Chapter 321: Killing in the Face
"I want to collect two-thirds of your property. This is the evil you have done and needs to be repaid." The master of the person who borrowed the knife said calmly without any expression.

Chen Qianwan was furious in an instant. Half of his assets were already costing him his life. The other party raised the price temporarily. He didn't want to give him a dollar: "Don't have such a big appetite. Be careful to overwhelm yourself. I'm so busy in the mall." I haven’t been a vegetarian for many years!”

"The money you made your fortune shouldn't be yours. Originally, I thought you were quite honest, so I gave you some advice as a way of forming a good relationship. I didn't expect that you directly caused the death of others. I thought I was wrong. I want to donate all of this one-third of my assets to wash away the sins on you and me." The master of the knife owner snorted coldly and revealed the secret deep in Chen Wanwan's heart.

"What do you mean?" Chen Wanwan was a little confused and asked subconsciously.

"Originally, you did have a large windfall in that position, but you didn't get it this way. After you return the money to others, they will give you half of it to thank you. This is what you deserve. With these With the money, you can achieve better things than you do now. I didn't expect you to keep all this money for yourself. Even after you knew something happened, you never thought of making up for it. "The person who borrowed the knife was Master, who looked at Chen Wanwan coldly. road.

The Master's eyes were like an infrared instrument. In those clear and cold eyes, Chen Wanwan saw his ugly soul, as if he had taken off all his clothes and was being scrutinized, with nothing to hide.

There was no room for negotiation, and the master of the creditor insisted on asking for two-thirds of Chen Wanwan's property. Once a person touches what he cares about most, the worst roots of his nature will sprout from the bottom of his heart and grow into a towering tree.

Chen Qianwan is an orphan. He has no father or mother and has never experienced the warmth of family affection. In his world view, nothing in this world is more important than his own money, including his wife and children.

Seeing Chen Qianwan's refusal to cooperate, the master of the person who borrowed the knife left a message: "I will come and get the reward I deserve in three days. If you don't want to, you don't have to give it to me, but if you are in ruins later, Bankruptcy or something like that, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

In Chen Wanwan's ears, these words were a threat from Chi Guoguo. If the master of the person who borrowed the knife knew that the other party had this idea, he would definitely complain. The disciples chosen by their sect are all honest and honest, the most obvious character trait. Just be honest, the conscience of heaven and earth, the person who borrows the knife is just a reminder, without any intention of coercion.

It is absolutely impossible to ask Chen Qianwan to hand over his property, but the master who borrowed the sword is in his ears. Three days, only three days.

The time was so tight that Chen Wanwan had no way to calm down and think of a way to deal with it. Seeing that it was time for the credit card man to come to the door again, Chen Wanwan felt scared and without hesitation picked up the knife in the drawer. of sleeping pills.

The sleeping pills were prescribed to Chen Qianwan when he had migraines and neurasthenia and couldn't sleep. Now that his illness has basically healed, he just threw them aside so casually.

Chen Wanwan ground the sleeping pills into powder and put it in the coffee. When the credit card holder's master came to the door, he tried every means to induce him to drink the spiked coffee.

The master who borrowed the knife fell into a deep sleep and never woke up again. Chen Qianwan personally cut up the body and threw it away, leaving not even a bone. After doing all this, Chen Qianwan felt relaxed all over. The moral bottom line has taken another big step back.

Without the threat of the master who borrowed the knife, Chen Qianwan felt that the hateful daughter was very pleasing to his eyes. After all, she was his own daughter. Without the conflict of interest, Chen Wanwan accepted this illegitimate daughter instantly.

The woman also got her wish and got a lot of money. Chen Wanwan changed his past style and started
He started fooling around without any fear, and his wife at home had long been forgotten.

"I was worried about my master, and wanted to come to him to see if I was in any trouble. But when I came, I saw my master's soul lying on the back of my grandson! It's okay that he didn't keep his word, but he still treated me Master has committed such a murderous attack. After I saved Master, I vowed to avenge him. I have been hunting down this grandson for the past few days. "

The person who borrowed the knife explained the whole story, and even choked up a little after he said it, probably because he thought of his master who died tragically.

