar!

Even though they didn't know each other, this guy was able to act like he was very familiar with him, and gave an emotional speech in front of him without even the slightest bit of image.

Shen Weixun truly felt that Mu Cong had the talent to write novels.

That lively and joyful look is really hard to describe in words.

Ruanruan couldn't bear to listen anymore and the second brother went crazy.

Since the curse on the second brother was lifted, his temper has indeed improved a lot, but his personality seems to be getting more and more lively.

I also like to be surprised.

She couldn't understand most of what was said.

"'s just that my eldest brother seems to be haunted by the fairy sister."

Ruan Ruan briefly talked about how he observed Mu Qi's face and found that his movement of red luan stars was accompanied by blood evil disasters, the talisman was broken, and what he saw and heard today.

"Third Senior Brother, do you also find it strange? I have observed it for a long time, and the fairy sister has no idea of ​​sucking the essence of the elder brother. After coming into contact with the fairy sister, the evil energy produced by the elder brother is all from himself. I really I just can’t figure out what the fairy sister wants to do.”

Ruanruan scratched his head, looking sad.

The chubby little face was twisted into a ball, so cute.

Shen Weixun couldn't bear it anymore, he stopped and rubbed Nian Nian's chubby face and said, "Have you forgotten what senior brother taught you? People's pursuit is nothing more than wine, sex and wealth. If she deliberately gets close to your eldest brother, her purpose will always be unavoidable. Open these four words."

" fairies need these too?"

Of course Ruanruan remembered what Shen Weixun told her before, but what the third senior brother said at that time was what people pursue.

But do fairies need these?

"She just worshiped the monster, she is not one."

Shen Weixun was helpless.

Xiaotuanzi discovered that the woman had a demonic aura, and then preemptively equated her with the demon.

Completely forgetting the nature of that woman as a person.

People cannot escape worldly desires~

Naturally, these are the only four things I want.

"That's right! The fairy sister is not a fairy... Then why is it that after the elder brother came into contact with her, he was not sucked by the essence, and the evil spirit became stronger and stronger?"

"That's because her appearance has affected your eldest brother's fate. She may not have harmful thoughts, but she will definitely affect your eldest brother."

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