Chapter 112 Spring

By the time Zhu Hu and Xianyanpo got up from the ground, the fire had gone out by itself. When the couple saw that it was only the chicken coop that was burning, they finally recovered.

After a night of silence, Zhu Badger got up the next day and was about to go to the kitchen when he heard the voices of Uncle Liu and Lu Bo. He turned around and stood in front of the "Cold Relief Picture" in the hall.

"Did you know that Zhu Hu's chicken coop was burned last night?"

"I don't know. Huanhuan will sit here with me and chat until you come back."

"It's very strange. Only the chicken coop was burned, and it was exactly the same as the chicken coop in Tian Lezi's house."

"Is there such a coincidence? The fairy is here. Let's go over and ask her. She should know, right?"

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo walked up to Zhu Badger. Zhu Badger pretended not to hear them and not see them. He only stared at the "Handing Cold Picture" and said to himself: "It's Qingming Festival, and there are so many more." The word 'Nine' is not crossed, there are so many 'Nine' boxes that are not filled in, and there are so many 'Nine' plum blossoms that are not drawn, what are you busy with? "

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked at each other and smiled, and asked in unison: "Does the fairy know the origin of this "Picture of Eliminating Cold"?"

"Of course I know, it must be written and painted by calligraphers and painters." Zhu Badger responded, but his eyes still stayed on the "Relieving Cold Picture".

Last night, Zhu Badger overheard Zhu Hu and Xieyan Po talking, and accidentally learned that they still had a batch of treasures hidden in the hut, so he set fire to Zhu Hu's chicken coop, sent Hu away from the mountain, retrieved the treasures, and went home to take a look. In addition to some old wood lumps, bricks and stones, there is also this "Cold Relief Picture".

"Has this "Picture of Eliminating the Cold" been stolen?" "How could we not know?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo took out their magnifying glasses to look at the "Picture of Eliminating the Cold".

"Ah?" "He?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo held magnifying glasses in their hands and stared blankly in front of the "Picture of Relieving the Cold."

"I didn't expect you to be the Riddler. Tell me, did you steal this real one last night?" Mayaksha asked.

Zhu Badger still smiled: "Hehe, here comes another pair of twin sisters."

Zhu Badger didn't dare not listen to Dan'er's mother's words. She told Uncle Liu and Lu Bo that she was not sure whether the "Picture of Eliminating Cold" had been replaced by Wang's glasses? But Wang Glass did take down the "Cold Relief Picture" in front of her, saying that it was hung incorrectly and needed to be re-hanged, but she didn't care.

Zhu Badger smiled and said: "Regardless of whether it is possible or not, please explain this "Cold Relief Picture"? Someone stole it from under your noses."

"Why should I worry if I know you will steal it back? If you take things away behind the other person's back, isn't that stealing?" Ma Yasha retorted.

"No, he only told me to be careful with you two old kids." Zhu Badger looked away from the "Cold Relief Picture".

Zhu Badger smiled and asked, "You two old boys are not twin brothers, are you?"

"Okay, what are you talking about? Isn't the baby, which is even better than "The Cold Relief Picture", returned to the main room?" Dan'er's mother walked to the "Cold Relief Picture".

"Are you telling us?" Ma Yasha and Dan'er's mother walked into the living room and asked Zhu Badger together.

"Ah?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo looked at each other.

"Impossible, impossible." "Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible." Uncle Liu and Lu Bo shook their heads repeatedly.

Zhu Badger pointed to "The Picture of Eliminating the Cold" and asked Uncle Liu and Lu Bo: "Is this the only "Picture of Eliminating the Cold" of the Ming Dynasty that has the same picture with such a 'character' and 'frame'?"

Zhu Badger curled his lips and said, "You'd better ask your proud disciple about this."

"What does the fairy mean by asking?" Uncle Liu and Lu Bo asked simultaneously.

"Can you please stop making such shady insinuations? Tell the two elders what's going on?" Dan'er's mother said to Zhu Badger.

"Oh, that's the logic. No wonder going behind your back to meet other men is called a thief, hehe." Zhu Badger covered his mouth and smiled.

Zhu Badger sneered: "How can you feel comfortable now that you know it was really stolen? I have never been a thief, I just saw my own things and took them home."

Uncle Liu and Lu Bo asked in unison: "Did Zhu Yuanzhang not tell you in his dream?"

