Chapter 274 They are not human

The eyes of the statue on the stage suddenly moved at this moment. The eyes of the clay sculpture tilted downwards, with a slightly angry Vajra attitude. In the chaos, no one noticed the strangeness of the evil statue.


A woman's scream interrupted the chaotic scene.

As if the pause button had been pressed, everyone stopped moving, including the man in black who had just been confronting Ruanruan.

The group of partygoers who had gathered at the door to escape formed a circle. Ruanruan raised his head and glanced at the evil god statue, secretly saying something bad.

The Evil God Statue was exuding a strong evil aura at the moment. The black mist that had been floating in a haphazard manner at the beginning was compressed into the shape of a line. This line snaked and stretched in the sky, and the end of the line was right in the middle of the crowd.

Ruanruan hurriedly stepped forward to push through the crowd and squeezed to the front. She saw a man lying on the ground and twitching all over, as if he was having an epileptic seizure. The man twitched for a while and stopped moving with his legs staring.

"Do you want to call the police?"

Someone asked softly from behind Ruanruan.

Ruanruan looked back at the Evil God Statue again. The curve of the Evil God Statue's mouth widened even more. The man who fell on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed his neck in panic, as if he was being strangled by something. generally

He made a drinking sound in his throat, veins popped out all over his body, and his eyeballs were protruding and covered with bloodshot eyes. After struggling for a while to no avail, he stretched out a hand and said two words to the difficulty: "Help! "

Weak and helpless, the evil statue is draining the man's vitality, and there is a reason for all this.
Due to the relationship, the man and the evil god statue have reached a certain contract. From body to soul, the evil god statue can take it away anytime and anywhere if it wants. Once this contract is reached, no one can break it.

Seeing that others were indifferent, the man gave up resistance. He looked around for a week, his eyes full of despair and hatred, as if he wanted to remember this group of onlookers before he died.

Perhaps he naively believed that he would turn into a ghost and come back for revenge.

In the end, the man died with his eyes closed, and his body began to change, gradually drying up as if its flesh and blood were being extracted by a giant straw, until it turned into a mummy.

Ruanruan saw the man's soul floating out of his body, slowly drifting along the black line to the statue of the evil god, and being integrated into the sculpture bit by bit, his soul was extinguished.

Then another person fell, still in the same state and the same way of death. After the second person became a human, the group of onlookers finally realized something. Some of them began to knock on the door more crazily, and some desperately He fell to the ground and cried loudly.

Everything is in vain. The current outcome has been doomed since they enshrined the statue of the evil god because of their own desires. This group of people has become the nourishment of the evil god, and the humans being fed have nowhere to escape.

One after another people fell down, Ruanruan could only watch it all happen. The evil god statue absorbed the flesh, blood and souls of so many people at once and became more powerful. It exuded more evil energy and entangled more people. People kill them.

No solution.

In this situation, there is no other way except to watch them die.

These souls must be transcended. Even if they are allowed to go to the underworld unconsciously, they cannot continue.

"At that time, the Heavenly Lord who saves suffering is filling the realms of the ten directions. He always saves and pulls out all sentient beings with his majestic power. When he is free from the lost path, all sentient beings are unaware, just like blindly seeing the sun and moon. I am too inexperienced, and my leadership is boundless. Qingyun opens the door to life, and auspicious smoke fills the door of the dead
Ruanruan closed her eyes and began to undergo menstruation.

The Evil God Statue sensed that someone was competing with it, and it released more evil aura. This aura condensed into an entity, and mixed with the stench of blood, flew towards Ruanruan.

Shen Weixun was fully focused on this tug-of-war. As soon as the evil spirit started to move, he reached Ruanruan's side first.

"At the beginning of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty, I used to understand the details to sense the opportunity. Save all sins and overcome all misfortunes. I am beyond the source of immortality, and the waves are naturally clear. They all inherit the power of the Great Dao to defeat all evils.
Just when the evil spirit was about to approach the two of them, it suddenly braked and turned, flying towards the shark.

go with.

Ruanruan raised his head suddenly and rushed forward to cover his whole body with spiritual energy, trying to bear down this constriction.

But she was still a step too slow, and the evil spirit flew directly into the shark's body with a strong purpose. This step of the Evil God Statue can be said to be very successful in diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

The shark was eroded by the evil spirit, and her already weak body became even more uncomfortable. Her consciousness gradually blurred, and she fell to the ground with a thud.

The evil statue gave up absorbing flesh and blood and directly extracted the soul of the shark.

Ruanruan hurriedly stepped forward, using all the power in her body to cover her hands, hoping to completely cut off the evil spirit.

But at this time, the evil statue had already separated the shark's soul from his body. The soul slowly floated up, and then another soul followed.

Two souls in one body?!
It turned out to be one body and two souls.

They are not of the same race!
Who can tell her that for the sake of God, a mermaid body can have two souls?!
Ruanruan's mind is full of questions, but now is obviously not the time to dwell on such issues. It can't be delayed any longer.

Ruanruan bit the tip of her tongue directly.

At this time, the talisman drawn with essence and blood is qualitatively different from the talisman drawn on paper. He quickly drew a thunder talisman and hit it towards the evil god statue.

Purple thunder and lightning was quickly summoned, and dark clouds began to slowly gather directly above the hotel's head, with the light of thunder and lightning looming in the clouds.

