Ruanruan probably understands.

The goblin sister may not want to bring bad luck to the eldest brother when she approaches her eldest brother, nor does she want to harm his life.

I just simply want to get something from my eldest brother.

But she doesn't hurt the eldest brother, but it will bring bad luck to him.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what should I do next? I keep cutting off this peach blossom. I have just tried to cut it directly with magic, but every time I cut it, it will be connected quickly. This bad fate seems to be a hit. It’s destined to be the same.”

It’s not like Xiaotuanzi hasn’t worked hard for his elder brother.

Throughout the morning this morning, she performed the secrets more than a dozen times, using all methods. It was clear that she had completely cut off this peach blossom in the last second, but as soon as the fairy sister appeared, the eldest brother would know the Hongluan star again. move.

She was afraid that if she continued to kill him, her eldest brother's good relationship would be wiped out by her, and he would end up alone.

"I guess the problem shouldn't be with that woman. You have been able to cut off this bad relationship. The problem should be with your eldest brother."

Shen Weixun kept tapping his fingers on the table. After thinking for a long time, he captured what Ruanruan said before and made a bold guess.


Ruanruan is confused and doesn't know why.

"Didn't you say that the Pure Heart Curse was added to the charm you gave him yesterday? The Pure Heart Curse can guarantee a person's clarity of mind. If that woman used a confusing spell on your elder brother, then after the Peach Blossom Cutting Talisman is broken, the Pure Heart Curse will The effect will also disappear, but you can still feel the existence of the curse seal today, which proves that the woman has not confused your brother."

"Marriage is not a one-sided thing. Whether a marriage is good or bad, two people must participate in it before it can be called a cause and effect."

"Your eldest brother helped her speak today, and you can also feel that he is awake. In addition, the marriage line has been cut off no matter how hard it is. It is most likely because your eldest brother's heart is moved every time he sees her."

"In other words, your eldest brother likes her very much and wants to have contact with her as soon as he sees her, so no matter how you interfere, there is no way to hinder their subsequent development."

There are some mantras that can indeed control the human mind.

But no matter what kind of spell it is, if you want to control people's hearts, there must be a necessary condition.

That is, people who are controlled by magic must have this idea in their hearts.

Just like Mu Cong.

He was cursed and his temper became even more irritable because he was not a gentle person.

He has a somewhat straightforward temper, and even without spells, he can get angry easily.

It's just that when there is no spell, he can stay rational, suppress some unnecessary anger, and will not lose his temper randomly.

Another example is the soft mother.

When Xiaotuanzi's mother lost her daughter, all she could think about was softness.

This also gives others the possibility to take advantage of it and graft all these thoughts and maternal love onto another person.

The reason why the spell can be cast successfully is because they are such people themselves, or they are eager for something.

If Mu Qi really has no feelings for that woman, it will be useless no matter how hard she tries.

If he doesn't move, no one can do anything to him.

"Ah? Are you saying that my eldest brother likes that girl? That girl is not good-looking either. She is ordinary. Her eyes are just okay. The two of them just met yesterday. It shouldn't be love at first sight. ?”

Ruanruan didn't react at all, but Mu Cong jumped up in surprise.

Why had he never noticed that his elder brother's aesthetics was a little different from ordinary people before?

"Is there a possibility that it's not love at first sight at all? How much do you know about him? How much do you know about his past? Have they known each other before? Do you know anything about this?"

Shen Weixun raised his eyelids, stroking Xiao Ruanrou's soft hair with one hand, while picking up vegetables for the little dumpling. "Can't you? Why have I never heard of it? Did Brother know this person before?"

"Is that true? We'll find out after some investigation. Give me half an hour and you can eat first."

Investigating whether two people knew each other before was not a difficult task for Shen Weixun, who was well-connected.

All it takes is a phone call.

Ruanruan has been immersed in the ocean of delicious food. She no longer cares about the troubles of the fairy sister and her eldest brother, and quietly fights with the food in front of her.

Mu Cong pouted and wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

He selfishly thought it was impossible.

The eldest brother used to have such a good relationship with him. If there was a girl he liked, why wouldn't he tell him?

Even if you don't tell him, there must be some clues.

But he never found out about it.

Mu Cong firmly refused to admit that he was crazy and took a few mouthfuls of food absentmindedly.

After about ten minutes passed, the information Shen Weixun needed was sent to his mobile phone.

After a cursory glance, he showed a look of understanding.

This kind of information is definitely difficult to understand, but it is not a problem for a teenager who is about to become an adult.

He directly pushed the phone towards Mu Cong.

"See for yourself, they were classmates from junior high school to high school, and they knew each other a long time ago.


Mu Cong's eyes widened and he took the phone in disbelief.

I very patiently started reading word by word.

There isn't much information shown, after all, Shen Weixun didn't ask anyone to investigate in depth, but the things that are just on the surface are enough to make people imagine.

The assistant's name is Xu Nuannuan, who is the same age as Mu Qi.

The family conditions are indeed not good. Her parents died young, and she has only one grandfather to depend on.

With very excellent results, he transferred to Mu Qi's aristocratic school in the second year of junior high school.

The scholarships and subsidies from aristocratic schools are quite considerable. At that time, the school offered extremely generous conditions in order to recruit her to transfer to another school.

It was enough for her to go from poverty without food and clothing to directly into the ranks of a working-class family.

After Xu Nuannuan transferred to another school, she was in Mu Qi's class.

Both of them studied well, and the teacher arranged for them to sit at the same table.

Mu Qi has been a popular figure in the school since he was a child. There are many girls in the school who have a crush on him. Before Xu Nuannuan came, his last classmate also had a crush on him.

Xu Nuannuan snatched her seat as soon as she arrived, which made the girl very angry.

The girl was a bit domineering and had a perverse personality. She couldn't get angry with the teacher, and her relationship with Mu Qi wasn't good enough for him to take the initiative to change seats.

He vented all his anger on Xu Nuannuan.

Xu Nuannuan was just like this. She had just transferred to another school, and even before she recognized everyone in the class, she started to be ostracized and bullied everywhere. (End of chapter)

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