Chapter 213 The apprentice’s talent is not good
Han Changqing watched the laughter and play among Ruanruan and the other senior brothers and sisters, and a trace of envy and yearning emerged in his heart.

Because of family reasons and physical reasons.

He has always been a lonely person.

After the death of his parents, he still had many relatives.

Thanks to relatives, each of them scrambled to be his guardian in order to get his parents' property.

But each one was almost frightened into insanity because of the ghosts of his parents, and never dared to say a word to him again.

But they still had to occupy his identity as guardians. Because only in this way can he withdraw part of the money left by his parents.

Although they never fulfilled their obligation to take care of him. He had no friends around him. Others said he was a weird kid, and the parents around him also forbade their children to play with him.

He remembered that when he was in school, he had a very gentle female teacher.
He was the only one who wanted to help him and open his heart.

But later the teacher was frightened and resigned.

From then on, he became an ominous person, synonymous with disaster. Every day I go to school alone, eat alone, go home alone, and sleep alone.

There was nothing around except two silent ghosts. Sometimes he would even think morbidly that it would be okay if those children came to bully him or not.

Who can say a few words to him?

Sadly, there wasn't even anyone to bully him.

I would rather be sent to a place like an orphanage or a welfare home than be left alone at home with no one caring about me forever.

After so many years, although he was used to it, he always hoped and longed to have someone by his side, no matter what the relationship was.

Now he has his first bond since his parents left.


Although this master is only six years old.

But she is not afraid of his parents and is willing to talk to him. If nothing happens, they will keep in touch for a long time in the future.

Perhaps it will be possible in the future that he will also become a member of the fun.

Join and integrate into this division.
"Apprentice, what are you thinking about?"

Xiaotuanzi's call interrupted Han Changqing's thoughts.

He pulled away from his trance, lowered his head and looked at Xiaotuanzi again, his eyes were obviously much softer than before.

"I didn't think about anything. What's wrong, Master?"

"It's nothing. I am your master and I want to teach you something. I happen to be free now, so I will teach you some basic things first."

Xiao Ruanruan has just accepted such a fresh apprentice. The novelty of being a master for the first time has not worn off yet, and everything he does is a bit fickle.

She can't wait to pass on the teachings.

It happened that Han Changqing was also eager to learn. After the Cucumber God arrived, he nodded and followed Xiaotuanzi to her room.

After arriving in the room, Mu Ruanruan began to take out things bit by bit from the small backpack.

Mu Cong was extremely curious. He had not been able to verify how many assets were in the small satchel.

Instead, Han Changqing became the first witness.

The B&B they stayed in was quite large.

Half of the nearly fifty square meters of space was filled with soft things. That little satchel is like a bottomless pit, or Doraemon's treasure bag.

Anyway, I can’t finish it no matter what.

Finally, Ruanruan stopped taking out things.

She had a few more books in her hand. Those books looked a little old, so she flipped through a couple of pages, nodded softly, and put the books aside.

Then he lowered his head and started rummaging again.

But after a while, he took out a few more booklets. The booklets were full of crooked words, which looked like they were written by Ruanruan himself.

I don’t know what’s wrong with this kid’s writing, he’s so ugly that he’s in a league of his own. It's the kind of feeling where you know everything written in the past at a glance, but when you put it all together, you don't dare to recognize it.

After laying out the booklets, Ruanruan began to put things back.

The way she puts things is simple and crude. She opens her pockets and throws them in piles. She ends the battle quickly with the fastest speed and the most messy feeling.

After cleaning up, Ruanruan wiped his sweat in a decent manner, took a long breath and said: "Huh, it's finally done. This book is the most basic Five Elements, this book is the most basic Taoist theory. , these are the two books I studied when I first started. You read them first, and if you don’t know, just ask me. "

"This is my handwritten note. What is recorded on it is my own perception. Master said that my perception is correct. I think it will be useful to you too. You can use it for reference."

Ruanruan patted the two piles of books beside him.

After hearing this, Han Changqing picked up a book at random, opened the pages, and read the contents carefully.

After only reading three lines, he was a little speechless.

"Then what if I can't understand a sentence? What is the unity of nature and man? What is the unity of life? I know the five elements, but what do the five elements of yin and the five elements of yang mean? Ah, and "

Han Changqing kept asking questions that he didn't understand. Ruan Ruan listened to the mist. Ah? What?
What was he asking?
Wouldn’t it be possible to understand these after reading them once?
Why can it be called a problem?
Ruanruan didn't understand at all what the talent gap meant.

She does know that she is very talented.

But in her understanding, good talent means learning more and learning faster.

I have never thought that it would take a long time for some people to understand just by reading those obscure words.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Ruanruan quickly stopped. She could hardly remember so many questions.

Xiaotuanzi frowned and thought hard for a long time, but she couldn't answer most of the questions Han Changqing asked.

For example, the understanding of words such as the unity of heaven and man, and the unity of man and God.

She always has an instinct to integrate everyone at the first sight.

It's as if these things are born with him.

The inspiration flashes and then becomes engraved in the soul. When you close your eyes and meditate, you can have the feeling of being one with the natural world.

So she mobilizes the power of the five elements very smoothly. This is why she is particularly good at spells and formations.
These very basic questions in Xiaotuanzi's opinion are the foundation for others to realize the Tao throughout their lives.

Really unable to figure it out, Mu Ruanruan decided to hire foreign aid.

It seems that his new apprentice's talent is a bit lacking.

Then he definitely can't find someone with good talent to teach him, otherwise he will end up like himself.

Among the masters, the only one with less talent is the fourth senior brother. Um!
Just go find Fourth Senior Brother!

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