"Cold Relief Picture"? At first, Zhu Badger did not think that this "Handing Cold Picture" was the one he owned, thinking that they had stolen it from someone else. But when he opened it and took a closer look, he was surprised, because it was clearly the one hanging in his home. In the one in the hall, the Ming Dynasty "Handing Cold Picture" with the same "character", "frame" and "painting". In the whole old house and even the entire Lvbu village, there is only one of Zhu Badger's house, and Zhu Badger clearly remembers her childhood. When Ma Yasha first started teaching her to draw, she made a mistake in drawing it. The wrong red dot is still clearly on it.

The so-called "Cold Eliminating Picture" in which "characters", "frames" and "paintings" are the same as the picture, refers to the three nine-nine "cold-removing" forms of text, circle and plum blossom patterns that are presented simultaneously on a piece of paper.

The nine-nine cold-relieving diagram is a diagram drawn based on the method of counting nine. It is passed down orally among the people. When it originated, there is no exact information, but it can be determined that it was the most popular in the Ming Dynasty. There are text type, circle type, and plum blossom pattern. Three forms.

[Text style] It is a double-hook calligraphy painting with red calligraphy, which reads "The weeping willow in front of the pavilion cherishes the spring breeze" in nine traditional Chinese characters. "The weeping willows in front of the pavilion cherish the spring breeze." The nine traditional Chinese characters have nine strokes in each character, a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one strokes. To eliminate the cold, one stroke is drawn in the order of strokes every day starting from the winter solstice. Every nine strokes are exactly drawn. Well, on the last day of Jiujiu, all the pictures of Jiujiu to relieve the cold are completed. At this time, winter turns to spring, and the cold disappears and the warmth returns. The writing-like Nine-Nine "Handing Cold Picture" is also called "Writing Nine". Children usually sing "One Nine Two-Nine, don't take action, Three Nine-Nine-Nine, walk on the ice, Five-Nine-Nine Six-Nine, look at the willows along the river, Seven "Nine rivers open, eight or nine geese come, nine or nine plus one nine, oxen plow the ground" "Nine Counting Song" "Write Nine".

[Circle type] anti-cold diagram is relatively simple, that is, take nine pieces of paper, each piece of paper is divided into nine grids, use a pen cap dipped in ink to print nine circles on each grid, and fill in one circle every day starting from the winter solstice. , the filling method is determined by the weather of the day, the rules are usually: cloudy on top, sunny on the bottom, left wind and right rain and snow.

[Plum Blossom Pattern] is the most elegant way to relieve the cold in Jiujiu, also known as "painting Jiu". The specific operation method is to draw nine winter plums on a piece of white paper, each with nine flowers. One branch corresponds to the nineteen, and one corresponds to the day. Every day, a plum blossom is filled with a specific color according to the weather conditions. After the plum blossoms are filled, spring comes. Such a picture of the Nine-Nine Winter Plum Blossoms is often written with a verse such as "Try to see the black plum blossoms in the picture, and the grass outside the window is naturally green." It is considered an "elegant picture".

There is another form of drawing nine in the plum blossom pattern, which is to draw a branch of plum blossom on a piece of paper, with nine plum blossoms on the branch. Each plum blossom has nine petals, a total of eighty-one petals, which represents "counting nine days". In the eighty-one days of the year, each flower represents a "nine", and each petal represents a day. Every day, a petal is dyed with a color. After dyeing the nine petals, a "nine" has passed. After dyeing the nine petals, it is a "nine". "Nine" comes out, spring returns after the end of the ninth month, and the severe cold on the earth subsides and the warmth picks up.

Zhu Badger's nine-nine "Cold Elimination Picture" integrates three styles: text, circle, and plum blossom pattern. It is exquisitely designed. Just from the perspective of calligraphy and painting skills, it is a unique treasure.

Looking at the ninety-nine "Cold Relief Picture" in front of them, Uncle Liu and Lu Bo couldn't believe that Wang Glass would do such a thing? Especially Rubeus, it took a long time to react. After reacting, Zhu Badger must explain the situation in detail.

Zhu Badger said that she just got up and came out of the room to see Wang Jingyan standing in front of the "Cold Relief Picture" and asked casually: "It's been a few days since you drew nine, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll help you draw it." Wang Jingjin was about to start drawing, but Lu Huan came over to stop him, saying that the old house had rules, and only the female owner of the old house was qualified to draw this nine-nine cold-relieving picture.