"Want revenge?"

Ruanruan was silent for a while and asked.

"That's natural. The master who picked me up and raised me has been so kind to me for so many years. He must take revenge!"

The knife owner said slightly excitedly.

"This is a society governed by law. I will definitely not stop you if you want to take revenge, but that won't work if you kill someone."

All roads lead to Rome. There are many ways to take revenge. There is no need to risk your own life to fight a scumbag. Chen Wanwan is just an ordinary person. A warlock like the Daoist who walks in the human world wants to do something to him. It's not too simple to do something, but because of the cause and effect cycle, fatality is absolutely impossible.

"He killed your master because of money, so what he cares about most is money. People are not afraid of death. A handful of loess can make it come back again. What people are most afraid of is that life is worse than death. You only need to make him lose what he has now. Everything you have will be better than if you killed him."

Ruanruan thought about what her third senior brother had taught her about love, and pointed out a clear path for the knife owner.

"Life is worse than death?"

The person who borrowed the knife in front of him was obviously a straight person. He had never thought about such a thing. Now that Ruanruan brought it up and savored it carefully, the person who borrowed the knife felt that what Ruanruan said was not very reasonable.

"You're right, killing him would be too easy for him."

The knife owner thought about it for a while and then nodded firmly, fully agreeing with Ruanruan's look.

"Hehe, as long as you can figure it out."

The little dumpling stood on tiptoes. With great effort, he managed to capture the arm of the person who borrowed the knife.

The moment Luan Ruan's hand rested on his arm, the person with the knife felt clear-headed and his body trembled slightly. He turned around and cast a grateful look at Ruan Ruan.

Thanks for the tip. "

After the person who borrowed the knife felt the obvious changes in himself, he quickly handed over his hand and thanked him. He was so close to making a big mistake.

Because of a scumbag like Chen Qianwan, he was involved in a life-threatening lawsuit. It's really not worth it. The master's revenge must be avenged, but just killing this man would be too easy for him. Ruanruan looked at the knife owner and shook his head with a smile.

People who borrow knives on credit are just too stupid. Even more naive than a kid like her.

Just now she raised her hand to wipe away the evil spirit left by the master who borrowed the sword from her body.

The master of the creditor had died so tragically that he had probably turned into a fierce ghost. This Tiehanhan probably would not have done anything to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors, so he probably forcibly converted the fierce ghost.

But a fierce ghost is a fierce ghost. He has no sense, only hatred and killing. The man who borrowed the knife must have been injured and had a bad breath on himself.

It just so happened that she found the person who borrowed the knife quite pleasing to her eyes, so it was easy to resolve the evil spirit. "He will suffer the consequences."

Suddenly, Ruanruan seemed to sense something, and after saying something to the person who borrowed the knife, she turned around and walked towards Chen Qianwan.

Arriving in front of Chen Qianwan, Ruanruan raised her hand and tapped the center of his eyebrows with her fingertips.

Later, the little aura left behind by the master who borrowed the knife was completely destroyed by her.

At the same time, a man's soul emerged from behind Chen Qianwan.

The man smiled strangely and slowly climbed onto Chen Qianwan's back.

His image looked extremely terrifying, with a big hole in his head and dried blood that had condensed into black. He was wearing a suit, and his hands and feet were wrapped around Chen Qianwan in an extremely twisted posture.

Chen Qianwan only felt that his neck was shaking and his waist was very painful, as if he had been carrying it for a long time.
What kind of heavy object is it? At this moment, if Chen Wanwan had Yin and Yang eyes to see this soul, he would definitely be able to recognize the identity of this soul at a glance. This soul is exactly the man who took away the money and jumped off the building. Since he jumped from upstairs After jumping down and dying, he has been looking for the person who took his money and refused to return it.

Ruanruan cast some spells and made Chen Wanwan see the ghost.

He even asked Chen Qianwan to turn his head and come face to face with the ghost for a close encounter.

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