Chapter 81 Dream

Tian Da Le and Tian Er Lei crawled out from the gutter and went over to persuade One-Armed Luo, saying that he had beaten him to death. He still didn't believe it, but his big hands like cattail fans kept beating him.

Zhu Badger and Lu Huan arrived, and the one-armed Luo gave up and moved away from the cross-legged man, still cursing.

Badger Zhu went over to poke the guy's nostrils and called out to Mr. Zhu.

Mr. Zhu slowly walked over, holding a folding fan, and said to himself as he walked: "You will not live if you do your own evil. It would be better to die than live."

"What nonsense are you talking about? What good will death do to you?" Zhu Badger was furious and wanted to grab the folding fan from Mr. Zhu's hand, but Lu Huan held her back.

Mr. Zhu still looked carefree and leisurely. He lifted his white beard with a folding fan and asked Zhu Badger: "If I were not confused at this age, wouldn't I have become an immortal or a god? You, on the other hand, don't claim to have become a real god?" Are you a fairy? Why are you being led by someone else? Should a real fairy do such a thing that is harmful to others?

"I don't need you to make irresponsible remarks. It's important to save people quickly." Zhu Badger ignored the stench and went over to help the stilt-legged man.

Mr. Zhu did not approach the stiltsman, but returned to his house with a folding fan, leaving only one sentence: "I am just a cunning man in an old house in a mountain village. How can I save a life? I want to save you, fairy." also."

"Okay, if you say it yourself, I will drive you unruly people out of my old house sooner or later, otherwise I will be called a fairy." Zhu Badger gritted his teeth as he looked at Mr. Zhu's back. He wanted to carry the stiltsman back to the house, but he could no longer move. , as heavy as a dead pig, and the red badger's bean sprout-like body couldn't carry it at all.

"Brother Luo, come here quickly and carry brother Stilt-legged back." Zhu Badger called to One-Armed Luo. One-armed Luo didn't even look at Zhu Badger and Stilt-legged Man. He just stared at the door of Tian Lezi's house with a pair of gong eyes. , hoping that Lan Yuliu would appear again and smile at him again.

Zhu Badger got angry, put down his stilts and went over to give One-Arm Luo a few big slaps. Unfortunately, he was too short and could only reach One-Arm Luo's chest. After jumping several times, he still couldn't reach his face. When he was furious, the door of Tian Lezi's house opened, and Lan Yuliu came out and spoke affectionately: "Hey, one-armed brother, cross-legged brother, you go back and clean up the room quickly. Which one of you two can clean it up for me?" Just live there.”

"Okay!" The one-armed Luo turned around and ran towards his home as fast as he could, not caring about losing two shoes.

"Okay, okay!" The stiletto man jumped up from the ground, faster than Mr. Zhu jumped out of Zhu Badger's lattice before. Not only was there no problem with his body, but his stilted feet were also windy and lightning-like every step of the way. Go into your own home.

Damn it, am I being sentimental? Zhu Badger was not ordinary angry, he thought, because One-Armed Luo and Stilt-legged Man did not hesitate to jump into the Taiping Pond to save my mother and I from the water. During this time, I regard them as relatives and regard them as my seat. Distinguished guests, treating them with all their heart and soul, could not be better than a smile or a word from Lan Yuliu, the willow tree spirit.

Humph, you are all obsessed with sex and money, how will I deal with you in the future? Zhu Badger resentfully returned to the front yard, the main house, and his room.

After taking off his smelly clothes and throwing them out of the window, Zhu Badger walked into the shower room and poured cold water over himself.

The old master's house is strange here. The house built hundreds of years ago has a bathroom designed in the bedroom. Although there are no popular showers and jacuzzis in the shower room, there is a large wooden basin and a stove. As long as you light the stove on cold days, the shower room will be as hot as midsummer. The stove not only provided heat for the shower room, but also directly heated the hot water in the large wooden basin.

Zhu Badger didn't have a stove. No matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, she liked to take a bath with cold water. Pouring the bone-chilling cold water on her body felt as refreshing as she wanted. Zhu Badger didn't understand where the so much cold water pouring on her flowed out of her room? Anyway, the main house never has to worry about sewer blockage, and the entire old house never has to worry about sewer blockage. All the water used by each household will flow quietly into Taiping Pond.

