Chapter 320 Credit Card Man

But he didn't have any spiritual power and looked like an ordinary person. How could he get involved with two ghosts?
"Young man, don't be so angry. I am the owner of Jiaren Real Estate. This is my business card. These two young men don't know if they can sell me some face. If they let him go, I will definitely get a generous reward."

"Who do you think you are? Why should I buy face from you?
Meng Chang was unhappy when he heard this.

What they are doing is important to the safety of the people, and a real estate boss pops up and says he will be released if he wants them to be released?
He takes himself too seriously.

"Bullshit! I finally found you!"

Suddenly, a strong man roared menacingly from behind.

Ruanruan and Meng Chang turned around at the same time and saw a middle-aged man dressed like Brother Sharp standing behind them.

In his hand was a kitchen knife.

That anger was directed at the real estate boss.

what's the situation?
Why is it so lively?
Seeing that the situation was getting more and more chaotic, in order to avoid a long night and many dreams, Ruanruan stretched out her hand and directly fooled the ghost in her hand.

Quick and neat, killing with one move.

The ghost didn't even have a chance to react before he screamed for his life. Seeing that the ghost was gone, the real estate owner shouted "Oh my God."

My body is shaking like sifting sugar

Before Ruanruan could figure out what was going on with this man, she saw him running towards her, hiding behind her and shouting: "He's killing people! Help! He will kill people! Help! I!"

This man was so majestic and arrogant one second, but turned into such a coward the next second, it was really hard to see.

"Brother Meng Chang, watch him."

This man must be kept. I will ask him if I have something to ask him later. I must not let him run away or let him die.

After handing the person over to Meng Chang, Ruanruan came to the man holding a kitchen knife. After looking up and down for a few times, Ruanruan confirmed what he was thinking.

Credit knife man.

No one knows where this sect originated. They are distributed all over the country. When they meet someone who is destined or wants to trade, they will come forward and chat with them.

If the other party is willing, the creditor will give the other party a piece of guidance, and then leave a prophecy. On the day when the prophecy comes true, the creditor will appear and collect the reward for the guidance they gave to the other party at that time.

The lineage of knife creditors is so elusive that it is basically impossible to actively look for them. You have to wait for them to come to your door, and the rewards they charge will be corresponding. The larger the guide, the more expensive the rewards will be.

Their outfits and appearance have not changed much over the years. Most of them have a vicious look and a kitchen knife in their hand. The kitchen knife is their iconic item and an important token of their inheritance.

The man who borrowed the sword stood there, his eyes as wide as copper bells.

Ruanruan has come into contact with several people who borrowed knives on credit. Although they looked fierce, their personalities were all naive.
Honest people, their sect doesn't know what their hobbies are, and they only accept this type of people as disciples.

"Take a step to talk?"

The person who borrowed the knife glanced at Ruanruan and said calmly: "Do you have any goals or wishes that you want to achieve?"

Ruanruan was slightly startled. Is he doing business on his own head? "I don't owe the credit card holder."

Ruanruan revealed the other party's identity with one word and asked with a smile. "expert?"

The knife owner then looked at Ruan Ruan and asked inquiringly. "Yes. I am a Taoist priest."

"Since I'm an expert, I won't talk nonsense. That man and I have a blood feud, and I absolutely cannot let him go."

Speaking of the real estate boss, a fierce look flashed in the eyes of the person who borrowed the knife.

"You have a grudge, and I won't stop you. It's just that I have a use for keeping him now. Why don't you tell me what kind of hatred you two have, and I'll think about whether I should hand him over to you."

The person who borrowed the knife was silent for a while. He seemed not to want to embarrass Ruan Ruan, but finally he spoke slowly.


"That man's name is Chen Wanwan. He was originally an orphan who grew up in a rural area..."

Chen Qianwan met the knife owner when he was eighteen years old and had just grown up. However, the person he met was not the person in front of him, but the knife owner's master. At that time, the knife owner's master met Chen. Qian Wan worked everywhere to make money, and his family was poor. He worked hard but could not make much money, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​guidance.

The master of the credit knife man did not go to talk to Chen Wanwan at that time, but secretly observed many geniuses who were anxious. After a few days of observation, the master of the credit knife man thought that the character of a person who works so hard to survive without complaining is It won't be any worse.

