But why did Lin Sen turn into such an instinctive and frenzied killing? But it still has to start when he was turned into a prototype and fell into the ball of light.

Without the light from the red golden bowl, although Lin Sen's demon body was extremely weak, his lack of consciousness recovered a bit, and he knew that he was falling towards the terrifying cold light ball.

It's just that knowing it is one thing, and wanting to move to escape, but no matter how the body is driven, it can't move at all.

At this moment, Cha Nongying in white gauze flew towards him, although he didn't know why the other party wanted to kill him, but he was finally saved, just when Lin Sen thought he could escape from ascending to heaven, he was secretly excited.

Suddenly, he only felt an extremely powerful suction force coming from the ball of light, like a huge vortex, swallowing himself, an extremely tiny creature.

Although Cha Nongying was close at hand, under the whirlpool-like strong suction, he almost lost his balance and fell in a hurry. After he stabilized himself, Lin Sen was already sucked into the ball of light , wanted to save but was too late, and had no choice but to fly back backwards.

However, although Lin Sen was struggling non-stop, the light ball had an incomparable suction power, and Lin Sen couldn't resist being sucked into it.

Two words flashed in Lin Sen's mind, it's over!I just felt a blackout in my head and lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Sen, who thought he was dead, woke up slowly, but the place where he was, was even strange, his powerless body slowly floating in the endless void !

I don't know how long I have been floating in this unchanging void. Suddenly, a bright meteor slid past, and this dull void seemed to come alive.

Then, before Lin Sen's eyes, two huge extraterrestrial stars appeared, one was full of golden flames, hot and violent, and the other was pale white, quiet and cold.

However, Lin Sen immediately recognized that these two were the sun star and the lunar star transformed from the eyes of the Great God Pan Gu, and then based on the sun-lunar double star, four huge extraterrestrial stars emerged.

After the appearance of these four stars, pieces of extraterrestrial stars quickly appeared in the void, and slowly revolved around these four huge stars with a mysterious law, showing the most mysterious way in front of Lin Sen .

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou array!" Lin Sen shouted out the name of the array in front of him in astonishment. There are no more, no less, 360 extraterrestrial stars, imitating the movement of extraterrestrial stars and laying out the array. Since the birth of this world , and only the Great Formation of the Monster Clan, which came from the hands of the Demon Emperor Jun in the ancient sky, with the sun and the moon as the cornerstone, and the power of the five Great Saints of the Monster Race in 360, the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation, has such a handicraft .

This great formation is mysterious and abnormal. Although it is like teaching Lin Sen at this moment, it is slowly evolving in front of Lin Sen, but Lin Sen just reasoned along its lines for a moment, and then felt a splitting headache.

A vast starry sky slowly appeared in front of Lin Sen. Countless shooting stars emitted bright light. As the formation became more and more complicated, Lin Sen became more and more incomprehensible. But for some reason, facing the big There is always a vague sense of familiarity in the formation, as if they have seen each other before.

After an unknown amount of time, the formation suddenly disappeared. Before Lin Sen could react, it turned into a spot of light and sank into Lin Sen's forehead.

Lin Sen originally thought that what was recorded in the sphere of light was this week's star formation. Unexpectedly, this formation was just the beginning. After the evolution of the formation fell into Lin Sen's forehead, before he had time to check it, he felt a powerful force The torrent poured into the body.

Lin Sen, who has experienced it once, knows that this is inherited information, but this information is much larger than the memory passed down by the centipede spirit!

This extremely complicated torrent of information, even with Lin Sen's current divine sense, only felt dizziness and pain in his head. It lasted for nearly an hour before this information was completely integrated into Lin Sen's purple mansion. .

Compared with the huge size, the types of information contained in this information are extremely rare. Lin Sen sorted it out easily, and first looked for the information about the owner of the Immortal Mansion.

The person who left behind this Immortal Mansion and this message was not an ancient monk, but an ancient great demon named Cold Silkworm Demon Saint, who was one of the 360 ​​five demon saints who formed the Zhoutian Star Formation in the ancient Heavenly Court. One, Daluo Jinxian's peerless cultivation base, born with cold air, and good at charming the heart and soul, even in the ancient demon court, can be regarded as a high-ranking and tyrannical demon. He left the vision of his heart during the last lich war. Download this inheritance information and leave it to future generations of the demon clan.

That's why the puppet was frozen into powder when it got close to the light sphere, but Lin Sen got its inheritance.

The introduction of the Cold Silkworm Demon Sage in this message ends here, and then there is the comprehension about the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation, and the Zhoutian Great Formation that was in operation before that is the evolution of his comprehension.

According to the cold silkworm demon saint, he only comprehended one or two tenths of the power of the Zhoutian Great Formation, and only some simple methods of operation, and the more complicated methods of operation were based on his cultivation at that time. Not fully comprehended.

Seeing this, Lin Sen couldn't help being a little stunned. If it was true what the Cold Silkworm Demon Saint said, then how tyrannical the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation was when it was complete this week.

After Lin Sen hurriedly skipped the comprehension about the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation, he was the main body of this inheritance information. As soon as Fang touched it, Lin Sen only felt a shock in his head, and an infinite white light suddenly shot out in front of his eyes.

After the white light, two hundred-foot-tall congenital gods danced in the air. Even though they knew they were just phantoms, the aura on their bodies was the dragon aura in Lin Sen's body, and they immediately turned back to pay homage.

Looking at the two people, a man and a woman, they are extremely handsome. The upper body is in human form, surrounded by colorful divine light, but the lower body is two huge snake tails of unknown length, dancing in the air, and hundreds of millions of prehistoric creatures pay homage to them.

This bow, Lin Sen was not unwilling at all. If he couldn't recognize these two, he wouldn't have to be a monster anymore. These two were the original great sages of the monster clan, and one of them was the later monster clan Saints, the Holy Mother of the Human Race who founded the Human Race, the Saint Nuwa, and her brother Fuxi, who later became the Emperor of the Human Race.

How could Lin Sen resist the mighty aura of these two, the appearance of these two disappeared in a flash.

Lin Sen hadn't recovered yet, but he felt a strong, cold, and ferocious aura suddenly came out. He heard a terrifying roar in his ears, and saw a white demon god with a cold body standing on the prehistoric land. The upper part of his body was a white giant. , with eight arms, but the lower body looks like a crystal clear silkworm. The white cold air gradually flies around the naked eye, and the lower body is like the polar region, covered with frost, and there is no living thing within hundreds of thousands of miles.

Then there was a delicate and gentle voice full of kindness, which sounded in Lin Sen's head, "Heavenly Demon Inherited, Supreme True Body Appears!!"


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