What He Qing was talking about was another room behind the underground darkroom.

As soon as they entered, they saw densely packed human skins hanging above their heads.

There was no trace of blood on the human skin, as if it were a simulated prop.

Shen Weixun didn't find the breath of a living person on the human skin, so he looked at it casually and said, "It's just a prop."


Xiaotuanzi suddenly retorted with determination.

"Third Senior Brother, I saw a few people, the ones who didn't come to the restaurant today."

Hearing this, Shen Weixun immediately frowned.

There is no doubt in Rourou's memory that she never lies. Not even joking about this kind of thing. Therefore, everything Ruanruan said was true.

These lifeless human skins that can’t even be seen to be peeled off from living people are actually real?
The human skin was hung on the roof and it was almost impossible to see the face and facial features.

Shen Weixun looked at each one carefully again.

He noticed that in the innermost part, there was a hanging female human skin with a rose tattoo on the thigh. When he observed the players yesterday, one of the women had such a tattoo on the thigh.

The next piece of human skin has a very obvious birthmark on its face. The birthmark is not small and looks very conspicuous.

It was because the birthmark was so conspicuous that Shen Weixun remembered this person at just one glance yesterday.

If the tattoo is just a coincidence or simulation, then the birthmark cannot be faked.

Lu Ban Shu, Chu Ma Xian, Mr. Yin and Yang, he also saw the Yin Shengzi.

No one here is simple, and these two must have some skills.

He was skinned and hung here without anyone noticing, and no one noticed? Now?!
Unknown, making people wary and suspicious. curse..…

find the curse
"Did you find anything in the room before, such as a note or a book?"

Shen Weixun suddenly thought of the two things he found in the room, and asked He Qing.

"Yes, there is a letter, a card and a shell."

He Qing quickly took out everything in his pocket and handed it to Shen Weixundao.

"First we found a machine box with a Kong Ming lock. When we opened it, we found a key and this letter. After we used the key to open the wardrobe lock, we only found paper jams and shells. When the clues were lost, we could only continue to search. Finally, I found the key through luck."

He Qing smiled bitterly and continued.

Shen Weixun took what He Qing handed over. Several small holes were cut out in the middle of the cardboard. The shells were ordinary, the most common ornamental shells. The only valuable thing was the letter.

"Devils can only hide in darkness during the day, but their carnival time is at night. The sun shines so brightly that they dare not touch it: the warmth will melt them and turn them into sea water and disappear into the sky."

I "The devils who have been living in the darkness long for warmth. They are still pursuing things that were once within easy reach but are now out of reach, but they have never regretted it.

Shen Weixun repeatedly speculated on the meaning of the two letters, but the words inside were really confusing.

He looked back at the crowd who were stunned by the human skin in front of them, and asked loudly: "Who still has a letter on them?"

A woman stood up, took out the crumpled envelope from her pocket and whispered: "I have it here."

"I have one here too." Another man jumped out and said. The two handed the letters to Shen Weixun, which were the same. Each letter had only two sentences.

"There are always people who don't want to become devils, but what can they do if they don't want to? People accidentally break into the devil's territory and are threatened to sign a contract. The devil detains the love they regard as life and turns them into cold-blooded monsters.

"The imprisoned love found the devil's weakness deep in the jungle, but the monster was powerless. It didn't want to lose love, so it could only ignore it all."

God is loving, and she gave people a good harvest; God is proud, and she looks down upon all living beings; God is sad, and for this she lost her life; God is angry, and for this she sets up a cage. "

The reincarnation of life never ends, but the life in the cage loses the qualification for reincarnation, the greedy pays the price, and the avengers also lose their reason and freedom.

Four letters and eight sentences, all telling one thing, gods, demons, humans, and monsters that should not appear.

Holding the envelope in his soft hand, he was bored and playing with the envelope cover.

While Shen Weixun was concentrating on decrypting the code, he heard a stabbing sound coming from Ruanruan.

When he looked up, he saw Xiaotuanzi looking like he was about to cry. He was still holding two torn pieces of paper tightly in his hand. "Woooooooo! Senior brother, I didn't mean it"

Xiaotuanzi seemed to realize that he had gotten into trouble, and tears fell at the drop of a hat. Shen Weixun was crying so hard that he was not mentally prepared at all.

The most important thing is to coax the dumplings well.

He no longer even thought about decrypting it. He dropped the letter and came to Ruanruan. He whispered softly: "It's okay, it's just an envelope. It doesn't matter."

Halfway through his words, Shen Weixun suddenly discovered that there was writing on the inner wall of the envelope.

The torn two sides are spliced ​​together to form a sentence.

[If you want to live, break the curse, otherwise you will be like us and fall forever. ]
The threat of Chiguoguo.

Shen Weixun could even imagine the sinister smile behind the person who wrote this sentence.

Tear open the other envelopes and find the same words on the inside of each envelope. Just the handwriting is different.

They are all written by hand. Some are a little immature, some are more powerful, and some are crooked, as if they can't even write, just like drawing a gourd.

Without a series of shocking discoveries, these words would only feel half-heartedly comical.

But now, people smell a conspiracy.

Shen Weixun finally understood why the people who came here today were all from Xuanmen.

The thing that drew them here may be the cursed person in the story. The purpose of this thing drawing them here is to use their power to break the curse.


It's really a good calculation.

Luo Wuyou was probably part of the scheme.

When he encountered such a weird thing, this guy should have told people a lot. His fake friend could pretend to be so successful, either because he had all the information about this person, or he had used some method to steal this person's memory.

Therefore, Luo Wuyou's acquaintance with them was not a secret at all to his friends and the fake.

Except for Luo Wuyou, the other party did not invite anyone else in the circle, fearing that they were just using Luo Wuyou's hand to trick him and Ruanruan over.

"Ruanruan, let's go and wait for three days. After three days, we will leave when the ship comes."

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