At that time, Chen Qianwan's wish was to make money. He was too poor and had lived a hard life since he was a child. The only desire in his life was food and clothing. The master who borrowed the knife immediately gave him a guideline.

As long as Chen Wanwan takes the train north with all his current belongings, gets off the train when he sees the first sea, and does business in the northernmost part of the place, he will definitely make money without losing money.

The remuneration proposed by the master who borrowed the knife was half of Chen Wanwan's future assets. When Chen Qianwan gave birth to his first daughter, the master who borrowed the knife would come to collect the reward.

Chen Wanwan agreed.

At that time, he only had a total of 200 yuan in his possessions. The master of the credit card dealer said that if he did not make a fortune somewhere, he would not ask for payment. This business was a sure profit for Chen Qianwan.

Chen Qianwan is also an enterprising person. Although he was dubious about the master who borrowed the knife, he still decided to do what he said. After all, it was true that he had money. Even if it was fake, it was just another place to work. , it happened that he also had the idea of ​​​​working outside. The brave will starve to death and the timid will starve to death. It is obvious that Chen Qianwan is no longer in the range of starving to death. He stepped onto the train alone. Following the words of the credit card holder, he got off the train when he saw the first piece of sea. In this I found a park in the northernmost part of the city to sleep.

Just after he woke up in the park, a briefcase appeared inexplicably at his feet. There were 100,000 yuan neatly placed in the briefcase. He didn't know who left it here.

Chen Qianwan had no education since he was a child. He had to pay for nine years of compulsory education due to tuition and miscellaneous fees. He had no concept of law. In his eyes, if the money was at his feet, it was his.

He secretly took the money away, and was lucky enough not to be caught on any surveillance cameras. The surveillance technology at that time was not very mature, so it was normal for him not to be caught.

Chen Wanwan used the money to find a few fellow villagers to form a contracting team. Business went smoothly and life got better and better.

Later, Chen Qianwan found out where the 100,000 yuan he had picked up came from. There was a drunkard who had an argument with his wife. After drinking too much, he went to the bank and withdrew all the savings at home. When he was next to Chen Wanwan, he fell down and forgot the money when he stood up.

After waking up the next day, the drunk man found that the money in his bank card was missing. He called the police and checked the surveillance system to see that it was the money he had withdrawn, but it was left there. This man had no memory at all and could only wander around. Go find it.

But the money has already been taken away by Chen Qianwan, how could he find it again?
The drunkard’s wife had a big fight with him, got divorced with their children, and the house and car were taken away. At this moment, the financial crisis hit. The drunkard lost all his money in the stock market because he lost too much. He was in a trance and was fired from the company.

The man couldn't bear the successive blows, so he jumped from the rooftop of the company in despair and committed suicide.

This incident made the news and became a topic of conversation in this small city. Almost everyone was condemning the evil man who picked up the money but swallowed it.

Originally, Chen Wanwan felt a little guilty after knowing about this incident, but seeing that so many people were aggrieved about this incident, he decided to keep it to himself and not tell anyone.

Gradually, Chen Qianwan's assets increased.

In his mind, his success was all due to the advice of the master who borrowed the knife.

At the same time, Chen Wanwan also remembered the words of the master who borrowed the knife. Half of his future assets will be his reward. He has gone from a poor orphan step by step to now with a net worth of over 100 million. The other party will exchange half of his assets for one word. , he absolutely refused.

The master of the creditor said that when Chen Qianwan gave birth to his first daughter, he would come to collect the reward. Chen Qianwan wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, thinking that if he only had a life without giving birth to a daughter, then the creditor would not be able to do so. Will come to your door.

To be honest, Chen Qianwan is still a little scared. People who do business are more or less superstitious, especially luck. The higher you get to the top, the more you can come into contact with it. Some people are prosperous one second, but later It can fall into the dust in a second, just because of a little bit of luck.

Chen Wanwan refused to get married and became a well-known local diamond king. However, his private life was very chaotic. He took on one lover after another. When the lover became pregnant, he went to the hospital for a checkup and aborted his daughter, four of them in a row. After five daughters, a son was finally found. Chen Qianwan happily took him home, and the woman was upgraded from lover to wife.

In the end, Chen Wanwan's wife gave birth to a son. Chen Wanwan was very happy. After that, he didn't want to have any more children. He persuaded his wife to have a sterilization and vowed not to go out and have sex again.

