Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 184: Hot dry noodles, and some large intestines?

Chapter 184: Hot dry noodles, and some large intestines?
It snowed.
There aren't as many people now, but there are still customers coming in the evening.

However, Li Rui had already placed two small mats inside and outside the store door.

It is convenient for customers to wipe off the snow and water on the soles of their shoes to avoid slipping while walking.

And today's diners didn't even get to eat noodles.

You can also drink a bowl of hot soup first.

The broth has a rich flavor, and the one made with bigeye fish is even more delicious, and it is up to the diners to choose.

Warms the heart and the stomach.

Customers gave their own answers as to why they came to eat noodles on a snowy night.

"Boss, I saw the mutton stewed noodles you posted and I was really greedy."

"If I don't eat a bowl, I won't be able to sleep."

At this time, the advantage of the small shop is reflected, as it provides a place to shelter from the wind and snow.

Passersby can sit here for a while.

While tasting the noodles, some customers also came with bowls of soup:
"Boss, can I have another bowl of soup?"


Li Rui nodded, thinking that the broth could be put into a thermos bucket every day, and if customers wanted to drink it, they could just serve it themselves.

After closing the business, Li Rui hurried back home.

Because of the snow,
The amount of noodles sold was not as much as in the previous few days, only 203 bowls.

However, combined with the business operations in the past few days, most of the task has been completed.

There are still five days left, so there is no need to worry too much.

What we really need to worry about is

It is the amazing growth of the small bamboo on the balcony.

Green sprouts appeared in the morning, and when I came back in the evening, they were taller than the kitten.

Seeing that Li Rui was also looking at the little bamboo, Fat Orange meowed a few times.

There was also some caution in the voice.

Li Rui touched the cat's head and planned to take the small bamboo pot to the store. The height of the one-story building might not be enough for the bamboo to grow.

Naitang can crawl and walk recently, which makes Xiaohua’s task of taking care of the baby much easier.

I have started postpartum exercise recovery.

From time to time, run a few laps on the roller.

As the weather outside the window grew colder, he became more and more intimate with Li Rui.

Li Rui felt that this might be because he took good care of the mother during her confinement.

In fact, stray cats are very skilled in hunting, and have even caused many birds to be on the verge of extinction.

In addition, many caring people will feed them regularly.

Food needs are relatively easy to meet.

What really makes it difficult for them is the coming cold winter.

It's a good thing for cats to show affection to their owners.

But the fact that Sanhua often brings the kitten to her bed makes Li Rui suspect that Sanhua may simply be tired of taking care of the baby.

But it’s not Xiaohua’s fault. The combination of a cow cat and its young age would give anyone a headache.

Even bamboo can have headaches.

Next to the bamboo pot,
Several tender leaves have already been pulled off by the kitten.

the next day,
Fonda Plaza shop.

Li Rui is preparing new pasta again.

Strangely enough, there are several types of dipping sauces for hot pot, including sesame sauce, oil sauce, and dry sauce.

It shows obvious regional distribution characteristics.

But sesame paste is used as a dipping sauce for hot pot in the north, but is mixed with noodles in Wuhan.

I don't know if it was Majiang who cheated,

Or the noodles went off track.

To make hot dry noodles well, you need to put a lot of effort into the noodles, brine, sauce, seasoning, and side dishes.

The noodles are alkaline noodles, and only water, alkaline water and salt are used to knead the noodles.

The cooking method is slightly different.

On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to bamboo noodles.

You need to boil it in boiling water until it is 70% done, then drizzle with sesame oil and cool it with a fan. Cook it again before selling.

"Xiao Ma, turn on the big fan." Li Rui instructed the clerk.


With a "click", the high-power fan began to rotate at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, a fragrance blew into the store.

Fragrance is the fragrance of spices.

The ingredients include salt, chicken powder, MSG, pepper and thirteen spices.

"Cough cough cough."


Ma Jinge didn't expect that there would be such a big reaction when he was holding the seasoning powder in one hand and turning on the electric fan with the other.

Li Rui was a little further away, so he was less affected.
He walked over and turned off the fan.

At this time, you can see that there is a light layer of seasoning powder on Xiao Ma's face.