Wang Jingyan had no choice but to stop and said with a smile: "What I know, what I know, I'm just joking, just joking."

Zhu Badger didn't take it seriously and went into the kitchen to have breakfast. When she came back, Wang Jingjin was standing on the chair and moving the "Cold Relief Picture". He was angry, but because he was from the provincial capital. The expert, who was also Huanhuan's boyfriend, suppressed his anger and asked what was going on? Wang Jingyan explained: "Fairy, this "Picture of Relieving the Cold" is tilted. I will hang it up again and straighten it up again."

"Oh." Seeing that Lu Huan was always by Wang Jing's side and "Cold Relief Picture" was hung up again, Zhu Badger didn't pursue it further and returned to his room.

"That's not right. Even if the king's spectacled civet cat exchanges for the prince and exchanges the fake painting for the real painting and goes out, the dog and badger at the door will probably react. It is absolutely impossible for him to take the real painting out." Dan'er's mother said. .

"Master, I thought the same way at the time, so I didn't pay too much attention to it. After I got the real painting back last night, I compared it with the fake painting. Not to mention that the surface looks exactly the same, and even the smell is exactly the same. In this way, the dog and the badger Not only was it difficult for them to identify, they also thought that Wang Jingyan just brought the painting he brought out, not to mention that he went out with Huanhuan." After Zhu Badger finished speaking, he looked at Lu Huan who had just entered.

Lu Huan's face was full of anger. She walked directly to Zhu Badger and asked: "Do you suspect that I am in a group with him?"

"The fact that you can ask such a question means that you can still be saved. Sit down and listen to what I have to say." Zhu Badger greeted Lu Huan with a smile.

Lu Huan was still angry and said angrily: "If you fart, hurry up or I will confront you in court."

"Huanhuan, I can tell you clearly that this Wang Jingyan is no longer the Wang Jingyan before. As for whether he has changed his nature or been invaded by evil, I still need to investigate further." Zhu Badger said to Lu Huan with a smile.

Lu Huan was angered instead and yelled at Zhu Badger at the top of his lungs: "Do you really think you have become a fairy? Investigate? What qualifications do you have to investigate him?"

"Of course I am qualified to investigate him, because I am the owner of the old house, and I have the right to investigate anyone who has anything to do with the old house." Zhu Badger answered Lu Huan with a raised voice.

Lu Huan became even more hysterical and kept asking Zhu Badger: "Why do you have it? Why do you have it? Why do you have it?"

"Just because I own the land deed of the old house and all the houses in the old house." Zhu Badger's voice was louder than Lu Huan's.

Silence, silence, still silence, the main house of the old house was silent for half an hour, and the whole old house was also silent for half an hour.

The quarrel between Lu Huan and Zhu Badger immediately attracted everyone who stayed in the old house, including the cross-eyed woman. Of course, Zhu Hu did not show up, Zhu Fan did not show up, and Lan Yuliu did not show up.

When Zhu Badger told Lu Huan that she owned the land deeds of the old house and all the houses in the old house, all the people in the old house who stood in the front yard and listened to the commotion lowered their heads, especially Tian Laizi, who originally had a very good-looking look on his face. It immediately turned into depression and full loss.

Ma Yaksha was the first to speak in the silence. She said word by word: "The state-owned legal family has family rules, and everything depends on the land deed."

"My mother is right, everything depends on the land deed. Even if the old house is demolished, I have the final say on how much compensation each family living in the old house can receive. The higher authorities will only compensate according to the land deed, and the compensation will be given to those who own the land deed. "People." Zhu Badger said loudly.

There was a lot of chatter outside the old house owner's house. After whispering for a while, Fatty Zhu was the first to shout into the main house: "Fairy, I have counted. I have counted. Are you going to have a big banquet at your house today? I will cook it for free. From now on, it will be all It’s free. It’s free.”

"My family will not hold big banquets easily in the future, nor will every household in the old house hold big banquets easily. Let's save money and buy a house in the town or county." Zhu Badger replied in the room.

Day Lily didn't wait for Fatty Zhu to speak again, and shouted hurriedly to the main room: "Fairy, what should I do if the banquet is not arranged? What should I do if the banquet is not arranged?"

