A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 495: Wuwei breaks Liangzhou and causes chaos again, recruits elite soldiers and white horses

Chapter 495: Wuwei breaks Liangzhou and causes chaos again, recruits elite soldiers and white horses to attack together

The first year of Taikang
Bald-headed tree function rebelled again and killed Yang Xin, the governor of Liangzhou. The main force of the Liangzhou army was lost, the military power of the government was occupied, and the entire Liangzhou fell into the hands of Bald-haired tree function.

After receiving the news, Sima Yan regretted very much. He did not deal with the Bald Hair Department earlier. Instead, he became more conniving and agreed to the Bald Hair Department's surrender many times, so that all the land in the state fell into the hands of the barbarians.

When approaching the court, Sima Yan asked the officials about the Liangzhou issue:

"Now the Tufa tribe is occupying my Liangzhou, killing my governor, massacring my Jin people, and cutting off my access to the land west of Hexi. This is unbearable. I wonder who among you, among you, can fight for this prisoner for me? "

"Your Majesty, the last general invites you to fight!"

Sima Yan heard the reputation and went out. It turned out to be Ma Long from Yanzhou.

Ma Long was the former Fubo General and Wuwei Hou Ma Chao. He was very brave and used a Ma's spear to show off his power.

In order to avoid the persecution of the Sima family, the Ma family moved from Fufeng to Yanzhou and took shelter under the Bai family in Yanzhou.

In order to conquer Wu State in the south, Sima Yan ordered the prefectures and counties to recommend some strong and brave talents with outstanding intelligence and strength to the court.

Yanzhou recommended Ma Long, saying that his talents could serve as an outstanding general, and later he was gradually promoted to Sima Governor.

When Yang Xin no longer had good relations with the Qiang and Hu tribes, Ma Long told his boss Ma Yan that he might be assassinated by the Qiang and Hu and lose the Wuwei area, so he asked the court to take heed.

It's just that Guan Weiwei was quiet at that time, so Sima Yan was of course regarded as a young man's arrogance and threw it aside.

Now that the Bai family has gained momentum, Sima Yan has also begun to use some people from the previous dynasty. Ma Long was promoted to captain, and he was worthy of entering the court.

Now that Ma Long was out of the queue, Sima Yan thought of what he had said in the previous meeting and thought that he understood the affairs in the northwest, so he agreed to his request.

"How many sergeants do you need to lead?"

Sima Yan asked him about his troop strength, and Ma Longhao said:
"As long as your majesty allows me to recruit three thousand people, I can pacify Xiliang for your majesty."

"it is good."

Immediately, Sima Yan ordered Ma Long to be the protector of the captives and the prefect of Wuwei. He recruited 3,000 people on his own and went west to pacify Wuwei.

At this time, some officials objected, saying that the existing army of the country should be used for crusade, and there should not be separate rewards and recruitment, which messed up the routine.

But Sima Yan didn't listen. In extraordinary times, extraordinary people were used to do extraordinary things. This was the ancestral precept of his Sima family.

Besides, Sima Jun's army is now suppressing and guarding against the main force of Bald Tree Function in Hexi. Those who occupy Wuwei are only a small part of Bald Tree Function, with three thousand elites enough.

After coming to court, Malong immediately began to issue recruitment orders, announcing that he would recruit three thousand warriors to accompany him on the Western Expedition, to quell chaos in the Jin Dynasty, and paid huge military salaries.

So followers gathered, and by noon they had recruited 3,500 people.

These 3,500 people have all passed Ma Long's selection, and everyone can pull the thirty-six-jun crossbow and the four-jun bow.

Ma Long led 3,500 men out of Luoyang and crossed the warm water east of Wuwei.

The Bald Tree function led ten thousand cavalry to either defend themselves against danger or set up an ambush, intending to cut off the Jin army's retreat.

However, Ma Long was not a reckless man who only knew how to use force. Instead, he had a strategy. When he was young, he was a guest of the Bai family of Yanzhou, which was the original Bai family of Xiuwu.

