Chapter 120: Singing Love Songs on the Spring River

The five people quickly passed the village by boat, crossed the river between two mountains, and then followed the She River into the Dulong River.

The She River is only a tributary of the Dulong River, and the Dulong River is the big river that flows into the waters near the Fallen Immortal Lake.

After reaching the surface of the Dulong River, the mountains on both sides gradually became extremely steep.

In some places, the river channel is extremely narrow, with cliffs on both sides as steep as if cut by a knife or an axe, and a rushing rapid in the middle, with waves nearly ten feet high.

Fortunately, Molly sent a big boat. If we were still riding the previous bamboo raft, we would have capsized in this rapids!

Molly not only sent a big boat, but also a boatman.

The boatman's skills are extremely superb. He constantly rows the oars at the stern to control the direction and angle of the boat.

Although there were rough waves on the river from time to time, the boat still passed this dangerous passage very smoothly and quickly!
After passing this section of rapids, the river channel ahead suddenly became clear and the water flow became much smoother.

The mountains on both sides still seem majestic and steep. The pines and cypresses on the mountains are lush and green, and red flowers and green leaves are lingering among them. From time to time, the sounds of birds and monkeys can be heard from the dense forests on the mountains.

The boat drifted along the water at a very fast speed. In a blink of an eye, it passed several hills, leaving behind all the bird calls and monkey cries in the mountains.

There are really monkeys crying on both sides of the river, and the boat has passed through thousands of mountains!

Li Mu stood at the bow, looking at the scenery on both sides of the river, and couldn't help but feel full of heroic spirit.

I couldn't help but let out a long howl.

At this moment, a whistle suddenly came from the river in the distance.

Then, a female voice was heard singing:
"The spring river flows past my door!"

"The little brother lives on the other side!"

"Paddle a little, the sun is setting!"

"My sister is full of emotions!"

"The spring river water flows through my dreams!"

“The river is beautiful, the water is beautiful, and the scenery is beautiful!”

"Amei has no interest in looking at the scenery,"

"Climb the mountains and sing love songs!"

The singing was melodious and soft, floating over from the river and lingering in the air.

Li Mu looked into the distance following the sound of the singing.

But I saw a small boat floating on the river in the distance, with a figure standing on the boat.

I couldn't see clearly who that person was from a distance, but I felt that her figure was graceful and quite attractive!
And the singing voice seems quite familiar!

Shen Ping'an walked behind Li Mu, looked at the boats and people in the distance, and couldn't help but smile.

"I told you, this girl must be over a hundred years old!"

"Otherwise, they would have wanted to kill us, but now they are sending us boats and food!"

Li Mu smiled faintly and said nothing.

Although this song aroused his emotions,

But he couldn't help but think of a person who was in Mobei at that time.

The desert is vast, the green waves are rolling,
The figure galloping on horseback among the green grass waves, like a red cloud flying along the waves!

Those lake-like eyes would stare at him silently, then smile sweetly.
The lark-like singing will ring in his ears.

Li Mu glanced at the lonely ship in the distance, suddenly sighed softly, and turned back to the cabin.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking!
Although there is no custom in this world for men to be devoted to one person for their entire lives, ordinary men can have three wives and four concubines.

But his heart will not let someone walk into it easily!


Before I knew it, it was already evening.

There are many rapids and rocks on the Dulong River, and it is very dangerous to sail at night, so the boatman stopped the boat at the riverside and several people rested on the boat.

The night was dark and a crescent moon had climbed to the top of the mountain.

From time to time, bursts of bird calls could be heard in the distance, and occasionally there were some sad cries of monkeys, which made the river seem even more lonely.

Li Mu sat at the bow of the boat, silently looking at the bright moon on the top of the mountain.

At this time, a small boat came over. On the bow, Molly stood there, with a stone pot beside her, which was filled with a pot of chopped pepper fish head.

The white and tender fish meat and the bright red chopped pepper look very pleasing to the eye.

The air is filled with the spicy aroma of chopped peppers and fish.

Molly pulled the boat next to the big ship, but did not get on board. She only put the stone pot and a full pot of rice on the bow.

Hu Ge looked at the pot full of chopped pepper fish head, rubbed his hands happily and smiled:

"Thanks a lot, Miss Molly!"

"I didn't give it to you to eat, why are you thanking me?"

Molly glared at him, but then turned to look at Li Mu:
"Brother, when we Li women sing love songs, it would be very rude if the lover on the other side doesn't sing along!"

Li Mu shook his head and said:

"You think I don't know?"

"If I sing a duet with you, doesn't that mean I accept your girl?"

Molly frowned:

"What's wrong with my girl?"

"She is beautiful and the princess of our Heili. Many men fell in love with her at first sight, but she ignored any of them!"

"Could it be..."

She glanced at Li Mu, with a hint of doubt in her eyes:
"Do you already have a crush on someone?"

Li Mu smiled slightly.

But silence is a response.

Molly frowned even more tightly, stood there in silence for a while, and suddenly stomped her feet:

"I knew this was the case!"

After saying that, he turned around and rowed the boat away.

But when the boat had just sailed a few feet away, she turned back:
"I don't care. If you hurt my Lan Qige's heart, I will make sure you die miserably!"

This girl was so angry that she kept calling herself "Laozi".

Li Mu couldn't help but laugh out of anger.

But she was determined to protect Lan Qige, so she spoke without thinking, which shows that she loves Lan Qige very much.

Molly paused for a moment and said:
"Today's pot of cross-bridge rice noodles and this pot of fish head were all made by her!"

"Even if it's just for the delicious meal and the boat you're on, you should thank her!"

After saying that, he glared at Li Mu who was sitting at the bow of the boat, turned around and paddled the boat away.

After a while, the boat reached the other side of the river.

A small boat was moored by the river. Lan Qige was sitting quietly at the bow, her pair of black and bright eyes looking into the distance across the river.

The direction his eyes were directed was exactly where Li Mu's big ship was.

Where love goes,

Thousands of mountains covered with snow at dusk, thousands of miles of clouds, who is the shadow going to...


Molly couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw Lanqige's appearance.

"I've already sent the meal over. That Qianren kid doesn't understand the rules of singing love songs in Heili, so he didn't respond. Don't take it to heart!"

Lan Qige shook her head and smiled sweetly:
"It doesn't matter if he doesn't respond for now. Since I've fallen in love with him, I must wait until the moment he responds!"

After saying that, she stood up, stood on the bow, and sang in a gentle voice towards the direction of the big ship where Li Mu was:
"The moon is out, shining on the hillside!"

"Ah Mei is singing a love song over here!"

"Brother, if you knew my sister's heart!"

"A love song stirs up spring waves!"

(End of this chapter)

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