After taking a bath in cold water, Zhu Badger was in a good mood. As soon as he lay down in bed, he snored and fell asleep sweetly.

The first thing I dreamed about was Grandma Taizu. Grandma Taizu was spinning cotton under an osmanthus tree. Her voice, appearance, and smile were exactly the same as those in the portrait.

"Grandma Taizu, I finally see you again." Zhu Badger threw herself into Grandma Taizu's arms and cried loudly.

Grandma Taizu put down the tampon in her hand, gently stroked Zhu Badger's hair with her big and generous hands, and said softly: "My child, Grandma Taizu misses you too, but we are separated by yin and yang, so we can't just say we see each other."

"Grandma Taizu, according to what Zhu Fanzi and Flat Mouth Woman said, you should have been reincarnated as a human long ago?" Zhu Badger stopped crying.

Grandma Taizu smiled and said: "How can it be so easy to reincarnate as a human being? Besides, being a human being may not necessarily be a good thing? Look, how many people around you are truly happy? Including yourself."

"Well, this life is really tiring. Grandma Taizu, I don't want to be a human being in my old house anymore. I want to be with you forever." Zhu Badger acted coquettishly in Grandma Taizu's arms.

Grandma Taizu lovingly patted Zhu Badger on the shoulder, held her hands tightly and said, "My child, being a human being means 'doing'. How can there be any reason not to be tired? But since you have become a human being, you must Keep doing it well. If you don't want to be a human being and want to be with me, then who will protect the old house? "

"Grandma Taizu, didn't you say, 'Liu Luzhi, the old house is safe'? Now that Uncle Liu and Lu Bo have arrived at the old house, isn't the old house safe? Do you need me to mess around anymore?" Zhu Badger raised his head and asked Grandma Taizu.

Grandma Taizu replied: "Why are you messing around? I tell you, without your troubles, it would be useless for ten uncles Liu and Lu Bo to come. The old house will still be in danger. Sooner or later, the treasures of the old house will be destroyed by those people. Steal it all.”

"Grandma Taizu, are you trying to comfort me? I know myself that I'm just messing around. Mr. Zhu is already tired of me, and he probably won't talk to me anymore." Zhu Badger blamed himself very much, but And full of grievances.

Grandma Taizu said sternly: "My child, Mr. Zhu is a wise and protective person. He wants to protect the old house but does not dare to fight with them blatantly. He knows that the old house has many treasures, but he doesn't know which ones are the treasures? So? He has been living in entanglement and worrying about gains and losses. Of course, it was his worries about gains and losses that prevented him from offending them and allowed him to live to his eighty-nine years. "

"Grandma Taizu, Mr. Zhu was the only person I admired in the past. Now that I think about it, he is too cowardly, too mediocre, and too afraid to offend others. I am a little tired of such riddle men." Zhu Badger told the truth, she There is nothing to hold back in front of Grandma Taizu.

Grandma Taizu smiled and said: "Although the Riddler is annoying, it is also joyful, because through him you can improve your analytical skills and judgment. My child, you should go your own way and do whatever you want."

"Grandma Taizu, are you scolding me? I do my own way? Isn't that a derogatory term?" Zhu Badger asked with a smile. In fact, she already understood what Grandma Taizu meant.

Grandma Taizu smiled even more happily, stretched out her hand and scratched the tip of Zhu Badger's nose and said: "You are such a ghost. Uncle Liu and Lu Bo will not let you down, and you will not let me down, so the old house will be very happy." Safety."

"Grandma Taizu, what should I do to help Uncle Liu and Uncle Lu?" Zhu Badger asked. Grandma Taizu replied: "Didn't I say it? You just have to go your own way. Uncle Liu and Lu Bo will make arrangements for themselves."

"Grandma Taizu..." Zhu Badger wanted to ask again, but a noise outside the house woke her up, and Grandma Taizu disappeared naturally.

Zhu Badger was very upset and wanted to get up and go out to scold a few words. Lu Huan's words made her lie down again and fall asleep sweetly.