In the collection of books at his home, he found a volume of the Eight Formation Diagram used by Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, during his southern campaign against the barbarians. From then on, he kept it in mind, studied it day and night, and finally got his own improved version.

Therefore, in the face of the Xianbei cavalry raid, Malong ordered the construction of a sidecar based on the Eighth Formation Diagram.

When in a broad place, they would form an antler chariot camp, and when in a narrow place, they would set up wooden huts on the chariot. They would advance while fighting, and their arrows would be fired along the way, and the enemies would fall down one after another.

A large number of magnets were also placed on both sides of the road. Because the opponent was searching for Wuwei's arsenal, the elite soldiers were all wearing iron armor and would be attracted by the magnets. Therefore, their actions were restricted by the magnet array, and they only used 30% to 40% of their strength.

Malong's subordinates are all wearing rhinoceros armor, which has no impact when passing the magnet, so they can effectively attack the opponent.

After marching for more than a thousand miles, the Bald Tree functional troops suffered heavy casualties, but the Malong tribe suffered very few losses.

Because Malong has a small number of people and carries enough military supplies for three years in a side van, Malong does not need logistics at all.

This resulted in the imperial court not hearing from him since his westward journey to Liangzhou. At one time, some ministers thought he had died in battle and asked for reinforcements to be sent.

Sima Yan showed great trust in the king and turned a deaf ear to the doubts, but he was also beating a drum in his heart.

Finally, one night, Sima Yan received the good news from Ma Long.

Relying on infantry, Ma Long defeated 15,000 Bald-Fashu functional cavalry twenty miles south of Wuwei with 3,000 troops, beheading 5,000 of them. Bald-Fashu functional cavalry fled, Wuwei was restored, and the Hexi Corridor was re-opened.

Sima Yan was overjoyed and said repeatedly to his left and right:

"This is a good general from ancient times, no less inferior to his ancestors. This is my General Fubo." Early in the morning, he summoned his ministers again and said to them in a show-off manner:
"If I had listened to the opinions of the nobles, I would not have Liangzhou anymore."

"Your Majesty's Holy Wisdom"

The imperial court then issued an order to Zhongshu Sheng, ordering Ma Long to take a holiday, appointing him as General Fubo, and allowing him to mobilize the Western Region soldiers from the Western Region Protectorate to guard Liangzhou.

After receiving awards and promotions from the court, Malong did not stop at all and prepared for the next battle in front of the map.

He knew very well that most of his subordinates were infantry. If he wanted to completely wipe out the Bald Men, it would be impossible without cavalry.

Immediately, he sent the rare cavalry under his command and rushed north overnight to Haitou City, the seat of the Western Region Protectorate, to request reinforcements from Baisha, the Western Region Protectorate.

The second year of Taikang
Five thousand soldiers from the Western Regions led by Bai Sha came to Zhangye County and sent someone to deliver a message to Malong.

Ma Long looked at the blond and blue-eyed Western Cavalry in front of him, and stood up and said loudly:
"Now that the Dadu Protector's reinforcements have arrived, the end of the Bald Tree's function is not far away. I have a secret letter here, and I ask the strong men to bring it to the Dadu Protector."

"Yes, General." The knight from the Western Regions answered with a thick Western accent.

After putting the secret message in his arms, he quickly headed north with two horses, and the Xianbei people wandering outside the city could not catch up.

The Protectorate of the Western Regions has always been in the hands of the Han people since Bai Guan became the Protector-General. His son Bai Sha inherited the post of Protector-General. When he learned that Sima Yan had usurped the Han Dynasty, even though he was unwilling to do so, he had to write a letter asking for surrender.

Because only those who have been in foreign lands for a long time know that there is a powerful country behind it, so that the Western Region Protectorate can always be the boss of the Western Region.

Baisha had in his hands a group of 10,000 soldiers from the Western Regions who were under the control of the Western Regions Protectorate. They were elite soldiers from various countries and received training and language from the Han people.

