Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 107 The Golden Body

The three of Lin Sen were nearby, but Lin Sen reacted quickly, propped up the invisible barrier of spiritual thoughts, and protected the seriously injured Bai Mei and Bai Mei, but the golden light suddenly shot out, and Bai Mei and Bai Mei were still affected by the Buddha's light , the already ugly face immediately became paler.

The disciples of that sect also set up formations one after another to protect their own angels who were trying their best to heal their wounds. Fortunately, although the Buddha's light was powerful, it didn't seem to be a deliberate thing, but it could barely resist it.

bump!Suddenly there was a sound, the light of ten thousand Buddhas actually shook the big green toad seal soaring, the towering big big green toad seal like a mountain, at this time, there is no such a heavy weight, on the contrary, it is as light as nothing, tumbling Fly back.

Bichan Dayin Linsen had been controlling with spiritual thoughts all the time, but at this moment he was suddenly injured, he felt a loud noise in his head, his soul trembled, his seven orifices were bleeding, his head was dizzy, and he stood in place shaking.

Fortunately, Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts are also very tyrannical, and the bright thoughts above his head are spinning rapidly, vigorously resisting the shaken big seal of Bichan, and the illusory shield in front of him that seems to be shattered at any time is also slowly stabilized .

Lin Sen, however, forgot to wipe off the blood on his face, and stared at the ten thousand golden lights with alert eyes. Where Tuo Luo stood, although the place where he saw was full of brilliance, but in that golden light In the brilliance, there was a dangerous aura that he was familiar with.

This dangerous breath is just like the feeling when the Confucian disciples invited out the spirit of Confucius when they were in the Huashan Eight Desolation [***] formation that day. Although the breath is completely different, it is far less like the spirit of Confucius. It is grand and vast, but the sense of oppression coming from above is very similar.

The Sanskrit singing all over the sky became louder and louder, and under the shining golden light, the hundreds of monks in formation seemed to be covered with a layer of golden sand, almost like the statues in the temple, sacred and pious.

With the place where Tuo Luo stood, the dazzling light gradually dissipated, and a tall figure slowly became clear, about six feet high, golden in color, as if made of pure gold, with four sides on the head, exactly the face of Na Tuo Luo , divided into joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys in the world, with eight arms, each holding an object, lotus flower, clean bottle, sharp spear, giant sword, scepter, law theory, token, and scriptures.

"Monster, my Buddha is merciful, and I advise you to take refuge. Since you don't know how to repent, I will let you see the real Buddhist monk!" The angry face on all sides stared at Lin Sen with a pair of fiery eyes, and shouted loudly in his mouth. The sound is like thunder rolling from the sky, like a waterfall rushing.

"Supreme Dharma Body!" Lin Sen murmured subconsciously. The ancestor of Gourd told him about the supreme practices of various schools. The technique of the Supreme Golden Body of Buddhism is one of them. It is even more so to use this technique to persuade Lin Sen to surrender. It was created by Bodhi, the mother of the Buddha. It is a supreme method that uses spiritual thoughts to condense the dharma body, and transforms spiritual thoughts into reality.

"You still have insight!" Nadala's golden body is majestic and boundless, and he said slowly in a compassionate voice, "Monster, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn around and be right, my Buddha is merciful, I will give you another chance to convert to my Buddha!"

Even at this moment, this Tuoluo still does not extinguish his desire to attract Lin Sen. After all, there are very few people with outstanding spiritual sense, even among the monks, there are very few, such as Lin Sen, who is in the position of an earth immortal. , it is even rarer to have such spiritual thoughts, such people are the most suitable for practicing this supreme dharma body, if Lin Sen returns to his sect, within three years, his Buddhist sect will definitely produce another person with boundless dharma A celestial being in the world, who else can stop his Buddhism's road to great prosperity in this world.

"Master Tuola's kindness, Lin Sen appreciates it! It's just that Lin is used to it. If you let me obey the Buddhist precepts and be accompanied by the ancient Buddha with the blue lamp, it would be better to kill me!" Lin Sen didn't even think about it. , he rejected Tuo Luo's solicitation, but not because of any prejudice against the Buddhist sect, but because of the Confucian Qin Wei.

People respect me one foot, I do my best, then Qin Wei treats himself with sincerity, if he abandons him and runs away at this moment, let alone someone else, even his own Dao heart will not be able to pass this test.

Then some people asked why they didn't worship Qin Wei and others in exchange for worshiping Buddhism, but they didn't know that Confucianism was the backbone force preventing Buddhism from spreading to the east, and Tuo Luo had to get rid of it on this trip. Although Lin Sen was a good talent, But it is just adding fire to the great prosperity, and this Confucianism is a stumbling block that hinders the eastward entry of Buddhism, and Tuola will weigh it himself.

Nadara is the god of heaven, he was rejected by people twice in a row, his face was damaged, he didn't feed me to use it, but he turned it into fly ash, got rid of it and quickly, on the golden body, he took four breaths Qi Zhang said, "Since you are so obsessed with obsession, don't blame me for using thunder!"

With just a slight wave of the eight arms on the golden body of Tuoluo, the huge spiritual energy in the cave was turbulent and churning, and waves of surging Buddha light rushed to suppress it.

Lin Sen really smiled wryly in his heart, this golden body was formed by the condensed spiritual thoughts of Tuoluo, he had tried it quietly just now, once his unparalleled spiritual thoughts touched this golden body, it would be like a stone sinking into the sea, Nothing happened.

His own divine sense had no effect on the golden body, his omnipotent ultimate move was abolished, and Chang Mei and others were seriously injured, but now it is a doomed situation.

However, Lin Sen is not someone who closes his eyes and waits for death. Seeing the billowing Buddha's light coming endlessly, he pinches the big sleeve of the Heavenly Thunder Seal with his hand and waves a wave of thunder from the Purple Mansion.

But Lin Sen suddenly shouted, "Yuan Lang, lend me your real water stick that day!" Although Yuan Lang was under the Confucian formation, with his cultivation base, he had already been overwhelmed by this heavenly aura. Wanting to bow down, at this time he heard the master roaring, although he didn't know what it meant, but his drowsy mind was much clearer, he hastily threw the Tianyizhen water stick in his hand.

However, Lin Sen was holding Tianyi's real water stick, and his body grew rapidly, but it also grew to the size of six feet in a short time.

I saw tens of thousands of arms thick and thin, like thunder snakes dancing in the air, the purple mansion god thunder seemed to rush out of the void, and condense on the day one real water stick from all directions like swallows returning to their nests.

The water grows the thunder potential, and the thunder increases the strength of the water. On the glass-like flashing water stick, the purple divine thunder spreads rapidly around, and within a short time, it is completely condensed by the purple thunder.

That day, a real water stick was originally produced by Yuan Lang from the real water of the seabed for a hundred years, and it had such great power. At this time, so many purple mansion gods poured in, and its power was even more boundless. It didn't stop, but the Zifu Shenlei, who was running at a high speed, slowly calmed down, and his breath didn't leak out at all, turning Tian Yizhen's big stick of water into a beautiful purple glass.

But he saw that Lin Sen was six feet tall, with angry hair and long beard, wearing a black Taoist robe, and holding a purple Tianyi Zhenshui stick, almost as if the god of thunder had descended into the world, and his power was no less powerful than that of Tuoluo!


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