The crackling sound is endless.

It seemed like someone was fighting outside.

Ruanruan and Shen Weixun looked at each other and planned to go out and take a look.

Xiaotuanzi turned to the girl next to him and said, "Sister, it's not safe here now. You'd better not move around. We have to go out to look for someone."

After saying that, Ruan Ruanhe and Shen Weixun walked directly out of the utility room door.

The girl was not given any extra time to react.

They were already insignificant people, and they had already told her not to move around, and that it was best to stay where she was. If something happened to her if she disobeyed and ran out, she could only be blamed for seeking death.

The corridor outside is a bit dark.

Only the green emergency exit light was still on.

The two of them cautiously moved forward to identify the source of the fighting sound. It seems to be.
Outside the window?
Ruanruan is a little confused.

Now they are on the sixth floor, and there is nothing outside the window. How can someone be fighting outside the window?
Out of curiosity, Ruanruan came to the window and poked her head outside.

I saw a young man in his twenties, wearing a white ancient costume, standing on the top platform of an elevated vehicle with a long sword in his hand.

In front of him were four or five paper figures wearing black suits and bodyguards. The man in white had a murderous aura all over his body, his face was cold, and his eyes were as cold as ice. He formed a seal with his hands and muttered words.

Suddenly, the moonlight seemed to become brighter, and a silver beam of light fell from the sky, converging on his palm and lingering on the long sword.

At the same time, the people in black pounced on him with all their teeth and claws.

For the first time, Ruanruan realized how powerful these papers were in the hands of the paper maker.

It was obviously just thin paper, but after being reshaped by the hands of the paper maker, it seemed to become as hard as steel.

The long sword struck the body, making a crackling sound, and the man in black only suffered some superficial injuries.

Although the man in white could not kill these paper-clad men in black immediately. But they won't be hurt.

The person controlling the elevated vehicle on the ground seems to have a tacit understanding with the man in white.

I don’t know how the two communicated. The man in white stood on a shelf and could accurately avoid the attacks of the men in black every time.

After thinking about it for a while, Ruanruan realized that the man in white was also a member of Xuanmen. He probably used the power of the moon.

The sun and the moon are naturally the most powerful yin and yang forces in heaven, but there are not many people who can mobilize the power of the sun and the moon.

The man in white probably has a very yin body.

He has a certain connection with the moon, so he can specialize in the magic of Lehua's power. interesting.

The man in white refreshed Ruanruan's impression of the people in Xuanmen.

This man was very strong, stronger than anyone she had seen at the metaphysics exchange conference before. It turns out there are such powerful warlocks in this world.

Not all of them are people like the Hu family.

"Brother, it's useless for you to do this. There are souls in the paper-shaped people's bodies. Most of them are captured by the paper-making craftsmen. The ghosts force them into them. The paper-making craftsmen control the ghosts, and the ghosts control the paper people. You If they want to solve it, they must get out the soul inside. "

Ruanruan couldn't hold back her temper, opened the window, and shouted a few words at the man in white outside.


The man obviously heard what she said, but he frowned slightly and did not respond.

He didn't even change his method of fighting.

Xiaotuanzi blinked and didn't understand why his elder brother didn't react at all. Could it be that you think the method she gave is wrong?
If the eldest brother doesn't believe it, then she will test it herself and show it to him.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Ruanruan has seen a lot of paper-pricking people like this. They are all things created by the Holy Religion.

Since the elder brother is fighting with these paper figures, he should also want to deal with the Holy Cult.
people. It doesn't hurt to lend a hand.
Ruanruan took out a few blank talisman papers from her small satchel.

The previous few attempts at dealing with paper humans were a bit futile. After returning home, Xiaotuanzi specially developed a spell that could directly destroy the souls of paper humans.

The principle is very simple, it is to make changes on the basis of the Sky Thunder Talisman. Weaken the power of the Thunder Talisman and concentrate it on one point.

In this way, the power of thunder and lightning contained in Tianlei Fuli will become an extremely thin thread and penetrate through the gaps in the paper man.

After getting in, when it encounters Yin Qi, the concentrated and reduced power of thunder and lightning will explode. The ghost inside would never be able to bear such close contact with Tianlei.

It's just that this thing is only for paper makers and has no use elsewhere. Ruanruan was not drawn in advance.

However, it is not difficult to draw the talisman on the spot. Xiaotuanzi held his breath and concentrated, raised the brush with a stern face, and wrote on the paper.

In just a moment, the talisman was finished.

When she finished writing, the talisman paper simultaneously emitted a gleaming white light. Picking up the talisman, she threw it at the man in black closest to her.

Today was the first time she tested the power of her innovative spell.

Seeing that the talisman paper was firmly attached to the paper figure, Xiaotuanzi watched it attentively, for fear of missing any details.

The paper man had something stuck on his body, but he didn't notice it at all. He still rushed toward the man in white regardless.

About thirty seconds passed.

The man in black, who was affixed with the talisman, exploded on the spot with purple light emitting from his body.

The power of the explosion was not small, and the man in white was not far from the man in black, so he was implicated.

The electric current touched his skin, making him tingle all over.

A numb and itchy feeling went straight to Tianling Gai, causing the man in black to stand up even in his hair.

Seeing this scene, Ruanruan stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Oops, miscalculation

The power of thunder and lightning contained in the spell is a bit too much. The superior is innocent, but I'm really sorry.


"I'm sorry, big brother, I didn't mean it. I'll draw another one."

Xiaotuanzi is a good boy who knows his mistakes and can correct them.

She quickly reduced the power of the spell slightly and finished another one.

The man in white originally wanted to get angry, but when he turned around and saw the sweet smile and soft face, all his anger disappeared.

Thinking in his heart, he couldn't avoid it in time, so he was accidentally touched by lightning.

It's just a simple electric current passing through the whole body, and it does no real harm to the body. The child also had good intentions, but it just accidentally affected him.

To be so proficient in drawing symbols on the spot shows that this kid is quite capable.

The man in white had a love for talents, and he was even more unwilling to care about the soft and unintentional behavior just now.


Just as he was concentrating again.

The man in black who rushed towards him, like the man in black just now, exploded less than one meter in front of him.

Once again, he was struck by the current.

The man in white felt that all the hairs on his body stood up. When he opened his mouth, he slowly spit out a puff of black smoke.

Ruanruan stared at this scene dumbfounded. What's going on?
Hasn't she already reduced the power of the spell? (End of chapter)

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