Chapter 212: Ruan Ruan is promising

Han Changqing took the three incense sticks in Luanruan's hand and bowed respectfully to the tablet.

I saw the tablet on the high position shaking. Then with a bang, he fell onto the table.

This incident shocked Han Changqing. what happened?
Wouldn't it be the Patriarch who wanted to stop him from becoming a disciple?
He just wanted to apprentice with his aunt, why did he have such twists and turns?
At this time, Ruanruan stretched out his little hand to straighten the tablet. He was still a child himself, so he said to the tablet in a coaxing tone: "Okay, Grandmaster, don't be willful."

The wooden sign shook again.

But it stopped after a moment.

Then Ruanruan once again respectfully arranged the ranking of the Patriarch, and then said to Han Changqing: "Hey, the Patriarch just had a little temper, and now he has been calmed down, you can continue to worship."

Han Changqing has heard that there are various sects in Taoism or some people who know some metaphysics. There are people in all walks of life, and there must be some ancestors.

But he once thought that these statements were just people's psychological comfort.

He has really seen ghosts or his parents, and various weird and bizarre things have happened around him, so he has never been a materialist.

But I don’t believe there are gods in this world either.

But the Patriarch's temper during the rankings today was a blow to him, and it also refreshed his long-standing worldview.

When he kowtowed for the first time just now, he really had a business-like attitude and thought it was just a formality.

In fact, from the bottom of my heart, I don’t believe in the existence of the Patriarch, let alone the meaning of kneeling down to worship this tablet.

Probably the memorial tablet also sensed his insincerity, so he lost his temper.

This time Han Changqing's mentality changed, and he burned three sticks of incense with almost 100% respect and sincerity.

This time, the Patriarch's memorial tablet didn't cause any trouble.

Wisps of green smoke from the three incense sticks rose up, slowly drifted to the tablet and then dissipated.

This is receiving this fragrance.

Ruanruan found a stool and sat next to the ancestor's memorial tablet.

I was a little nervous about taking on a disciple for the first time.


Han Changqing was still a little awkward. After all, he had to kneel down respectfully to a child who was so much younger than him.

Everything feels a little weird.

But he didn't show it, and finally followed the rules and performed the apprenticeship ceremony.

When the person stood up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Ruan Ruan was relieved to be worshiped.

It was so awkward and torturous.

"Master, can you tell me now what happened to my mother's soul? Why did she suddenly become so transparent this afternoon?"

The first thing Han Changqing did when he stood up was to ask how his spirit was doing.

He is eager to save his mother and his purpose is too strong. But Ruanruan doesn't care about this.

No one can calm down before his mother disappears
It’s human nature to be angry. "Just wait a moment."

Ruanruan took it out of his small satchel.

He took out a black thread.

This thread is soft, just like ordinary wool or thread used for sewing clothes. But the top is as cold as silk, and if you look at it against the light, you can even see a glimmer of cold light.

It is extremely strong when folded in half.

Like a tightrope.

"This is made from Yin bubbles. It will help your mother. Cut off a small piece and put it on your mother's wrist. She will be fine for a while. Now your mother's soul and I see you for the first time. It's the same as ever, not so weak that it's about to dissipate."

"I guess you met someone this afternoon. When you saw a fierce ghost following you, you thought they were trying to harm you, so you thought of stopping them. Recently, there are more warlocks and Taoist priests here, and they also have a lot of intentions. Good thing, your mother probably resisted that force at that time, so you saw her as a little transparent. "

"Don't go out and about casually during this period. Fierce ghosts like your parents are very strange. If someone notices you and gets curious, they will take you away. If the other person is a very powerful warlock, then I will find you." No more for you."

Xiaotuanzi’s tone is particularly interesting.

He analyzed and explained to Han Changqing in a serious manner, and his final words were very similar to what adults often say to their children.

Don't run around without your parents. If you go too far, your parents won't be able to find you.

In fact, Ruanruan does think so.

As a master, he has to take on the responsibility of taking care of his apprentice. Now that his apprentice is still so weak, he naturally needs to give some more advice.

Perhaps the meaning in her tone was too obvious. Han Changqing, who had been an adult for many years and had been living independently since his parents left, suddenly felt dumbfounded.

Are you treating him as a child? Hey, forget it
Master’s words must be listened to no matter what. "I understand, thank you Master." "You're welcome."

Ruanruan puffed up her chest and wanted to pat her apprentice on the shoulder, but suddenly realized that her height was really a flaw.

She looked left and right, and finally focused on the stool under her body. She stepped forward directly, with her feet on the stool, and tried to touch Han Changqing's shoulder while tiptoeing.

He said again: "You're welcome, I am your master."

Xiaotuanzi’s clumsy yet cute appearance made everyone laugh.

But due to the need to protect the children's self-esteem, no one laughed wildly.

It was quite uncomfortable to hold back and shrug.

"Hmph! Is there anything so funny?!"

Ruanruan seemed to feel that she was being laughed at, and blushed with embarrassment, covering up her embarrassment and shyness with anger.

But her willful little look makes her even more cute, and No. 4 has no lethality.

Taoist Master Qingyun joked rudely: "Oh, when the children grow up, they are all masters. After all, among you senior brothers and sisters, you are the most promising."

"Hmph~ I'm better than my senior brothers."

Ruanruan didn't realize that Taoist Priest Qingyun was joking, and she answered this sentence very seriously.

Shen Weixun suppressed a smile and nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, Ruanruan is the most powerful, so since Ruanruan has surpassed all the senior brothers, will it be our turn to be Ruanruan to take care of us in the future? "

"Ah... It's okay, but I don't know how to take care of people. Third senior brother has to teach me."

Ruanruan agreed simply.

Shen Weixun even thought of teasing her: "This is easy, why don't you give me a shoulder squeeze and a thump on my legs first."

"it is good."

Xiaotuanzi is a very honest child, and he is very capable of action and execution.

As soon as he finished speaking, he got up and went to give Shen Weixun a leg and a shoulder squeeze.

Before Xiao Tuanzi could fully touch Shen Weixun, Liu Chuchen picked him up and looked at Shen Weixun with cold eyes, as if giving a silent warning.

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