Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 118 Heavenly Demon

Just when Lin Sen was overwhelmed by the power of this ancient monster, the cold silkworm demon saint, a delicate and soft voice full of kindness suddenly came out of his mind, and said slowly, "The sky demon inherited... the supreme truth Show up..."

Then a huge torrent of information emerged, and countless strange symbols poured into Lin Sen's mind. Although he had never seen it before, it seemed as if he knew it from his blood. Lin Sen knew it without a teacher. These symbols are ancient demon script, and it is even more mysterious to be able to understand the meaning in them.

These countless demon scriptures containing mysterious skills flow in Lin Sen's mind like a river, not only for Lin Sen's spirit, but also for the mysterious divine power that comes with it, but also for the blood of Lin Sen's iron-backed centipede , started a purification process.

After all these were engraved on Lin Sen's soul like a brand, they slowly disappeared, and Lin Sen's heart also settled down together. This is the peace of the soul. There is no sadness or joy. Chaos, and then even this piece of chaos slowly disappeared.

Only the endless dark void is left. In this dark void, a vast starry sky suddenly emerges, but it is different from Zhou Tian Xingdou. This vast starry sky is magnificent, vast, charming and bright, and the shining starlight makes people intoxicated. , the strong power of the stars above the starry sky is almost condensed into substance.

Suddenly, the starlight in the sky turned into countless beams of light and shot down directly. Under the starry sky, at some time, two congenital gods appeared, with human heads and snake bodies. They were the saint Nuwa and the great god Fuxi.

The two great gods were flying in the air, with their snake tails hanging straight down, their arms spread out, their heads held high as if they were looking up at the starry sky, and the beam of light condensed by the power of endless stars shot directly at them.

Against the backdrop of the bright starlight, the two innate gods were suspended in the air so quietly, and the starlight on their bodies became even more sacred and mysterious.

Then the scene slowly changed, and the scene changed suddenly. At the same time, under the bright starry sky, a pure white ice silkworm with a length of more than ten feet was floating in the air. It was crystal clear and chubby, and it was very cute.

Under the bright starlight, the aura of the ice silkworm slowly changed, the cold air on its body became stronger and more ethereal, and its shape also changed accordingly, its body became longer and longer, and then split from the forehead, forming a mass of white forehead In the film, a muscular figure struggled violently, as if trying to break free from the film outside his body.

time!With a loud sound, the film was violently torn apart, and what appeared first were eight powerful hands, followed by muscular arms, and a white half-human upper body.

Roar! !With a terrifying roar, the cold silkworm demon saint who turned into a half-human silkworm raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, which led to the bright starlight all over the sky, and bursts of heart-piercing cold currents shot out, instantly turning everything within ten thousand miles around Into a dead white.

Seeing this, the loving voice sounded again, "Using the true method of the sky demon, the spirit of pure blood, attracting the essence of the stars, quenching the supreme demon body... is the method of the true body of the sky demon..."

I don't know when Lin Sen turned into a golden centipede with a size of more than ten feet, hovering under the bright starry sky, and countless demons emerged, circling around Lin Sen, not getting into the golden demon body, and the men and women could not get into it. The sound of identification seemed to contain the Dao of Heaven and Earth, silently immersing Lin Sen into the avatar of the Heavenly Demon.

His own mana slowly circulated with the method of the demon's real body that day, and the bright starlight all over the sky shot down directly, Mo entered into Lin Sen's demon body, mobilized his own blood, and used the power of the stars to refine, purify and improve it.

But Lin Sen's mana at this moment, not to mention compared with the two great gods of the monster clan, even compared to the cold silkworm demon saint, is like an ant. The power of the blood in his body is slowly mobilized. It may take tens of millions of years for the demon avatar to mature slowly.

The cold silkworm demon saint who was roaring up to the sky seemed to be able to see Lin Sen, and slowly settled down, a slight smile appeared on his face, and a white light ball emerged with his fingers, which was the one hanging in the cave. He said softly in his mouth, "Little guy of future generations, let this be my last gift!"

However, the voice was not like how it resounded through the sky and earth when it roared wildly. On the contrary, it was delicate and gentle, mellow and charming, just like the breeze blowing on the face, making people feel very comfortable.

As the white ball of light suddenly condensed into Lin Sen's body, with this strong support, the method of the supreme demon body was running rapidly, and the power of the stars all over the sky was almost controlled by it.

It's just how huge the demon power of the cold silkworm demon saint is, even if it's just a ball of light condensed casually, its demon power is full of wild and ferocious aura of the demon clan.

If Lin Sen is the leader of the Xiuna monster clan, he can still resist the unruly aura in the monster clan's monster aura, but no matter how powerful the cold silkworm demon saint is, he must not be unaware that he came from later generations. It was a little demon who practiced Taoist skills. How could Lin Sen be able to resist this torrent of wild surnames? Almost instantly, he lost consciousness under this torrent of monster energy.

Thanks to Lin Sen's Taoist Kungfu, which is peaceful, light and ethereal, and continuous, even in this torrent, Lin Sen's last trace of true spirit is kept alive.

After a while, the forehead of the golden centipede slowly split open, and a powerful body rushed out of it, half human, half centipede, covered in golden smooth, surrounded by purple thunder, just like an emperor descended into the world, it was Lin Sen who created it. The body of the thousand-armed demon god has been transformed, and the thousand arms beside him are transformed by his countless arms.

If you look for it, Lin Sen's iron-armed centipede is a highly poisonous thing, and its body should be filled with poisonous air, just like the cold air of the cold silkworm demon saint's real name.

But at this moment, it is surrounded by purple thunder, as if the god of thunder came into the world, but he wants to mention another thing in Lin Sen's body, the dragon energy that hooks the emperor, and when Lin Sen crosses the catastrophe, he merges with Lin Sen.

At this moment, after being tempered by that bloodline, the avatar of the Sky Demon actually spontaneously merged this dragon energy into Lin Sen's bloodline, and completely merged with Lin Sen. Others were sleeping soundly, how could Lin Sen's real name Poison Gas be compared to him, and it was replaced in an instant.

Emperor Gouchen is the Lord of Ten Thousand Thunders, and his Dragon Qi is naturally hidden in Thunder Qi, which is completely stimulated at this moment.

From then on, Lin Sen's dragon aura would not dissipate even if he did not go through the act of establishing a human emperor. Instead, it would become stronger and stronger as the sky demon's avatar was tempered, just like the poisonous aura of the cold silkworm. generally.

hold head high!With a roar, Lin Sen raised his head to the sky and howled violently. In his crimson eyes, a gilt color appeared faintly, and then two divine lights flashed. This divine light seemed to be able to shoot directly into the heavens from the top, and it seemed to be able to penetrate from the bottom. Hell, it seems that everything in the world can be penetrated by it.


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