Hidden golden branches

Chapter 131 Taking It Out

Zhang Xiuxi learned from her mother-in-law, who never wanted to see her, that she really couldn't have children.

She carries the title of a princess, but in fact she is nothing, and because of her title, she is ridiculed everywhere. No lady in the capital could look up to her.

But these words would cost her her teeth and blood, so how could Sun Yi care about her "trivial matters"?

Zhang Xiuxi returned to Furong Courtyard with a gloomy face. After entering the house, she flicked her arm and threw everything on the black lacquered gold table and case to the ground. There was a crackling sound, which scared the little girl Xiang'er outside the door to tremble.

Others say that the third young lady is honest and has a good temper. Only she, the little maid who took care of her personally, knew that this was not the case.

When this third young mistress gets angry, she will take it out on her, tear her arms to pieces, and make her kneel on the hard floor and not be allowed to sleep all night.
But no matter how much the Third Young Mistress tried to talk about Xiang'er and take it out on Xiang'er, Xiang'er didn't dare to mention it to anyone.

After all, she was just an inconspicuous slave, so who would believe her?

Sure enough, Zhang Xiuxi threw everything in the room, and then said coldly: "You damn slave, why don't you hurry up and clean up?"

"Slave, come in right now." Xiang'er responded with a trembling voice.

Even though I was scared, I couldn't hide away.

The other servants were casually serving the master inside. Whenever they saw the third young lady coming back, they would stay far away. The third young lady also let it go.

But she was her personal maid, so she couldn't avoid it.

Xiang'er picked up the broom outside the door and pushed the door open cautiously. Before she could raise her head, a tea cup lid hit her on the head. Xiang'er subconsciously turned her head and the tea cup lid fell to the ground with a clang. Son.

When Zhang Xiuxi saw Xiang'er hiding, she walked over with a ferocious expression, grabbed her and beat her head and face.

Fortunately, Lingzi brought a red box from the kitchen and put a cup of rock sugar bird's nest in it, which saved Xiang'er from being beaten further.

Lingzi hurriedly put the red box in her hand on the black lacquered gold table. When she saw that the lady's favorite purple and enamel lotus vase was also smashed to the ground, she knew that the lady was really angry.

"Miss, drink the bird's nest while it's hot." Lingzi said carefully. After speaking, she turned to glare at Xiang'er, who was trembling and standing there: "Why don't you quickly sweep the floor clean?"

Xiang'er nodded her little head and quickly packed it up.

Lingzi helped Zhang Xiuxi to the armchair to the north and sat down. She comforted her softly: "Miss, please don't get angry. Put everything aside and focus on taking good care of yourself." After saying that, she put the red box in the box. He brought out the rock sugar bird's nest in the bottle and persuaded Zhang Xiuxi to drink it.

After Zhang Xiuxi vented her anger, she calmed down and thought, as long as Zhang Xiuyuan leaves quickly and doesn't tell Sun Yi the secret.

But how can things in the world go as she wishes?

Maybe Sun Yi is sending someone to take Zhang Xiuyuan back to her hometown in the border area right now.
Xiang'er, who was busy cleaning quickly, packed up the broom and dustpan and was about to leave. Lingzi struck at Xiang'er with a solemn face: "What should you say and what should you not say? Can you hear it? Otherwise, watch your skin carefully." !”

"Sister Lingzi, don't worry, Xiang'er." Xiang'er responded in a low voice with lowered eyebrows.


Xiang'er took the broom and dustpan and hurriedly walked out as if she was being pardoned.

It has been raining heavily in the capital these days.

Chen Rong, wearing a big cloak, stood under the eaves of the corridor, stretched out her hand, and took a handful of rainwater. She looked a little disappointed when she saw that the rainwater was still trickling from her fingers even though she was desperately holding them together.

"County Lord!" The servant in the mansion suddenly ran over, panting, interrupting the mood at the moment. Chen Rong turned around and saw a tall and tall man standing behind the slave.

Even though the man's head and face were wet, she still recognized the familiar figure through the rain curtain. It was Sun Yi.

When Sun Yi came to Chen Mansion, he was stopped by the servant guarding the door. Unexpectedly, he pushed the servant aside and walked in.

The servant guarding the gate couldn't stop him and hurried in to report. Unexpectedly, Sun Yi actually asked him to report to the county chief.

Only then did the slaves pant and huff and speak directly instead of reporting through the servants in Jinxiu Courtyard.

Cuizhu was also surprised and asked rudely: "I wonder if Deputy Lieutenant Sun is here because of something important that he can't wait for a moment? He went straight to the boudoir of our county master."

Not to mention that I had a good attitude towards the young lady before, but I treated slaves like them as if they were nothing.

Sun Yi, however, seemed to have not heard what Cuizhu said, and just looked at Chen Rong quietly through the rain.

Chen Rong also regarded him as nothing more than air and just took care of himself in catching the rainwater.

After waiting for a short moment, Sun Yi bowed his hands to Chen Rong and said, "I have something that I want to ask the county magistrate for confirmation. The matter is very important. I am being reckless and impolite. Please forgive me, the magistrate."

Chen Rong said calmly: "Say."

Sun Yi straightened up, his eyes focused, staring at Chen Rong's cold and even bored expression. An emotion that might be called fear welled up in his heart, making him even breathe a little heavier, but he But he forced himself to ask.

"Before the expedition, did the county master personally embroider a peace blessing for me?" Sun Yi spoke clearly every word: "But do you still remember what it was embroidered and what was hidden inside?"

When Chen Rong was suddenly asked this sentence, he seemed particularly uncomfortable, and could even be said to be angry.

"Perhaps, I have long forgotten how important this matter is. Deputy Lieutenant Sun is so funny. He came in the rain and barged into my Chen residence without any notice. Are you trying to trick me into coming to the door? If you don't leave, this county will The Lord will send someone to beat you out!"

This incident was an embarrassment that Chen Rong couldn't bear to recall. It was simply a piece of black history. Now being asked by the person involved, Chen Rong felt that nothing was wrong with him.

"County Master, Wei Chen has something else that I can't figure out. I wonder if County Master can answer Wei Chen's questions."

Chen Rong wanted to just leave the man standing in front of him in the rain and ignore him, but she didn't want him to feel that her grudge was still over. It seemed that she hadn't let him go yet and had promoted him for no reason.

"Say." Chen Rong lowered his eyes and looked at Sun Yi, who was bending over and holding his hands in front of him.

"I heard from the emperor the day before yesterday that I can go to the battlefield because I am actually the county leader and I have contributed a lot." Sun Yi asked in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

Because of Zhang Xiuyuan's incident the day before yesterday, the emperor called him in and scolded him severely. Then, he was asked to go back and reflect.

In fact, the emperor did not want to see him, and his official position was not worthy of meeting the emperor.

Chen Rong closed his eyes briefly, seeming to be trying his best to endure.

She had already made up her mind that she would never see him again in this life, but she didn't expect that not only would he appear in front of her, but he would also ask her about something she didn't want to look back on.

How hateful!

Xiang'er: It's hard to be a slave, following a white lotus master who is always good at teasing others.

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