Hidden golden branches

Chapter 132 Verification

Chen Rong stood under the eaves of the corridor. The rain and wind outside were blowing wildly, blowing the lake blue quilted cloak on Chen Rong's body. A few strands of hair left on her forehead and temples blew her away unexpectedly. His expression dispersed, leaving only a cold voice, asking without any specific emotion: "Who said that? Your Majesty?"

Sun Yi raised his head slightly and saw Chen Rong's hands wrapped tightly in the cloak. He then remembered that it was raining at the moment. Although he was standing under the eaves, the cold wind was unblocked.

"Yes. The county chief doesn't want..." Sun Yi was halfway through his concerned words, but was interrupted by Chen Rong: "Don't talk to me anymore. The emperor is the emperor. You come to me now to ask for answers. Could it be that you are questioning the emperor?" Golden words? If Deputy Lieutenant Sun is bent on seeking confirmation, please move to another place and don’t come looking for bad luck on my part."

Sun Yi had seen Chen Rongya's sharp-tongued side, but she had always only shown this side to others. In the past, he had seen it in his eyes and hated her for being mean, cunning, and domineering. Now that I have suffered it, I feel it is embarrassing and uncomfortable, but I also suddenly realize that I was indeed treated with tenderness by her before.

"I... just don't understand why the county master is here." Sun Yi suddenly felt hard to explain. He didn't know how to express what was in his heart, but Chen Rong sneered and said, "Why? You might as well ask. Your own poor self-esteem." After saying that, Chen Rong turned around and went into the room, no longer paying attention to him.

Tsk, only now do I know how to ask for confirmation.

Aunt Zhong couldn't stand it anymore, and for fear of causing the young lady to feel sad, she said in a cold voice: "Deputy Lieutenant Sun, this is the boudoir of our county master. Please leave as soon as possible."

Aunt Zhong cursed in her heart: This man is really unreasonable. When the county lord treated him wholeheartedly, he was not grateful at all. When his wings became stiff, he actually broke off the engagement with the county lord. Now that the county lord has a fiancé, he doesn't care about him anymore, so he might as well get up on the pole to show off.
The maids and women in the Jinxiu Courtyard who were standing under the eaves to take shelter from the rain all cast disgusted eyes at Sun Yi, and some even whispered in a low voice, calling him a wolf-hearted and heartless man.

Sun Yi's tall body seemed to be shorter in an instant, he bowed his head and left with a sigh.

Chen Rong entered the room where the silver charcoal was burning. There was enough charcoal fire burning in the room, like a warm spring, and then he felt that his hands and feet were getting a little warmer again.

Cuizhu poured a cup of warm tea into the hands of Chen Rong who was sitting on the imperial concubine's couch and said, "Is the lady cold outside?" After saying that, she thoughtfully covered Chen Rong with the thick quilt.

"You're not the one who's blind and you're blind, are you doing it on purpose?" Yu Zhu rolled his eyes and said.

Cuizhu twisted her eyes and signaled Yu Zhu to stop talking. Yu Zhu pursed his lips knowingly and restrained his words and deeds.

"What's wrong? Isn't he blind and blind? No one can tell the truth? Yu Zhu, you are almost more powerful than me. How are you going to get married in the future?" Chen Rong teased and drank. After drinking tea, he put the tea cup on the high table next to him, tightened the thick quilt to his body, closed his eyes and fell asleep for a while on the imperial concubine's couch.

But all she could think about was that she begged the emperor's concubine and aunt for a long time for Sun Yi, and then knelt in front of the emperor until her knees were blue and red, and then she got the emperor's approval and was willing to give Sun Yi a chance to lead troops into battle.

Otherwise, according to the emperor's temperament, military power in this world must not fall into the hands of a junior who has never been on the battlefield.

When the emperor first came to the throne, he could tolerate the corrupt civil servants in the court, but most of the generals who showed any signs of disloyalty were killed, and the few who survived were all empty shells with no hope of being useful.

Even General Cui and General Lin are under the control of the emperor, let alone Sun Yi, a small seventh-grade nomadic lieutenant?

Although the emperor loves the imperial concubine Chen Wanru very much, he is completely separate from her when it comes to governing the country.

It was the first time that Chen Rong, who was ignorant and ignorant, tasted the ruthlessness of the emperor as the head of a country. Unfortunately, Chen Rong at that time was unwilling to look back even if she hit the wall for Sun Yi.

Even if Chen Rong developed a high fever, she would not take medicine and ran to the palace all day long.

How could she, a pampered little girl with delicate skin, stand up to kneeling on hard marble for a long time?
In the end, the emperor reluctantly agreed for the sake of the imperial concubine and her sincerity as a little girl. Who would have expected that the opportunity he had obtained through his fate would actually give Sun Yi the opportunity to regret his marriage and marry another.

How ridiculous she was at that time. Chen Rong closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt that the knees he had knelt on that day were bruised, and the pain from being unable to walk for a few days was faintly coming back.

When Sun Yi came back from outside, his body was soaked by the rain. When he returned to Pingbohou Mansion, he pushed away the servants who came to serve him, went to the study alone, and closed the door tightly.

Mrs. Sun came over after hearing the news, but was driven away by Sun Yi with a cold voice.

After a while, Zhang Xiuxi came over with her maid again, and knocked on the door several times, but received no response. She tried to knock on the door again, but she heard Sun Yi just say "Get out!" in a very brief and suppressed way.

Zhang Xiuxi's concerned expression froze on her face, and all the color faded.

She couldn't believe that her husband, who had always loved and cared about her and was reluctant to use harsh words on her, actually told her to get out.

Such sudden anger made her frightened.

Zhang Xiuyuan, the person ran away, she was one step too late.

"Husband, if you are unhappy with anything, you can tell me."

Zhang Xiuxi didn't dare to ask, so she could only test it. She could not be sure where Zhang Xiuyuan was now or whether she had met Sun Yi. She was afraid of herself and did not bring it upon herself, but instead she was suspected of being a thief with a guilty conscience.

The study was as quiet as death.

The study was as quiet as death.

"Husband, I am very worried about you." Zhang Xiuxiu forced her worried tone and said aggrievedly: "No matter what, your body is the most important thing. You have to change out of those wet clothes..."

Zhang Xiuxi stood close to the door, refusing to leave easily, and babbled a lot of caring words. Unexpectedly, the study door was suddenly opened. Sun Yi's face was pale and cold, and his sharp eyes looked as cold as the cold wind. It stabbed her face numerous times.

Zhang Xiuxi was frightened and unconsciously took two steps back, swallowing the saliva in her throat.

"Husband, Jun, what's going on? Why are you looking at me like this...I'm afraid..." Zhang Xiuxi's voice was stuttering and trembling. She was really scared this time.

"Come in with me, I have something to ask you clearly." Sun Yi said coldly, and after Zhang Xiuxi hesitated again and stepped into the study, he closed the door with force.

Zhang Xiuxi saw that Sun Yi's clothes were wet, and said with concern, "Husband, you are wet..." Before she could finish her words, Sun Yi interrupted rudely: "I ask, you answer. Every word, you answer." Think about it and tell me."

Chen Rong: Is there any point in asking for confirmation now? The county owner has given up.

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