Shen Weixun took the picture drawn by Ruanruan and looked at it carefully, his face slightly gloomy.

Xiaotuanzi's drawing is definitely correct, because if a person wants to master the formation skillfully, the perception and memory of space must reach the point where practice makes perfect.

And Ruanruan is not inferior to others in setting up the formation.

It's just a simple space structure, which is not difficult for her.

There is no error.

So it is unknown what is hidden in the remaining 2/3 of the dark space.

"The gods mentioned in the letter are not traditional gods. Gods and immortals are pure souls. They will not curse humans but only impose heavenly punishment. Only spirits will use curses to retaliate against humans who harm them."

It's time to remind Ruanruan.

Maybe there are many fairies hiding in 2/3 of the designed space, but that’s not necessarily the case.

"There are countless monsters in the sea. It's really hard to identify which kind of monster it is."

Shen Weixun quickly ran through the fairies he knew in his mind. There were too many of them living in the sea, and there were even more vengeful ones.

Seems a bit hard to break.

"The daughter of the sea...could she be a mermaid?
Luo Wuyou thought of the useless fairy tale book they found at the beginning.

Obviously, the escape room role-playing game has changed at this moment.

The person who set up this trap had a very clear purpose, so the other party would not leave any useless clues.

Everything is related.

Including that book.

"Impossible. The sharks are actually very ugly, which is completely inconsistent with our human aesthetics. Naturally, they will not be worshiped as gods. After all, in human subjective thoughts, gods are very beautiful and have endless wealth. "

What did Shen Weixun seem to think of? After pondering for a long time, he spit out three words: "魮(pi second tone) fish."

"The fish? What is that?"

This situation is a bit too unpopular. Not only Luo Wuyou is confused, but most of the other Xuanmen people have never heard of it.

"It is said that the fish with many eagles has a shape like an overlay, with a bird's head and fish wings, and a sound like the sound of a chime. It is the birthplace of pearls and jade. Pearls and jade will grow in the body of ordinary bilge fish, and become the essence of bilge fish. Pearls and jade will grow endlessly, which is in line with the saying of endless wealth. "

"But even if we know this and have guessed so much, we can't find the mastermind who arranged all this. There seems to be no way for us to be my friend. How about we go out and look for him?"

Luo Wuyou had only one purpose from the beginning to the end.

That is to save his good brother.

But the problem is that most of the island's area is used to build this castle.

Where would his friends be hidden?
Even if it is a corpse, there must be a place to bury it. "I don't think the other party is that stupid to bury people. There is still 2/3 of the space in this run. Haven't we been there yet? Why not go there and have a look, maybe you can find your friend. Woolen cloth."

"But we haven't found any habits. How should we get in?" Luo Wuyou glanced at the surrounding closed walls and asked doubtfully. "Hey! This is easy!"

The most powerful brain dumpling is now online.

Sometimes things are just too complicated for adults to think about.

I just want to cross from one side of the wall to the other side of the wall. Is it that difficult?
Couldn't it be done with just one blasting talisman?

Without saying a word, Ruanruan took out the talisman from his small satchel, threw it away, and the talisman stuck to the wall.

Before Luo Wuyou could figure out what was going on, Shen Weixun silently stepped back five steps. And those knowledgeable members of the Xuanmen also stepped back, leaving Luo Wuyou alone standing there in a daze.

The next second there was a bang, and the wall was blown apart.

Luo Wuyou, who was almost buried alive by the falling strong earth, had no image at all at this moment.

A bit like the villain in the anime who was blown up by a bomb. The whole body was charred and looked very funny.

Luo Wuyou opened his mouth to say something dirty, but when his eyes touched Shen Weixun's warning eyes and soft and smug face, he silently swallowed all his emotions back into his stomach.

"Well, that's good. It's very simple."

As expected, there was still a space in the back. Xiaotuanzi clapped his hands, feeling that he was extremely clever.

She bore the brunt and chose to crawl into the wall that had been breached.

The pungent smell of blood hit his face and almost made him faint.

There were dark red bloody footprints of different sizes and very messy, and there was no other horrific scene as imagined.

The pattern on this side of the wall is not much different from that on the other side. Rows of doors are closed, with only a few dim lights.

Ruanruan slowly approached one of the doors and stopped at the door.

Everyone else held their breath and stared intently at the door.

Of course, Shen Weixun couldn't let Niannian go into danger alone. He hugged the child behind him, then touched the handle and turned it gently.

The door was unlocked and easily pushed open. There was no light inside.

When I turned on my phone and shined the flashlight, I could only see a few single beds inside. The beds were not covered with sheets, but with layers of plastic.

There were mottled blood stains on the plastic of each bed, which looked shocking. The light of the flashlight slowly moved towards the corner, and a man covered in blood was huddled in the corner holding his head.

The man had no skin, the texture of his muscles was clearly visible, and his clothes were stained with blood.


Shen Weixun narrowed his eyes and slowly approached the corner. The man heard the footsteps behind him and screamed in fright. This scream also scared the people behind him.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" the bloody man in the corner shouted. "It's actually alive?" Nian Nian said in surprise.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Shen Weixun, I have never seen a person alive and kicking after being skinned by a living person. He was a little disgusted by the sticky blood on the bloody person, so he kept a meter away and asked.

"I didn't kill anyone, it wasn't me! I didn't! I didn't do it...don't kill wasn't wasn't me, it was all them."

The bloody man was obviously mentally disturbed, and his speech was somewhat garbled.

"Hey, are you alive or dead? Tell me what happened. We won't hurt you. Maybe we can help you."

The bloody man acted so frightened that he didn't look threatening at all.

Shen Weixun was no longer so tough, softened his voice and asked.

"Really? Then I say I will say anything, please help me get my skin back!"

The bloody man suddenly raised his head and suddenly grabbed the corner of Shen Weixun's clothes. There was no skin on his face, and his protruding eyeballs looked extremely scary.

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