"Sister Huicai, the celebration banquet listed as a 'national security' in my old house must be held. You will definitely be allowed to drink the fine wine and jade liquid, and you will definitely be allowed to eat the dragon liver and phoenix marrow. As long as you keep an eye on the king's glasses and don't let him be lazy, Don't let him always touch the jade hands of the willow tree spirit and the golden hands of your sunflower monster." Zhu Badger replied.

Daylily turned from worry to joy and responded loudly: "Fairy, I know it. I'm going to see the king's glasses right now."

"Fairy, I'm counting too." "I'm counting too, fairy." One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man shouted impatiently to the main house, and other household heads in the old house rushed to shout "I'm counting" to the main house.

Tian Xiaolei saw Tian Leizi still standing in front of the screen with his head down and thinking, so he went over and tugged on the corner of his clothes and said softly: "Dad, please show your attitude quickly, otherwise you won't get a penny of compensation."

"Yes, yes, yes, dad, please express your attitude. That is money. Who has a grudge against money?" "Dad, this will determine whether our family will be from the town or the county in the future. Please express your attitude." "Tian Er Lei and Tian Da Lei came over and pulled Tian Leizi's clothes.

Tian Laizi glared, stamped his feet, and scolded in a low voice: "What do you know? It's not certain whether it will be demolished or not. Why are you in such a hurry? It's not like you don't understand what the Eight Badger Immortals are doing. At worst, I will die if I don't move. What should I do if I stay in the old house? "

"This is definitely not possible, Dad. I don't want to live in this shabby old house anymore." "Yes, yes, Dad, how can this poor mountain nest be as good as a town or a county?" "If there is, Maybe, I can't wait to move to the provincial capital. Dad, all the beauties on the street in the provincial capital are more beautiful than Sister Liu." Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei heard that Tian Leizi wanted to stay in the old house. , extremely anxious.

Tian Laizi scratched his head and said, "Well, let me express my position first. If the situation goes wrong, I can just ignore it."

"Dad, that's right." "This is our dad." "Dad, you are still scheming." Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei gave Tian Leizi a thumbs up.

Tian Laizi straightened up, pushed aside the crowd, walked under the eaves of the old house owner, and shouted: "Fairy, your Uncle Tian knows it well. In the past, it was just acting, acting. I hope you will take care of me more. From now on, Uncle Tian will only follow your lead. My family Da Lei, Er Lei and Xiao Lei, if you are of any use, I promise to be here at your call."

"Promise to be here when you call!" Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei shouted at the top of their voices towards the old owner's house.

Zhu Badger responded: "I got it, you can take care of yourself."

"Hehe, the fairy told us to take care of ourselves." "We must take care of ourselves." "Being good to ourselves should mean that as long as we are good to her, she will ignore the bad things we did in the past." Tian Da Lei, Tian Er Lei and Tian Xiao Lei Not ordinary excitement.

"Everyone, please disperse. Today is the Qingming Festival. Go to the mountains and have a good look at your relatives. In the evening, cook a table of good food to welcome them back to the old house and have a good look." Zhu Badger opened the door of the old house and walked out of the main house.

Everyone saw that Zhu Badger was wearing cyan clothes and trousers today, a cyan buttoned-up coarse cloth jacket, and cyan coarse cloth leg-wrapped trousers. He looked smart and capable, which was very fitting that today was the Qingming Festival.

Zhu Badger came out and picked up a hoe and walked towards the back door of the old house. Behind him were Ma Yasha, Dan'er's mother and Dan'er, carrying dustpans and sacrifices respectively.

"Everyone, remember, it is forbidden to use fire when going up the mountain. Whoever uses fire will have half of their compensation deducted from the future." Zhu Badger walked to the back door of the old house and turned back to the neighbors who were following her.

The one-armed Luo and the swing-legged man followed at the front, nodding like garlic, and kept saying: "It is forbidden to use fire when going up the mountain. It is forbidden to use fire when going up the mountain." "Remember, remember."

"Just remember, why are you following me?" Zhu Badger quickened his pace.

The one-armed Luo strode forward and said loudly: "Fairy, if it weren't for your grandparents, I would have died a long time ago. I have to visit your grandparents first." "Yes, yes, there is me, and I, too. Same, so do I." The swinger swayed behind.

Zhu Badger didn't respond and just walked towards the west mountain.

The stiletto man swayed to Zhu Badger and whispered: "Fairy, I have an important report."

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