When Zhu Badger woke up from the noise, she could tell that it was the squinty-eyed woman, the one-armed Luo, and the cross-footed man who were arguing. She couldn't hear what the noise was about and didn't want to hear it. Lu Huan cursed at the top of his voice: "What are you two arguing about?" If you have the ability to go to Tian Leizi's house to quarrel with her, what's the point of picking trouble with Mrs. Hu? "Humph, what's the point of picking trouble with the squinty old woman? You two guys who are so unfaithful, Lu Huan can take care of you. Zhu Badger slept sweeter and deeper than before. In his sleep, he chatted with Zhu Yuanzhang and Chou Yu in an extraordinary way.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Chou Yu were not in ordinary joy today. As soon as they met Zhu Badger, the two of them laughed non-stop, one laughed loudly, and the other covered his mouth and laughed. Zhu Badger was puzzled by their laughter and asked: "Why are you laughing? If you laugh again, believe it or not, I will make you cry immediately!"

"Fairy, don't blame me, we are happy, happy." "It's just that today is a good day, and there are endless happy things to say." Zhu Yuanzhang and Chou Yu couldn't stop talking and laughing.

Zhu Badger pretended to be angry and cursed: "If you continue to be the Riddler, I will make you a member of Jiuyou forever."

"Fairy, please calm down. Fairy, listen to me slowly." "Fairy, the maidservant said the maidservant said." Zhu Yuanzhang and Chouyu rushed to say to Zhu Badger.

Zhu Badger slapped the bed board and pointed at Zhu Yuanzhang: "Emperor, you speak first."

"Thank you Fairy for your love. My reincarnation is just around the corner, so I am naturally very excited." Zhu Yuanzhang said that when Uncle Liu and Lu Bo came to the old house, not only would the old house be safe, but it would also make the old house shine again, making the treasures of the old house a real baby.

Zhu Badger interrupted Zhu Yuanzhang and scolded: "Are you still the Riddler? I will let my father in heaven suppress you in the Netherworld forever."

"No, no, no, fairy, I am telling the truth. The truth needs to be told slowly." Zhu Yuanzhang was so frightened that he was sweating profusely.

Zhu Badger asked: "What does it mean to make the old house shine again and make the old house's treasure a real treasure?"

"Fairy, although the old house is there, it has become decadent. It is as if Mr. Zhu is no longer young. No matter how the slant-eyed woman teases him, he has more than he wants but not enough energy. Also, everyone says that the old house has treasures, but Everyone doesn’t know where the treasure is? This is like the one-armed Luo and the Tian family. They see that Lan Yuliu is a beauty, but they don’t know why she makes men feel so excited? After interrupting him, Chouyu pouted from time to time with a look of disdain on his face, but Zhu Badger did not stop Zhu Yuanzhang from continuing, and Chouyu could not stop him from continuing.

Zhu Yuanzhang said that Uncle Liu and Lu Bo came to restore the youth of the old house. Why didn't they come earlier? Why come at this time? Because to do anything, you need the right time, place, and people. Only when you have the right time, place, and people can you get twice the result with half the effort and achieve immediate success.

At that time, the higher authorities began to really pay attention to the protection of cultural relics and launched a new round of cultural relics census.

Due to the favorable location, the village will be demolished if the donkey arrives, and the old house will be demolished. There has been a lot of news, and the neighbors are eager to demolish it.

Everyone and everyone in the old house unanimously believe that Zhu Badger has become a fairy, a real fairy. As long as the fairy speaks, everyone must listen.

"Everyone must listen to what I say? Is it possible?" Zhu Badger didn't believe it.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "The word 'must listen' contains two meanings, that is, one is willing to listen and one is unwilling to listen but has to listen."

"What do you mean? You have to listen? Am I that powerful?" Zhu Badger disagreed.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "As long as you still ignore it and still go your own way, those people will have to listen to you."

"Oh." Zhu Badger thought thoughtfully. In the previous dream, Grandma Taizu also told her to go her own way. Now Zhu Yuanzhang has the same idea. It seems that I still have to go my own way regardless of her.