Chen Wanwan’s wife thought that he favored boys over girls, so she initially disagreed with the sterilization. However, after a long period of observation, she found that Chen Wanwan was really a good person in the family and company. She felt relieved, thinking that Chen Wanwan had given in and became A good man agreed to Chen Qianwan's request.

Then Chen Qianwan's wife became the envy of everyone. Her husband was wealthy and took care of his family. So what if there was a little chaos before marriage?
After all, he has never gone out to have sex after getting married. Compared with those men who have money and go out to live happily, it is not much better.

Everyone praised Chen Wanwan for his happy family and life. Chen Wanwan recognized himself more and more in these compliments, completely forgetting about the drunkard who committed suicide and the family that was torn apart by his selfish desires.

There are always surprises in everything. Chen Wanwan thought that as long as he did not have any more children, he would be able to keep half of his family wealth, so Chen Wanwan lived a cautious life and kept an absolutely safe distance from women.

But no matter how careful he was, he could not withstand other people's deliberate calculations. Chen Qianqian never expected that one of his former lovers used money to bribe his driver and tried every means to climb into his bed.

This lover was a woman who only cared about money and not people. At that time, Chen Wanwan also fell in love with her beauty. Later, after getting married, he severed ties with all his lovers, including this woman.

Women are raised like canaries. She has been taken care of by Chen Wanwan since she just graduated from college. She has been out of touch with society for five years.

After Chen Qianwan broke off the relationship with her, the woman once thought about finding a job, but no one wanted her in a better place, and she refused to be a waiter like carrying plates and bowls.

The woman wants to find someone else to take care of her, but those rich men like girls who are younger and more beautiful than her. Age is really a flaw. The breakup fee given by Chen Qianwan has basically been squandered by the woman. What if she is used to a life of wealth? Maybe go back to the civilian life you once had.

She heard that Chen Qianwan's wife was one of the most valued mothers. They were both women, so the woman began to plan how to conceive Chen Wanwan's child. Even if it was an illegitimate child, what would happen? It is better than being born into a poor family.

In this way, the woman sold all her luxury goods, used the money to pry open the mouth of Chen Qianwan's driver, and exchanged for the other party's itinerary. When Chen Qianwan was drunk at a party, she naturally climbed into the other party's car. bed.

The woman deliberately chose a dangerous period and tried her best to get pregnant all night long. She got the baby as she wished. After she became pregnant, the woman did not dare to tell Chen Qianwan. She remembered that Chen Wanwan had had many abortions because he found out that it was a girl. She didn't know whether the baby in her belly was a boy or a girl, but it didn't matter. Tiger poison doesn't eat its seeds. As long as the baby is born, he will be disliked at most, and he will still have money.

In this way, the woman concealed the fact that she was pregnant, and finally gave birth to the child in October.

It was a girl, and the moment the girl landed, the master who borrowed the knife came to find her.

Chen Wanwan was startled when the master of the knife loaner came to his door. The other person's face was clearly engraved in his mind. The benefactor who guided him to make a fortune was also the enemy who wanted to rob half of his assets.

"What are you doing here? I don't have a daughter, I only have one son." Chen Qianwan's reaction was fierce and he yelled.

"Just today, ten minutes ago, you had your first daughter."

The master who borrowed the knife said calmly, "It's impossible, I only have one son!"

Chen Wanwan thought that the master who borrowed the knife was trying to trick him, so he looked at him warily. "If you don't believe it, I'll come back in a month."

The master who borrowed the knife didn't waste any words. He just turned around and left after saying this.

Chen Wanwan was confused and thought that the master who borrowed the knife knew that he was rich and wanted to deceive him. However, a month later, the woman came to the door after her confinement and brought her daughter with her.

Looking at the paternity test in his hand, Chen Qianwan felt that the world was about to collapse. He had been so cautious and did not expect that he would still get it. He looked at the woman and his daughter with hatred, and regretted why he had a private life before. So confusing.

The person who borrowed the knife arrived as promised. Seeing Chen Wanwan's reaction, he knew that the other party had understood the whole story. He said straight to the point: "I'm here to collect payment."

"Master, please see if we can discuss it. I'll give you a little more money and treat it as a reward. Many of these half of the assets are non-realizable. It's useless if you ask for it." Chen Wanwan didn't dare to do anything. We can only talk and discuss things honestly.

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