Shen Weixun didn't want to pay attention. Ruanruan will not dry anymore.

She was thinking about the near future, and at this moment, her money-obsessed nature exploded.

"Uuuuuuu, third senior brother, my money."

Xiaotuanzi held his mouth, his expression was sad.

Shen Weixun was stunned, and the problems that had troubled him before came to mind again.

When did Ruanruan become so money obsessed?
This shouldn't be the case.

No one on the mountain had ever had the concept of handing over soft money. Even though life on the mountain was so hard, Xiao Tuanzi felt that it was pretty good.

She couldn't tell the difference between rich and poor.

How long does it take to go down the mountain? Has the money-obsessed attribute been stimulated to this extent?
"My dear, these are all paid in cash. If you want money, Third Senior Brother will give it to you, as much as you want."

Shen Weixun coaxed softly.

The last thing he lacks is money, of course now. During the time when he lived in Taoism, he was also quite poor.

The kind who can't even spare 5 yuan. "No, I want what I earned."

Ruanruan has learned the principle of not eating food that comes from a young age. What's wrong with the food given by others? Even if it is given by the third senior brother, it is a bit weird to hold it.

When Luo Wuyou talked about making her first pot of gold before, she thought making money was quite simple.

As long as she helps people solve a few things, it won't be long before she can realize her dream of eating, drinking and having fun.

But it turns out that her client has only developed Luo Wuyou so far.

There are not that many strange and weird things in this world, and not everyone encounters ghosts every day, and not every rich person can find her after encountering ghosts.

So so far, she only has the pot of gold, and she is still far away from realizing her dream.

Grandpa Wu once calculated for her that if she wanted to realize her dream, she would need at least several hundred million.

The kind that you can’t even count with your little fingers.

Therefore, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. As long as it can make money, he is not willing to let it go, not to mention that this time the bonus is not considered mosquito meat.

A lot of money. "Is it really necessary?"

Shen Weixun didn't like the feeling of being plotted, so he decided to be a hands-off shopkeeper this time.

But if Ruanruan is so persistent, he will try to make concessions.

Although the bonus promised by this trap may not be paid out in the end.

But seeing how eager Xiao Tuanzi was, he didn't want to spoil the fun.

If the person who set up the trap really doesn't pay the bonus, then find him out and beat him a few more times!
"Yeah, definitely."

Xiaotuanzi can accept that his skills are inferior to others, but he can never accept that he gives up halfway.

"Okay, then senior brother will definitely help you win the first place." Shen Weixun finally compromised. Of course, he has to get used to the cub he raised.

As for the person doing the work, it was definitely not him, nor his cub.

"We want to know the complete story and the location of the gods. There should be letters in every room. Luo Wuyou, go and open all the rooms. We should know it once we find all the letters."

Shen Weixun turned around and ordered Luo Wuyou. He was also the eldest young master, but young master Luo had no temper in front of young master Shen.

He could only accept his fate and open rooms one by one, searching inside anxiously.

Among the other contestants, there were also many talented people who boldly took the initiative to search for other rooms. Sure enough, there was a locked box in every room.

At this time, no one cared about the rules of the game anymore. All the boxes were violently broken open, and inside without exception was a letter and a key.

"That's all there is to find."

Luo Wuyou collected everything and handed it over to Shen Weixun.

Shen Weixun first opened the remaining six letters and started reading. Each letter still only had two sentences, but it was enough.

Ten letters and twenty sentences explain the matter clearly.

This is a very old story, similar to the farmer and the snake. God came to the world and gave the fishermen a good harvest.

As time went by, the fishermen became more and more dissatisfied. They saw the glory of God and cried to God for money. The increasingly lazy fishermen abandoned the skills they relied on for survival and begged with God all day long. However, the gifts given by God Money is getting less and less.

The already swollen fishermen were dissatisfied with God's "stinginess" and secretly followed God's traces. They found God's treasure house. The fishermen no longer needed God. They wanted to plunder the treasure house and take it for themselves, but they could not match God's power. The only way to rob is to do harm secretly.

The fishermen invited the god to a dinner party in the name of thanksgiving, and added a lot of poison to the god's food, and the god ate the poisoned food.

Successfully, they successfully occupied the treasure house and killed the gods. With the money, they never need to work and can enjoy themselves forever.

The slain god died with her eyes closed. At the last moment of her life, she cast a curse on the fishermen, cursing them that they would never be able to live under the sun and never leave the island.

"Who is where?"

Just after reading the letter, Ruanruan turned around suddenly.

A red shadow flashed past, and Luo Wuyou turned around and saw that figure.

He was so frightened that he yelled: "Yes, yes, that's that ghost shadow. He was the one I saw last time!"

The pretender appeared, and Ruanruan ran after him. But as soon as you turn a corner, there is a blind corner, and there is nothing there, as if the shadow just now is just an illusion.

"Look, there must be other passages. People can't disappear. There must be a secret passage here!"

At this time, Shen Weixun also caught up, looking at the empty closed space and squinting his eyes slightly.

"I looked for it when I was just looking for clues. There is no switch. If there is a secret passage, it must not be opened from the room."

Luo Wuyou had already thought about this possibility and looked around while searching for clues.

Ruanruan closed her eyes at this time.

She carefully recalled all the places she had been to, built a space in her mind, and then took out the yellow paper and cinnabar in her small satchel and began to write and draw.

Of course, this time it's not a frame.

Ruanruan is drawing the floor plan of this castle this time.

Of course, Xiaotuanzi didn't know how to make a professional floor plan. He just followed his memory and laid out the distribution structure of all the places he visited.

Although it is a bit sloppy, it is understandable enough.

The hall on the first floor plus the restaurant and two rooms are lined up in a row plus the two secret passages behind the restaurant. The rooms revealed on the outside are not proportional to the area of ​​the castle.

More than half of the cross-sectional area is hidden.

There are four rooms on the second and third floors each. The flat-bottom area is less than one-third of the first floor. From the appearance, the castle is straight-cylindrical, which means that the hidden space in the castle is fully two-thirds as large. .


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