Chapter 119 Strange Spirits

In the early morning, the sun shone over the dangerous peaks of Zanglong Mountain and fell on the faces of Li Mu and others.

After having a delicious meat soup last night and taking turns to rest on the bamboo raft, the five people have regained their energy.

Hu Ge volunteered to continue holding the bamboo pole and moving the raft downstream.

He is actually the eldest son of the Hu family in Lingzhou, and he lives a life of luxury at home, but he is willing to be driven around by Li Mu because he deeply respects Li Mu's ability and character.

Although Lao Xing and Wu Zheng were his personal followers, they ignored him when they saw how much respect their young masters had for Li Mu.

After the Snake River leaves the Dragon Burial Mountain, the river channel gradually widens and the water flow becomes much smoother.

Hu Ge kept pushing with the bamboo pole, and the speed of the bamboo raft was not too slow.

Before noon, they had passed two hills.

Villages began to appear at the foot of the mountain in front, but the people in the villages were all wearing black clothes and black headscarves, with dark skin and strong bodies, all dressed like the black Li people.

But they have already reached the territory of the Heili Kingdom!
Lan Qige is the princess of the Heili Kingdom, and she has caused them a lot of trouble along the way.

Now that they had arrived in the territory of the Heili Kingdom, the five of them became extra careful. Hu Ge even pushed the bamboo raft to the middle of the river, some distance away from both banks.

Some small boats began to appear on the river. The black fishermen on the boats were only wearing black shorts with a black vest on top, and there were many black water birds around them.

This water bird is the cormorant.

Although there are fishermen who raise cormorants in Daqian, there are not as many as in Heili Kingdom.

It seems that every fisherman here raises cormorants, and there are at least a dozen on each boat.

Seeing the cormorants jumping into the water one after another under the command of the fisherman, and soon jumping onto the boat with the fish in their mouths, everyone found it quite interesting.

At this moment, a large ship suddenly came towards them.

There was a woman on the bow wearing a black miniskirt. Her silver ornaments sparkled in the sun, and her slightly dark oval face looked quite pretty.

It was Molly!
When everyone saw Molly coming towards them on the boat, they were all shocked. Hu Ge and others quickly put their hands on the hilts of the swords at their waists.

As the two ships were about to meet, Molly shouted to the five people:
"Everyone, welcome to the Black Li Kingdom!"

Hu Ge and others couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.


I'm afraid he wants to kill us!

But seeing that Molly was the only one on the boat, and that she was smiling and didn't seem to have any hostility, they couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Molly saw that several people were looking at her with caution and hostility, but she smiled:
"Don't look at me like that! If I wanted to deal with you, I would have done it last night!"

Hu Ge and others thought to themselves:

You guys dealt a lot to us last night!
They released snakes in the cave to attract giant bats, and used snakes to surround us on the shore...

Well, they did let the four of us go in the end!

"You probably didn't have breakfast. Now that you've come to Heili, how can you not try our Heili Cross-Bridge Rice Noodles?"

As she spoke, Molly turned around and brought out a casserole from the cabin.

When the lid of the pot was opened, the fragrance was indeed overflowing!
It is a pot of cross-bridge rice noodles carefully stewed with old hens!
Li Mu couldn't help but frown.

This girl, seeing that he had arrived in the country of Hei Li, not only did she not try to deal with him, but instead sent him a pot of cross-bridge rice noodles.

What on earth is she trying to do?

Seeing several people standing still on the bamboo raft, Molly laughed like a silver bell and said:
"You're not afraid of the bats and iguanas in the cave, but you're afraid of a little girl like me?"

"As a real man, if you are not afraid of death, why would you be afraid of eating this pot of cross-bridge rice noodles?"

"I'm the only one on my boat, don't you dare come up?"

But he directly used the method of provoking the opponent!

Li Mu smiled coldly, jumped and jumped onto the boat.

Anyway, you already know my whereabouts, so why should I be afraid of you?

When Shen Pingan and the others saw Li Mu jumping onto the boat, they also boarded. Molly took out a few more bowls from the cabin, filled a bowl of chicken noodle soup with her own hands, and then scooped a spoonful with a silver spoon, put it to her mouth and tasted it:
“The taste is just right!”

After saying that, he held both hands in front of Li Mu, and said with a smile on his face:
"Brother, try it!"

Li Mu saw Molly using a silver spoon to scoop up the soup, and then took a sip himself, which showed that there was absolutely no poison in the soup.

Then he took the bowl of soup.

This girl is right.

A real man is not afraid of death, so why would he be afraid of drinking your soup?

Besides, he has the magic of rejuvenation, so he can tell at a glance whether there is poison or witchcraft in the soup!
He immediately picked up the soup bowl and took a sip.

The soup cooked from the old hen has a rich aroma and tastes incredibly delicious.

Add to that the smooth rice noodles, the fragrant chopped green onions, and the spicy peppercorns.

But it really tastes delicious!


Molly saw Li Mu eating with relish and her face was full of smiles.

Hu Ge and Shen Ping'an saw Li Mu eating cross-bridge rice noodles. With the aroma of chicken soup in the air, their stomachs were already rumbling.

Molly couldn't help laughing after hearing this:
"If you want to eat, just help yourself. I will only serve this guy!"

Seeing that Li Mu was not having any trouble eating, Hu Ge immediately picked up the bowl, chopsticks and spoon on the deck, filled a bowl for himself, and started eating.

After taking a bite, I found it to be really fresh, fragrant and delicious.

Can't help but praise:

"Delicious! It's really delicious!"

Who knew that he ate too fast and bit his tongue.

Molly couldn't help but laugh when she saw this:

"Slow down! The cross-bridge rice noodles of the Heili people are so delicious that you can bite your tongue off!"

Shen Pingan and others also picked up their bowls and chopsticks, sat on the deck, served themselves a bowl, and then started eating.

They had not eaten anything since coming here from Zanglong Mountain, and now there was such a delicious pot of cross-bridge rice noodles in front of them, with no tricks in the pot, so how could they miss it?

Molly waited for them to finish eating, then took the casserole and got on a small boat nearby. She turned around and smiled at Li Mu:
"I'll give you this big boat. Although the bamboo raft is good, I'm afraid it can't cross the Dulong River ahead!"

After saying that, he turned around and rowed towards the river bank in the boat.

On the boat, Hu Ge and others could not help but look at each other.

What are you doing?
I wished they were dead yesterday!
Why today they sent a boat and chicken noodle soup...

This Hei Li woman is really clever!
Shen Pingan looked at Li Mu with a strange smile in his eyes:

"Captain Bai, could it be that she has a crush on you?"

Li Mu shook his head and smiled:
"I have a beard and look like a rough guy, but she..."

Before he could finish his words, he was stunned.

The beard on his face had already fallen off when he jumped into the water to kill the giant iguana yesterday, but he was not good at changing his appearance, so he didn't take it to heart.

Li Mu lowered his head and looked at the water.

But he found that the beard on his face had long disappeared, and his face was clearly outlined, and his star-like eyes were shining on the water.

It has already returned to its normal state!
Then I remembered that when I fought with Lan Qige, I had always been in my true appearance...

Could it be,

Does this girl really like me?

(End of this chapter)

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