Chapter 273 Shark
Little Ruanruan almost couldn't hold back and rushed out.

She wanted to save this young lady, but in the end she was stopped by Shen Weixun. They could all see that the girl had an aspect that regarded wealth as life.

There is also something warm about relationships with men.

It's just that the man looks like he already has a wife.

Therefore, it was once speculated that the girl was probably a mistress kept by a man outside.

It is shameful to be a mistress, but the crime will not lead to death.

But Shen Weixun felt that it was not worth exposing them to such a person. The girl was already dead, and it was too late for Xiao Ruanruan to save her now.

Therefore, there was no other movement, but his eyes were a little red, and he looked like he was about to cry.

The man in black roughly dragged the girl off the stage.

The person who came next was a charming-looking woman wearing a brightly colored cheongsam.


Holding a microphone in her hand, she smiled and announced to the audience: "I would like to warmly congratulate Mr. Lin on the success of the sacrifice! The girl's fresh flesh and blood is deeply loved by our gods, so we hereby respectfully invite the respected Mr. Lin to come on stage to complete this ceremony. The final task of the ceremony."

The man who looked at the girl slowly walked onto the stage with a smile, took the sharp knife beside the statue, and gently cut his wrist.

Blood slowly flowed down the sharp blade. Then, he knelt down on the ground devoutly, put his bow aside, and clasped his hands together to pray for the waves.

"Supreme Divine Ancestor, I hereby offer a young girl as a sacrifice, asking you to grant me endless wealth. If the gods favor you, I am willing to pay ten times the price in return."

After saying this, he kowtowed three times and then stood up. The woman holding the microphone handed him three sticks of incense.

The man took it with an extremely respectful expression, pressed his bloody finger on the incense stick, then lit the incense and inserted it into the incense burner respectfully.

The woman on the stage quietly left the stage.

Four men in black lifted the girl who had just been thrown down onto the stage again.

Two of them held magic weapons and used knives to draw a small incision on the girl's head. Then he placed the magic weapon on the wound and activated it with extremely skillful movements.

In a daze, the girl who had lost her life seemed to let out a scream.

That is the cry from the soul.

The sound can be heard clearly by living people.

But the guests who heard the corpse's scream did not show any signs of surprise, and a strange and crazy smile appeared on their faces.

Making them look neither human nor ghost, ugly. Xiao Ruanruan made a few gestures in the void.

After setting up a small soundproof array, he said: "Master, there are no spiritual beasts in there. This evil god statue seems to be specially designed to absorb the power of faith. It seems that it has absorbed a lot, but now this evil god statue has no spiritual intelligence and has produced If it doesn’t work, should we destroy it now?”

Taoist Priest Qingyun raised his eyelids, silently calculating something in his heart. He has seen the evil statues mentioned by the young apprentice and the third apprentice.

But all he had seen were those with spirit beasts imprisoned.

This was the first time he had seen an evil statue that specialized in absorbing the power of faith. Are the evil statues made by this holy religion actually different?
So what are the different uses of these different evil god statues?
"Let's look at it again. This thing is really out of date now and can be easily solved.

If this group of people wanted to continue killing people, they would definitely take action.

But I don’t know yet whether there will be other auction items in the future, or whether the evil statues that imprisoned the spiritual beasts will be moved out.

The main purpose of this trip is still for Xiao Ruanruan. So it's really not time for them to alert the enemy now.

Just when Taoist Master Qingyun finished speaking.

There was a sudden loud noise from behind the stage, and then a girl burst out from behind.

The girl's exposed skin was covered with black scales, and her big watery eyes were filled with panic and bewilderment.

Shark tribe?!
Xiao Ruanruan was shocked.

Just as she was thinking that this thing was not a thing yet, a shark clan bumped into her?
The Sharks are a very ancient race that live in the deep sea of ​​Guixu and are difficult to see.

They are born with aura, and their voices are ethereal and melodious. They are full of treasures. When they cry, their tears will turn into pearls. Fish oil can be made into lamp oil, which makes them immortal. The fish skin on their bodies avoids fire and water, making them invulnerable.

Just one bite of fish can prolong your life. Fish bones are made into weapons, comparable to Qingfeng swords.

The soul is infinitely close to the spirit.

That is, a natural half-immortal.

They have long transcended the scope of spiritual beasts, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are immortals in the sea. If this evil god statue fuses the Sharman race.
Little Ruanruan simply didn’t dare to think about it.

No longer willing to wait and see, Taoist Priest Qingyun and Shen Weixun realized the seriousness of the matter.

Leaving the senior brother behind to provide support at any time, the three of them rushed forward as quickly as possible. No matter what, this shark cannot fall into the hands of this evil Buddha.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even they might die directly here.

Everyone in the banquet hall was frightened stupidly by this incident. This group of people worshiped the evil Buddha all day long and expected miracles. They were just Ye Gong's love for dragons.

I don't know who screamed, pointed at the shark and yelled: "Monster!" They were not afraid when they saw a dead person, but they started to be scared when they saw a shark that was different from ordinary people.


A stone shook a thousand waves, and this shout was like a signal, and the whole hall suddenly became chaotic.

Perhaps because they had done too many unseemly things out of spite, or perhaps because they were afraid that retribution would come too quickly, the group of people who were grinning excitedly just now began to run around with their heads in their hands.

Shen Weixun rushed over, accidentally rubbing off the invisibility charm in the process.

But now I don’t have any worries
Even though he had been exposed, he still ran to the side of the Sharman tribe as soon as possible and pulled the shark man over to protect him behind him.

The people in black also rushed forward. Xiao Ruanruan stood in front of the third senior brother and took out the talisman he had prepared early, with purple lightning flashing in his hand.

With a flick of her hand, she threw away all the spells.

The man in black who was hit by the lightning entanglement fell to the ground in a moment and twitched all over. Shen Weixun grabbed the Sharman tribe's wrist and wanted to take Little Ruanruan away quickly. He subconsciously looked up towards the door.

I saw a group of people gathered together at the door. The people closest to the door kept beating the door panel, and some people were hitting the door hard with their shoulders, but the door seemed to be welded to death and did not move at all.

"No, I can't get out, the door is sealed."

"Is there any other exit?!"

"Where's Lao Wu? Where's Manager Wu! Hurry up and open the door!" Is the door sealed?
Is it possible that there are still people from the Holy Religion guarding it outside?

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