"Faxiang Tiandi??" Among the crowd, there was a person who knew the goods, who recognized Lin Sen's supernatural powers at a glance, and immediately screamed out, where did Lin Sen learn from? Tyrannical, at this time it is even more revealing this long-lost ancient supernatural power, I really don't know how many secret skills this Lin Sen has hidden.

I really don't know that Lin Sen has no choice but to do it at this time. The flesh of the monster race is inherently tyrannical. Lin Sen even has the blood of the ancient fierce insect iron-backed centipede. In the technique of body forging passed down by the ancestors, the demon body can be said to be like a diamond body, unparalleled in strength.

It's just that Lin Sen is cautious on a daily basis. When fighting with others, he uses Taoism to fight against the enemy, and rarely when people are close to him. Therefore, this resolute demon body has always been deeply hidden.

At this moment, Lin Sen had no choice but to use this dharma body that he hadn't used for a long time.

Dancing the long stick in his hand, the aura in the entire cave was stirred up, and he shouted loudly, "Hit!!" The purple stick fell straight from the sky, and the infinite force on the stick was the billowing Buddha light. , but also can not cover the slightest.

The giant stick scattered the cloud of Buddha's light to both sides, and the head of the stick suddenly magnified in front of Tuo Luo's eyes, and appeared in front of him, carrying boundless thunder and water power, and smashed towards Na Tuo Luo's supreme golden body.

Seeing this, Rathara not only didn't panic, but smiled slightly and said, "The Dharma is heaven and earth? That's it, this seat will let you see what the supreme golden body of Buddhism is!"

Facing Lin Sen's mighty, ground-shattering blow, instead of dodging, Tuo Luo rubbed his body up, waving his eight arms around him, and the eight magical weapons with condensed mana went into battle together, unexpectedly It is impossible to tell that Tuo Luo, a handsome monk, is still a generation with high martial arts skills.

At the beginning of Falun, Lin Sen's big stick was removed, and the long spear and giant sword were stabbed towards Lin Sen. The eight arms are of one mind, and they cooperate seamlessly with each other. Although there are only eight arms, when they cooperate with each other, their power is multiplied. increase.

Lin Sen only felt that he was surrounded by tens of thousands of arms, and that Tuo Luo's attack was like quicksilver pouring down everywhere. Fortunately, Lin Sen was not a mediocre man. With the unsurpassed martial arts of Xianglong Riyue practicing, although he could not be said to have entered the state of perfection, But also skilled in martial arts.

At this time, seeing that Tuoluo was powerful, he didn't rush forward, took root immediately, and the Lingtai was clear, dancing a long stick in his hand around his body like a purple ball, splashing ink and not advancing, although he didn't make meritorious deeds for a while, but there was no serious fault .

Tuo Luo is proficient in martial arts, looking around in all directions, the golden body is powerful and fierce, and the eight arms on the side are even more coordinated. Although Lin Sen's magic power is not as good as Tuo Luo's, he is also a person who has practiced the powerful supernatural powers of the Dharma. Underneath, although he was hit by Tuo Luo occasionally, his copper-skinned and iron-framed body was in pain, but it was not a serious problem.

Jingle! !A series of dense sounds, the moment the two met, they had already fought thousands of times, and the vibrating energy brought about by the collision of weapons and magic weapons shot out in all directions, shocking the people around them. Well, if there wasn't a large Buddhist formation in this cave to suppress it, it might have collapsed and shattered, and the sea water was still involved in it.

The two men fought hand-to-hand, the dense thunder and water, and the golden light of Buddhism, all the people were stunned. It's close to hand-to-hand combat, and it can be evenly divided for a while, evenly matched.

Although others didn't know it, Yuan Lang knew that the technique Lin Sen used was the technique of the heaven and earth and body training passed down to him. At this time, even the monstrous aura pressure was completely forgotten by him. A pair of eyes fixed on the figure of the master, and he was completely intoxicated by it, and the aura around him became more and more condensed with the dancing of the big stick in Lin Sen's hand.

Caught in the seemingly endless siege, although Lin Sen defended tightly, he knew the truth that if he defended for a long time, he would lose. The power of the golden body was endless, and he didn't know what exhaustion was. Every blow contained a lot of meaning. Jun's power, and those eight magic weapons were condensed by something, and every time they hit Lin Sen's body, even Lin Sen's copper skin and iron bones were hit by waves of piercing pain.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that this copper skin and iron bone, invulnerable to swords and guns, will be smashed to pieces!

Thinking of this, Lin Sen forced himself to attack Tuo Luo a few times. Although he was hit with piercing pain, he took the opportunity to break free from the eight arms.

But he changed his fighting method just now and started to fight around Tuo Luo. At that moment, a black light carrying a purple thunder, sprinkled fan-shaped stick shadows in front of him, surrounding Tuo Luo's six-foot-long golden body with eight arms. There was a burst of siege and beating, and the sound of weapons colliding was like the rain hitting plantains, and gusts of air sprayed out, like violent hurricanes, rolling up streams of pool water, and the scene was almost like the collapse of the world.

This change of tactics is really good. Lin Sen's technique of turning into streamer is so fast that it is among the top in the Three Realms. Although Tuoluo is superb in martial arts, it is hard to resist Lin Sen's ability to touch and go away like a loach. The rogue's style of play made Lin Sen, who was fighting an enemy for the first time in hand-to-hand combat, flustered for a while.

Lin Sen's strokes became smoother and smoother, as if something had been released from the bottom of his heart. At the beginning of the moves, there were some blunt parts, but now they are like the horns of an antelope, becoming more and more helpless. Traces can be found.

At the beginning, he was flustered by Tuo Luo's counterattacks from time to time, but after a while, Lin Sen actually relied on his speed to lead Tuo Luo away, and it was even more difficult to be patient. When he danced the stick, he let out high-pitched screams .

But he secretly thought, no wonder there are people who like to fight with people hand to hand, the feeling of beating someone with a stick is really exciting and refreshing.

The light of the Buddha, the power of the water and the power of the thunder, shone alternately, and the more the two fought, the more dazzling they became.

If the fight is purely melee like this, the two of them are one with a golden body with four arms, and the other is the heaven and the earth with copper skin and iron bones. It is very possible to entangle with Tuo Luo for ten days and a half months.

Nadala just couldn't let Lin Sen get entangled with this, disrupting his plan to rejuvenate the Buddhist sect, all eight arms rushed out to block Lin Sen's attack, and flew out of the battle group first.

At this time, Lin Sen's wildness exploded in his heart, and he was so excited, how could he let him escape, he let out a strange cry, and flew up to catch up with sticks in both hands.

Seeing Lin Sen chasing him, Tuo Luo smiled instead of anger, with a trace of coldness on his face, eight arms holding the inexplicable Buddha seal, and slowly dancing on both sides of his body with mysterious laws.

In the meantime, a golden relic emerged from the golden dharma body of Dharani, shining brightly, and along with it, there was an aura that made Lin Sen feel guilty.


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