The purpose is to maintain peace in the Western Region, resolve disputes between countries, uphold fairness, and resist the invasion of the Kushan Empire in the west.

Baisha put all his energy into resolving conflicts between countries and fighting openly and secretly with Kuishang, and had no time to take into account the situation in the Central Plains.

Malong led more than 10,000 Xianbei people including Tuoba Han and Qie Wanneng from the Xianbei tribe who surrendered to him, and captured the headquarters of the Bald Tree's function in Xuanwei.

Relying on the strength of Ma Long's army, the bald cavalry failed to break through many times, and were harassed by Tuoba Han and other Xianbei people who surrendered to the Han Dynasty. The two sides fell into a stalemate.

The bald tree function thought that the war might be over.

Unexpectedly, an elite cavalry team suddenly appeared from the direction of Xijun. They were all wearing leather armor and white robes. They were waving scimitars modified from Han swords, and they broke into the bald formation.

The leader, a veteran, held a silver-white bright-pointed spear and led an elite cavalry force of a hundred people. He was instantly killed by a hit and wounded by a touch, and quickly inserted it into the flag of the bald tree function.

The bald-headed tree could look at its flag and write "The Protectorate of the Western Regions", "Bai", etc., and knew that it was someone from the Western Regions.

Having lived in Hexi for a long time, he is naturally no stranger to the affairs of the Western Regions, and he also has some understanding of the Western Regions Protectorate, which is famous in the Western Regions.

This is the most elite cavalry army that integrates more than a hundred countries in the Western Region. It is not something that someone like me can defeat.

He immediately issued a retreat order.

But how could Bai Sha and Ma Long let go of this opportunity.

I saw Ma Long asking his infantry to abandon the carriage and form a team of ten to cover up the bald cavalry. With more than 20 cavalry, he and Baisha flanked the bald tree functional formation that was preparing to escape.

The bald-haired tree machine could see that his personal cavalry were torn apart like paper by the two men. He knew that he could not run away, so he rushed forward.

The first one he faced was Bai Sha. After a few rounds, Bald Tree's hands and feet were so weak that he could barely hold the weapon, so he had to run away in defeat.

Baisha watched Bald Shufei running away without pursuing him. The general next to him asked him why, and Baisha said:
"We need a backing in Liangzhou, and Bald Tree's military exploits are of no use to our Protectorate.

A bald tree's function can be replaced by a good general who has good relations and guards Liangzhou, and it will not be a loss no matter what.

Who knows if the Western Regions will need reinforcements from Liangzhou? "

In the end, Bald Tree Function still didn't run away, but Ma Long caught up with him and stabbed him to death.

Since then, Liangzhou has been pacified, and the Tufa tribe has been divided among everyone. The Tuoba tribe and the Qiewan tribe have divided up one-third, and the remaining two-thirds have been organized into households by Malong and moved to Wuwei to select young and strong people. Train into an army.

Sima Yan received the Ma Long battle report and was overjoyed to learn that the Bald Tree function was dead and the source of trouble in the northwest had been completely eradicated.

Overnight, he promoted Ma Long to the governor of Liangzhou, pacified the captive army, and supervised Xiping. He led his elite troops and gave a Yamen army to garrison in Xiping County, which had been abandoned due to the war. He stabilized and quickly reestablished local order with a large army.

Xiping County is located to the southwest of Wuwei County. It was originally a Han County. However, since the Tufashuji functional rebellion, the Chengxi tribe living in Xiping often invaded the border and plundered Han County.

But all the energy of the imperial court was involved in the function of the bald tree, and there was no time to take care of it. They had to evacuate the people of Xiping County and settle in Wuwei. Since then, Xiping County has been abandoned.

Now that the Bald Tree function has been pacified, it just so happens that Ma Long has elite soldiers. Sima Yan thinks it is time to rebuild Xiping County, pacify the Chengxi people who refuse to accept Chinese culture, and give the surrounding barbarians a small shock to the Jin Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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