Zhu Yuanzhang continued: "The time, place, and people are all right, so we just need to wait for Uncle Liu and Lu Bo to start working. By then, the old house will definitely shine again, and the treasures of the old house will become real treasures."

"Wait a minute, you just said that the location is so good, but you didn't know that the villagers knew it was going to be demolished, so they are eager to demolish it? How can this be a good location? What a waste of time if the old house is demolished? Can the treasure of the old house still be a treasure?" Zhu Badger scolded Use foul language.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said: "Those vulgar people want to demolish the old house, which is a great good thing for the fairy and the old house. But they actually don't really like the old house and don't know which ones are the real properties of the old house." Baby? In this case, as long as you give them more money, they will move out of their old houses, move to the town or the county, and become people in the town and people in the county. "

"Well, that makes sense. Those vulgar people are naturally jealous of money. They dream of leaving this mountain valley and becoming people in the town and the county. But you say it easily, where does this money come from? Also, Huang Okra has already She is very rich and is already from a provincial capital. She has the idea of ​​demolishing her old house and building a big villa for herself. "Zhu Badger was thinking a lot now.

Chouyu interjected: "This Huang Qiukui not only wants to demolish the old house and build a big villa for herself, she also wants to build a tourism base in Lvbubu Village so that she can make money from people in big cities."

"Nao Xi, why can't this old house be used as a tourist base? I think her brain is the same as her father's. She was confused by the big fireworks." Zhu Badger curled his lips.

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked Zhu Badger to speak lower down. After looking around nervously, he lowered his voice and said to Zhu Badger: "Fairy, the more confused her mind is, the better for you and the old house. Do you think, if she Knowing that the old house alone can become a tourist base, she will definitely have to fight for it with all her life. And will the neighbors move out of the old house easily? We just want to confuse Huang Okra and the common people. People, if we wait for her to give up her old house and wait for them to move out, then we can revitalize the old house, won’t it regain its splendor?”

"Well, well, well, Zhu Yuanzhang, why are you speaking so politely today? But let me ask you, where does the money come from to let those vulgar people move out of their old houses? How can we make Huang Qiukui give up?" Zhu Badger looked at him with admiration. To Zhu Yuanzhang, I hope he can guide me more clearly in the future.

After receiving Zhu Badger's approval, Zhu Yuanzhang felt light all over. He floated in a circle and said to Zhu Badger with a smile: "The secret of heaven must not be leaked. The fairy will naturally know it when the time comes."

"You know what the heck you are! Another secret that must not be leaked? Do you know whose hands hold the secret? My heavenly father, do you have an itchy bone that wants my heavenly father to interrupt you and suppress you forever? Are you in Jiuyou?" Zhu Badger was not ordinary angry. He slapped the bed board with his hands until it hurt. When he woke up from the pain, Zhu Yuanzhang and Chou Yu naturally disappeared.

Nao Xi is in prison, how come he is not photographed? It seems that next time I can't lose my temper with him easily and let him show off for a while. He is more or less the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and he is used to showing off.

Thinking of this, Zhu Badger sat up from the bed and saw a thin dog and a pig badger coming over to her and wagging their tails, reaching out to touch their necks.

Since yesterday, Zhu Badger only kept one thin dog and one pig badger in her room. The other seven thin dogs and seven pig badgers were sent to various important areas of the main house and the old house. Be prepared for the unexpected.

Since knowing his life experience, Zhu Badger retrained eight fine dogs and eight pig badgers. Not only did they let them identify Zhu Yunhe and Zhu Huzhai as enemies, they also asked them to monitor Lan Yuliu's every move.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that the eight thin dogs and the eight pig badgers are mythical beasts, but they are indeed different from ordinary dogs and pig badgers. They only regard the red badgers as their masters, including the day when they disappeared for no reason at the edge of the big pit. In fact, they are In order to protect Zhu Badger, he followed Liu Ruyu, Zhu Huzhai, Lan Yuliu and Lu Huan, as well as Dan'er, and frightened the flat-mouthed woman and Tian's father and son to prevent them from causing trouble behind their backs.

Now, one of the thin dogs and a pig badger are squatting quietly in the corner of Tian Laizi's house.

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