The people walking on the street couldn't help but stop and marvel when they saw the strange change in the sky.


Ruanruan pulled the thunder talisman and let out a loud roar.

Thunder and lightning came down in response. The thunder and lightning, as thick as a baby's arm, fell quickly and hit the head of the evil god statue.

The purple lightning flashed so hard that people couldn't open their eyes. The Buddha statue fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.
piece. Because of the thunder and lightning, the circuit system of the entire hotel building was paralyzed, and everyone was suddenly plunged into darkness, and the uncomfortable evil spirit dissipated.

Before the power outage, Ruanruan saw the shark's soul flying back to his body.


At the same time, another group of men in black rushed out and directly grabbed the shark and left through the back door.
go with.

Seeing this, Ruanruan chased after him without saying a word.

Taoist Priest Qingyun followed, but could no longer act with Ruanruan.

They had to search both upstairs and downstairs of the hotel, so they had to divide into two groups and search separately. Ruanruan and Shen Weixun climbed up three floors together.

On the fourth floor, she suddenly heard noisy footsteps and a woman's scream.

You can still vaguely hear a woman calling for help.

Ruanruan quickly turned the corner and saw several strong men wearing sunglasses forcibly dragging a girl towards the hall. The girl had tears in her eyes. When she turned around, she saw Ruanruan struggling even more fiercely.

"Help! Help me!"

Ruanruan glanced at these men, who looked the same as the men in black before.

When these people saw the evil statue being slaughtered, they still looked calm. He must be in the same group as the person who made the evil statue.

Whether they are good or bad, you know without even thinking about it.

Before the blood on the tip of her tongue was used up, Ruanruan directly drew a thunder talisman on her hand. This can achieve the effect of thunder in the palm, and you can control thunder and lightning yourself.

Purple electric light twinkled around her arms. Facing the group of big men, she softly opened her palms to control the thunder and lightning and rushed forward.

One hit must be hit.

The big man who was hit flew into the air. The power of the thunder was immeasurable, and it would be impossible for an ordinary person to survive the blow intact. However, the big man still stumbled up.

The man looked dull and continued running towards Ruanruan as if he couldn't feel the pain.

Ruanruan frowned and stepped forward, jumping up to a height of two meters.

The man in black who was close to him was kicked away with a roundhouse kick. He swayed and rolled in the air before arriving in front of the girl.

The girl was so frightened that she couldn't help but be surprised by Xiaotuanzi's gorgeous figure. He even shamelessly hid behind Ruanruan.

These men in black are not human beings.

Ruanruan couldn't feel any life in them.

Not afraid of pain, not afraid of thunder and lightning, and does not seem to be evil or ghost.

It's a bit tricky, and the most important thing is that spending time with them will only be a waste of time.

Ruanruan turned around and saw a hidden utility room in the corner. Taking advantage of the fight between the third senior brother and the man in black, he took out the invisibility charm he had prepared outside and posted a back cover on himself and the girl. , took her hand and rushed over.

Then he slipped out of the door and posted a photo for the third senior brother.

Grabbing Shen Weixun's hand, he hurried back to the utility room. The man in black lost his target and wandered around like a headless fly. After taking a look along the crack in the door, Ruanruan felt relieved.

Shen Weixun examined the girl in private with his soft invisibility charm, narrowed his eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Who are you and why do they want to arrest you?"

"My name is Lu Yiyi. I am the second daughter of the chairman of the Lu Group. My dad wants to sacrifice me.
"Sacrifice? What do you mean?"

Ruanruan remembered the scenes she had seen in the hotel on the first floor.

I always feel that what this girl said should be closely related to the evil statue.

"My mother fell ill and died when I was young. My father was depressed for a long time, but he still took good care of me and my brother. Later, my father finally slowly came out of the shadows and married a woman who looked very much like my mother. That The woman told my father that she could bring my biological mother back to life.
Lu Yiyi's voice was trembling and slightly choked.

After trying to calm down for a while, she continued: "That woman's name is Liao Qing. She is very good at disguise and deceived my father and me. At first, I thought she was a good woman and I have always been close to her. I really I thought of her as my mother, until that day I saw what she was doing in the utility room.”

At twelve o'clock at midnight, the antique pendulum clock on the wall was jingling. Lu Yiyi got up from the bed in a daze, half-squinting her eyes and preparing to take a drink of water. As soon as she got downstairs, she saw the light in the utility room on the first floor turned on. The door was open a little.

She stepped forward curiously, and saw her stepmother kneeling on the ground with her eyes closed, her hands clasped together, and she kept kowtowing. There was a statue of a god in front of her. Most of the statues had carved faces with half-closed eyes, kind eyebrows, and peaceful eyes. look.

But although this statue is also a lotus with beads, its facial expression is extremely evil.
His eyes were wide open and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, making him feel uncomfortable no matter how he looked.

"God bless me and I must give birth to a son."

Liao Qing muttered, and then kowtowed three times reverently. Lu Yiyi was stunned, and the scene in front of her gave off a strange feeling.

Lu Yiyi turned her gaze back to the statue. This sight almost scared her out of her wits. The statue was actually alive!
The statue's eyes moved slightly and it looked at Lu Yiyi for a full three seconds. The corners of its originally smiling mouth suddenly widened, as if it was staring at some prey. Lu Yiyi's mind went blank, her feet softened and she fell to the ground. Oh my god. A scream woke up my father and brother.

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