After taking off the mask, the layers were even more distinct. "It tastes good, Xiao Ma." Li Rui smiled and took the seasoning.

Let the embarrassed clerk wash his face quickly.

I continued to prepare sesame paste.

If you want to make hot dry noodles delicious, a sticky sesame sauce that’s a bit sticky in your mouth is the key.

Using sesame paste alone, the taste is slightly bitter.

A little peanut butter will make the sesame paste taste more mellow.

The sauce is not just diluted with water, but also with scallion oil.

Then add a proper amount of light soy sauce to enhance the flavor and dark soy sauce to enhance the color.

Mix well together.

In order to make the hot dry noodles taste flavorful and not too dry, a salty and fragrant brine may be indispensable for a wide audience.

Spice packet, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, and stock from the store.

The standard for perfect cooking is that the flavor of the spices permeates into the broth.

At this time, perhaps sensing a hint of danger, Xiaodong displayed the store’s surveillance footage on the side panel of the refrigerator.

The small actions of employees are clearly visible——

Crouching at the plug, fiddle with the wires;

Shake the head of the electric fan.

Li Rui reminded in time:

“Comrade Majingo, I want to formally inform you that no matter what the reason for the fan’s failure, I will deduct money from your salary.”


The fan resumed normal operation.

After the noodles are 70% cooked, take them out and let them cool, and use a fan to remove excess moisture. When customers place an order, put them back into the pot to cook, so that they will taste hotter and drier.

A bowl of common hot dry noodles,
Sour beans and dried radish are usually indispensable ingredients.

Having prepared to this point, Li Rui smiled to himself, and suddenly felt that adding sausage and chicken fillet to the pancake was not unacceptable.

A snack delicacy can be promoted from its place of origin to all parts of China and even abroad.

It is inevitable that people from other places will slightly adjust the taste of dishes and snacks according to local taste preferences.

In its place of origin, the authentic XXX maintains its own unique characteristics.

Adjustments are necessary to allow delicious food to spread more widely.

It is also very important to preserve your own self, which is your own characteristic.

Back to hot dry noodles,
If you want a hearty meal, you can add some braised food in addition to a few side dishes.

Li Rui is quite good at this aspect.

Moreover, the foundation has been laid in the past few days, and there is plenty of time today to prepare some things.

Duck feet, chicken feet, and pig's trotters must be braised until soft.

It’s a bit regrettable that pig intestines never appeared on the braised food cart.

We can make up for it a little this time.

Fresh pig intestines, according to Boss Jin. (Food article, description omitted here)
Anyway, it's very fresh.

First, simply rinse with clean water.

Most customers are not that fond of the original flavor of pig intestines.

Therefore, there is no need to deliberately preserve the original flavor.

You need to turn the large intestine over and rub the inside and outside of the large intestine with vinegar, salt and flour.

This is the process of cleaning the large intestine.
Boring but interesting.

Li Rui asked the clerk to come over to help:
"Xiao Ma, you can't just do some physical work every day in the store. It won't help your growth, you know."

Ma Jinge watched Li Rui demonstrate the movements, as if he was washing his own clothes in college.

So I used my wild imagination:
"Boss, I see there's a washing machine upstairs, how about that?"

"No." Li Rui rejected the employee's proposal and gave a scientific reason:

“The drum washing machine doesn’t wash clean.”

Xiao Dong added on the side screen: "A pulsator washing machine will damage the large intestine. In short, you can't use a washing machine to wash!"

It also looks like an AI that loves cleanliness.

Adhering to the democratic principle of minority obeying the majority, Xiao Ma also came to the pool, put on gloves, and joined in cleaning the large intestine.

"Boss, this large intestine smells a bit bad."

"Wait until it's done before you smell it."

After scrubbing the large intestine, the mucus on the surface is basically removed.

Continue rinsing with clean water.

Rinse away impurities and mucus.

Then put it into the pot together with green onion, ginger and rice wine.

Blanch in water to remove the fishy smell.

After taking it out, put it into the braising pot for braising.

After one hour, turn off the heat and let soak.

At this time, there were already several customers outside the door.

Because there was a small sign saying "Closed", some people raised their arms to look inside the store.

"Xiao Ma, turn over the sign! We are open for business."

(End of this chapter)

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