"Whenever accidents happen, it's always during the day, and when I feel weird things happen, it's always at night."

Mu Cong was not in the same class as his friend, so he didn't know much about the specifics.

However, he still knew that a student in the school suddenly broke out and ended up in a car accident.

After all, the school is so big, and this matter spread among the students. Although teachers and parents tried their best to have too many fans, there were too many people who witnessed it at the time, and it was not possible to cover it up with just one or two sentences.

Ruanruan pouted, grabbed the book in his hand and jumped off the stool.

"When you wake me up tomorrow, I'll take this book away first."

When I read this book just now, there was indeed nothing weird about it, but after hearing what the second brother said, Xiaotuanzi felt that he needed to study it more carefully.

Returning to the room, Ruan Ruan opened the book and began to read the contents carefully.

She had only briefly looked through the catalog before, but as for the details of the methods recorded in it, she didn't read a single word.

The first few paragraphs about peeling an apple in front of the mirror and telling elevator floors by floor are all unfounded and nutritious words.

Xiaotuanzi looked fake at first glance, and even felt a little drowsy.

But when the page was halfway through, Ruanruan suddenly became energetic.

Four corners game.

It was the game that the second brother's friend was forced to join.

This game needs to be played in a quadrangular room.

At night, all the lights are turned off, and four people stand in the four corners, counting from the first person and moving forward.

He walked up to the corner and patted the person on the shoulder, then called his name.

After the other party responds, stay where you are, and the person who responded needs to move forward to find the person in the next corner.

When someone walks to a corner, taps the person they meet on the shoulder and calls out their name, but does not get a response, it proves that the ghost is here and has joined their game.

Ruanruanzai studied this paragraph of text carefully.

We can probably see the principle behind this game’s soul-calling.

Nighttime itself is a time when the yin energy is relatively strong, and it is easy for lonely ghosts to stay in some remote places.

In such an environment and at this time, tapping someone on the shoulder can easily extinguish the two fires on the person's shoulders that represent Yang energy.

In this way, the yang energy will become weaker and ghosts will be seen. If there are more curious or playful ghosts, they will join the game together.

This game is also dangerous.

If you really attract a ghost, whether the ghost is intentional or unintentional, when it imitates humans and pats other people's shoulders, its own Yin Qi will flow into the person's body involuntarily.

This can easily cause the soul to leave the body.

If this ghost is more evil-minded and cannot play this game enough, it will keep the human soul and continue to play with him.

Ruanruan Tongtong opened her mouth in disgust. In her eyes, this kind of thing seemed to be evil and unethical:

Turn to the next page and comb your hair in the middle of the night. To put it simply, you comb your hair in front of the mirror at midnight and keep shouting your name. If you succeed, the person in the mirror will have a weird smile. At that time, the person in the mirror is no longer yourself. It's not the reflection, but the transformed appearance of a ghost.

This method has been circulated among the people, but no one has ever succeeded.

Ruanruan looked at it carefully for a long time and felt that this method was not promising, so he continued to turn to the next page.

The next few games and methods didn’t look very good.

Only the last two are particularly evil. One is Bixian. This method is the most widely spread and the most dangerous.

Because what the pen fairy attracts is not a spirit, but a ghost.

What is summoned is the lonely ghosts around, or it may be a fierce ghost, it all depends on the chance. The so-called answering questions and predicting the future are all gimmicks of this psychic game, and they are all fake.

How could a ghost have such powerful abilities?

Furthermore, the method of sending Bixian away is also a lie.

When the surrounding ghosts are summoned, it is entirely up to the ghosts to decide whether they want to leave or not. Without Taoist skills, it is impossible to send the other party away.

Another one is the earth in the grave.

Go to other people's graveyards, or go to some cold and humid places, dig dirt or mud from the ground, and apply it on your eyes to communicate with yin and yang.

This method is indeed somewhat damaging.

If it's easier to go to a dark and humid place, maybe it's just a matter of terrain.

The soil inside is just ordinary soil, but if I were to dig soil from someone else's grave, I would still smear the mud on my eyes. Then you will have a grudge with the tomb owner, and you will have to shed your skin even if you don't die.

Ruanruan recalled what her second brother said. Those few people were frozen, trying all the methods in the book.

In other words, they also tried the last two most dangerous ones.

If you don't seek death, you won't die.

Ruanruan shook his head repeatedly, feeling that there was a high probability that there was a problem with one of the three games.

They really attracted ghosts, but because most of the people participating in the game were boys, they were all energetic, seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys with relatively strong yang energy, so no ghosts were seen.

But the ghost they summoned has been following them invisibly.

Ruanruan actually doesn't want to take care of this kind of self-destructive first-rate person.

But recalling the worried and anxious look of her second brother, Ruanruan felt that it was not impossible to help.

At least one of them, Guan Peng, was coerced and did not really want to commit such a big death.

Feeling confident, Ruoran began to prepare the painting.

I burned the midnight oil all night and drew dozens of talismans in a hurry.

When I stopped writing, it was already dawn outside.

What Mu Cong saw was a little Ruanruan with dark circles under his eyes and yawning constantly.

Seeing his sister like this, he was startled and blurted out faster than his brain: "Sister, are you going out to be a thief?"

"Ah? I kept drawing talisman last night. Didn't you say you were going to help the second brother's friend today?"

Ruanruan's weak temper made Mu Cong instantly feel annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Second brother shouldn't tease you. Let's go over now. You can sleep in the car for a while. I'll call you when we get somewhere."

Mu Cong lightly slapped his mouth twice. He seemed to be born with the ability to talk without thinking.

The spell has been forced for such a long time and it is still like this.

Ruanruan looked at her second brother's sudden convulsive movements and felt that her father was right.

The second brother looks stupid no matter whether he looks horizontally or vertically, left or right.

Ruanruan was just thinking about his father when Mu Guoyi appeared in front of the two of them menacingly, as if they were connected.

He looked at the dark circles on Ruanruan's face, and a flash of distress flashed in his eyes.

He transferred all his anger to his son.

"Mu Cong! If you don't go to school quickly, you will be late for your early self-study!!"

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