Ruanruan did not answer Yu Muchong's words. Ghosts that kill living people in this world are definitely not kind people.

Or a resentful ghost full of resentment.

Or he was a fierce ghost who died out of hatred. Or he himself was a heinous evil ghost during his lifetime.

Ruanruan has no way to determine what type of ghost this group of people has provoked, and there is no way to determine the specific method of seeing ghosts that they were haunted by ghosts.

These three kinds of ghosts formed in different forms may be due to the fact that among the people who call upon ghosts, there are their enemies.

If so, the person targeted will definitely die.

Unless the ghost is destroyed directly.

But this would go against cause and effect, and she would never do that.

It's possible that the souls that haunt them are simply trying to kill people.

As long as you see this kind of thing, find it out and destroy it.

There is no way to save those who have died, but the remaining ones who are alive can still be saved.

"I can't be sure, so I have to go and see them. Brother, can you take me to see them?"


Mu Cong nodded like a fool, as long as his sister is willing to let go and go.

As long as Xiaotuanzi nods, it proves that she will do her best.

His good friend has a high probability of surviving.

"Then tell me now what happened to the people who have been in trouble, as well as the strange things they encountered."

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Ruanruan must inquire about it in advance in order to make corresponding preparations.

After coming down the mountain, most of the talismans that I drew before and the talismans that I used to practice later were sold to Grandpa Wu.

She currently has very few ghost-expelling spells in her hand, so she can't draw them on the spot tomorrow when she actually encounters a ghost.

"No problem, there are four of them participating in the game. My friend was forced to come over to make up the number, and he joined in halfway."

Mu Cong's friend is named Guan Peng.

It was the one who accompanied him to enjoy the sea breeze after the last birthday party for Rourou.

Even Guan Peng didn't know much about the previous experiences of those three classmates.

He was forcibly roped in when these people were playing the four-corner game.

At that time, the three people avoided evening self-study and played games in the school's abandoned teaching building.

Guan Peng happened to be out climbing the wall and surfing the Internet. He just came back and was waiting for roll call.

But when passing by the abandoned building, I suddenly heard a noise. When I was curious and confused, I went to take a look and saw the three people standing at the door of a classroom with sad faces.

He asked casually, and the three people immediately invited him to join the group.

Guan Peng didn't want to agree at all at the time, but one of the girls threatened to sue the teacher because he went out to study online late at night, so she insisted on his participation.

Guan Peng didn't want to be exposed and his butt would bloom when he got home at night, so he had no choice but to agree.

From then on, these three people had to take him with them every time they played games.

If you don't agree, sue the teacher.

Guan Peng accompanied them to complete the next five methods of seeing ghosts one after another.

Until all methods of seeing ghosts were exhausted, they did not see the ghost appear. At that time, Guan Peng and his classmates thought the book was a lie. But a week later, they encountered all kinds of incredible things.

First, a male classmate encountered a ghost. It's just a short distance from the third floor to the second floor to use the toilet.

The two short flights of stairs seemed like they would never end.

Later, when a teacher was inspecting, he yelled, and he was freed from the state of being beaten against the wall.

When he saw the road in front of him clearly, the male classmate was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

He had obviously been climbing the stairs. But after he woke up, he was still on the original floor, and half of his feet had already stepped out of the window. If the teacher hadn't discovered it in time, he might have jumped.

Then there was the female classmate who threatened Guan Peng.

While going to the toilet, he heard a whimpering sound coming from next door. The sound was very miserable and scary. The female classmate didn't dare to look at it at all. She was shivering and wanted to get out of the bathroom quickly.

But the door to the compartment couldn't be opened for some reason.

All kinds of bugs came from all directions, densely packed all over the ground and crawling all over the body.

It was a female classmate passing by outside the door. Someone heard her scream and dragged her out of the bathroom stall.

They encountered a lot of things like this.

There are hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and some even cannot tell the difference between illusion and reality.

But still none of them had seen a ghost. What happened to Guan Peng was not as thrilling as them, he just kept dreaming.

In my dreams, I always go back to the classroom where I played the four-corner game.

He kept walking inside, tapping people on the shoulders, and repeatedly playing the blind spot game, but no matter what, he couldn't clearly see the person playing the game with him.

It won't be until the sun rises the next morning that I will be freed from this strange dream.

The two classmates who had the accident were one dead and the other injured. The injured one fell down from the second floor for some unknown reason and fell into the middle of the flower bed. His head hit the stone slab and he is currently unconscious.

The one who died suddenly went crazy during class and rushed out of the classroom, unable to stop anyone.

Finally, he broke through the pursuit of teachers and students and ran onto the road, where he was hit by a speeding truck and died.

These two things may seem like accidents to others, but to those of them who have personally experienced those strange events, they think there are ghosts harming them.

Guan Peng thought about it but had no one to talk to, so he told Mu Cong about the matter.

Mu Cong wanted to save him, but didn't know how to start. Seeing that his friend's condition was getting worse and worse these days, his whole body was in low spirits and in a crazy state, like a frightened bird, which would startle at the slightest movement.

He endured it for three days, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and came to Ruanruan.

"Oh, then I understand. Take me to see those two people tomorrow."

Ruanruan nodded slightly. I probably have some idea in my mind.

If this thing was really done by a ghost, then the harmful ghost should not be very powerful.

The method is limited to creating an environment for people and affecting their physical and mental state.

It's easy to find out. The trouble is protecting the two people who are already entangled.

It looks like I’m going to draw some more Pure Heart Charms tonight.

"Okay, but would it be better for me to take you to school directly during the day, or make an appointment to meet them at night?"

"When did their accident happen?" Weak ghosts would not dare to come out during the day. When Mu Cong was narrating just now, he did not say the time of their accident.

Ruanruan asked again quickly.

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