The man in white seemed to have lost his temper.

He looked at the paper figurine that suddenly exploded in front of him, and silently glanced at the small group standing at the window.


He opened his mouth to say something, but could only spit out puffs of white smoke.

Xiaotuanzi felt a little guilty.

He lowered his head in embarrassment and apologized in a sweet voice: "Brother, I'm sorry, you have to be careful, I"

Before Mu Ruanruan could finish her words, the remaining men in black exploded like fireworks.

They stared at the man in white and attacked, so they were closest to the man in white.

With such an explosion, the electric current is crackling and running around, like a spider web, leaving people with nowhere to hide.

The clothes on the man's body had been torn to pieces by the explosion, and it was so dark that it was impossible to tell that it had once been white.

Mu Ruanruan scratched her head.

Oops, I didn’t have time to tell the whole story.

What she actually wanted to say was that all the talismans he drew the second time were thrown out by him, and those paper figures were all
It will explode, big brother wants a small "poof"

The man who used to be so beautiful and looked like an immortal now looks like a black coal miner who just came back from Africa.

It's completely unrecognizable to what it looked like before.

Streams of thick black smoke were spit out from his mouth. It didn't matter that everyone was a member of Xuanmen and had some means of protecting the body. Otherwise, if the current was electrocuted, he would be disabled even if he died.

It took a while for the man to recover.

The lift platform of the car slowly approached the window. The man stared directly at Mu Ruanruan. After being silent for a while, he said, "Whose little Taoist are you?"

"I am from my master's family.

Mu Ruoruan blinked, her face looking innocent and harmless.

There was nothing wrong with her answer, but the answer was no different from no answer.

"Hahahaha, you are really interesting. It's not safe here now. I'll take you down."

The continuous bombardment just now and the subsequent incorrect answers did not arouse the man's anger.


He was in a calm mood, and he only felt aggrieved for a while. He knew that Xiaotuanzi didn't do it on purpose. Fortunately, Xin Zai wanted to use the lifting platform to take Mu Ruanruan down.

Looking at the man who opened his arms and released his kindness, Xiaotuanzi stepped back a few steps.

It's not that she hates this person, it's just that she still has things to do and can't leave the hotel yet.

"No, thank you for your kindness, big brother. I want to find my master and senior brother, and also rescue a Sharman who was kidnapped."

"The Shark Tribe?"

The man frowned, very surprised.

"Yes, big brother, who are you? Why are you fighting with those men in black?"

Mu Ruoruan suddenly realized that she seemed to have let something slip, even though this elder brother did not seem to be a bad person.

But the Sharks are full of treasures, and they are the supreme treasure for both those in Xuanmen and ordinary people.

There is no guarantee that it will not attract greedy prying eyes from others.

"I am from the official special agency, you can also understand it as the relevant department. I just saw something strange here, so I hurried over to see what was going on.

After I arrived, I realized that this hotel was extremely evil. I originally wanted to go in directly, but I was intercepted by a group of men in black at the door, and they beat me up. "

The man didn't care whether Xiao Tuanzi understood or not, he explained it very clearly. Some things cannot be said to ordinary people, but they can be said to colleagues. It doesn't matter if this kind of irrelevant information is revealed.

"Oh, big brother, it seems you can't kill those men in black. There are many such paper figures in the hotel. If big brother is afraid of danger, it's better not to stay here. I'll go find my master and brother first. Goodbye, big brother!"

Mu Ruanruan definitely reminded her out of kindness.

What he said was all the real truth.

When the man was fighting with those men in black just now, he couldn't break through the paper men's defense, that is, he couldn't beat them.

It means that people are tireless, and the ghosts inside are all puppets raised by people, and they are not afraid at all.


He will only commit murder blindly.

If there is no other way to win the paper people through hard power, they will only be consumed by them. But the truth is unpalatable. A six-year-old child has to go forward bravely to face danger. As an adult, he still feels that his skills are good.

It was obvious that he was not strong enough, so he backed away if he was afraid, which made him feel a bit sorry for himself.

The man felt that he would be proud of himself even if he didn't steam the buns, so when the little dumpling turned around, he stretched out his hand.

Izuku said: "Wait a minute, I'll go with you!"

Xiaotuanzi responded to him, turning around with a confused and hesitant look.

Yes, Mu Ruanruan was thinking about taking this unfamiliar big brother with her to see if she could protect him in case of an emergency.

Consciously placing himself in the position of protector, the man seemed to understand Mu Ruanruan's thoughts.

He held his forehead helplessly, sighed, and explained: "In the high-altitude fight just now, I could only sit on the elevated car and couldn't move around, so I couldn't let go of my hands and feet at all. My own strength is not that bad, don't worry. , I don’t need you to stand in front of me if I encounter a situation. I have the ability to protect myself and you.”

Mu Ruoruan blinked.

Protect whom, protect her?
The man's strength is indeed good, but it is still a bit inferior to him. At most, he can be evenly matched with his second senior brother.

Even the third senior brother couldn't beat him.

The second senior brother must be protected by her in front of her.

This is a bit too much to say. It is too grandiose. Shen Weixun couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Seeing the man's insistence, he made the decision for Xiaotuanzi: "Okay, you can come with me. You said you are from the relevant official department, so you should be the only one here, right? If you have any companions, please say hello now They come over and come in through the window, and we go together."

It was obvious that Shen Weixun had already agreed, but the man still stared at Mu Ruanruan motionlessly and made no other movements.

He seems to be very persistent in getting Mu Ruanruan's affirmative answer.

It seems that only when Mu Ruoruan affirms him can it be considered complete.

"Since my third senior brother says it's okay, then it's okay."

"I'm calling someone."

Sure enough, after Mu Ruoruan nodded, the man immediately took out the walkie-talkie.

Not long after, they saw a man appear on the lift platform. This man was dressed very casually, as casually as an old man walking on the street.

He looks about the same age as the man in white. He is indeed unshaven and unshaven. His upper body is in an old man's shirt, and his lower body is in flip-flops and floral pants.

If this look was released, no one would have thought that he would be a Taoist master who is proficient in calligraphy.


"Hey, Lao Meng, has your mysophobia been cured?"

(End of this chapter)

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