After seeing the thousand-armed god and demon transformed by Lin Sen, who only retreated more than a dozen feet, but did not go straight to kill them, the hearts of everyone present slowly fell back, but they looked at Lin Sen very strangely. I don't know what it means to retreat!

However, the thousand-armed demon god transformed by Lin Sen didn't attack wildly and disorderly as before, and his eyes like fire diamonds seemed to be scrutinizing the cloud restriction above the fairy mansion.

Suddenly, two golden rays of divine light shot out from those red and gilded pupils. The divine light was different from the tyrannical aura on Lin Sen at the moment. It was soft and peaceful, and it seemed that it would not cause any harm to the world. It seems that nothing in the world can hinder its radiance, it is Lin Sen's real name supernatural power, Thousand Eyes Divine Light.

I saw that under the illumination of the two divine lights, the terrifying cold restriction outside the Immortal Mansion did not give birth to a trace of counterattack. The white and auspicious clouds were still flowing slowly, but the key point was, But it clearly appeared in Lin Sen's eyes.

This went on for nearly half an hour, but Lin Sen had observed the key point of the restriction, and the seven-heart lotus in his body was gradually unable to suppress the cold silkworm monster power.

Suddenly, Lin Sen suddenly let out a high-pitched roar, and on the huge body, more and more dense purple thunderclaps attached to the huge body, and the purple thunder snakes swam away one after another, killing Lin Sen's thousand-armed sword. body, as if covered into a huge purple thunderball.

The crackling and wandering thunder and lightning, even if everyone is far away, they can still feel the terrifying energy in it. From the thunder ball, there are loud howls from time to time. From the thunder ball, two faint Shen Guang still stared at the flowing clouds for a moment.

Suddenly, the huge centipede's tail flicked, and the thunder ball rushed towards the Immortal Mansion Restriction. The whistling momentum caused the expressions of the surrounding people to change drastically, and they hurriedly sacrificed their magic weapons and supernatural powers to protect themselves.

At the moment when the two sides collided, when everyone was preparing to meet the hurricane torrent brought about by the explosion of spiritual power, they saw that the colliding Thunderball Yunxia did not make the slightest sound, nor did the slightest energy leak out.

The two are like two magnets that attract each other, they are tightly attracted together, the dense purple lightning on Lin Sen's body, like a living thing, pours in from Lin Sen's body along the intersection point. Among the clouds banned by the Immortal Mansion.

"He's breaking the formation?" The onlookers didn't know who suddenly said this sentence, expressing the question in everyone's mind at this time. The irrational thousand-armed demon transformed by Lin Sen turned out to be Breaking the formation above the Immortal Mansion?How can this be!If not, the scene now looks more and more like it!

But he saw the purple thunder continuously surging towards the clouds, at first he couldn't see anything unusual, but after a few breaths, he could see the purple thunder flickering faintly within the clouds restricted by the entire Immortal Mansion.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and concentrate, their eyes were fixed on the Immortal Mansion, and the goal of this trip was not for this Immortal Mansion.

Time seems to pass very slowly at this moment, and every minute and every second is extremely difficult. Except for a few people, no one has noticed. After a long confrontation with Xianfu, that huge body is much smaller than when it first appeared.

"Qin..." Yuan Lang, who has been paying attention to Lin Sen, discovered this problem at the first time, and immediately wanted to tell Qin Wei who was beside him with excitement. As soon as he said the words, he saw the old man gesticulating with a smile on his face Yuan Lang made a gesture to silence him, and Yuan Lang immediately understood, and nodded with a monkey face.

Kaka! !There was a sudden sound in the cave, as if something had cracked.

"Look, that restriction is cracked!" A Kunlun disciple shouted, pointing at the Immortal Mansion with surprise on his face, but just as he said the words, he found that a group of senior brothers around him looked at his resentful expression, and their hearts were filled with excitement. Immediately woke up, with regret on his face, if others didn't find out, wouldn't he be reminding others that he was ready to seize the treasure!

The sound of cracking was only sporadic at first, then it became more and more intensive, and finally it was like the sound of firecrackers. Above the circular cloud barrier surrounding the Immortal Mansion, it was like a huge glazed ball. Under Lei's wandering, dense cracks visible to the naked eye emerged.

As the cracks spread more and more, everyone's eyes were cast on the restriction of the clouds, but they didn't notice that the redness in the eyes of the thousand-armed demon god shrunk a lot in the flash of thunder, and his ferocious and furious face crawled. Put on a faint smile.

Ka la la la!The cloud restraint made a sound like broken glass, and then...

Boom! ! !There was a loud bang, and the brilliance radiated in all directions, so dazzling that even several angels couldn't look directly at it, and the extremely cold broken ice splattered in all directions.

Fortunately, the formation of these ice edges has been broken at this moment, although it is cold, it is still within the range of everyone's tolerance.

However, at the moment when the Immortal Mansion was exquisitely broken, under the hidden rays of light, a white divine light shot out, and within the divine light, there was a crystal clear white stone slab like ice, heading straight for Lin Sen, without a trace. The sound sank into Lin Sen's body.

The ice board was extremely fast, and Lin Sen felt the hostility in it, so he let it rush in.

This entry, Lin Sen almost wanted to laugh three times, this ice board is actually the central token of this Immortal Mansion, which not only records the prohibition and deployment in this Immortal Mansion, but also can control the Immortal Mansion. Mansion, it can be said that refining the ice slab is to take this fairy mansion into his own applause.

These things are because the true energy of the cold silkworm demon saint in Lin Sen's body thought it was the return of the old master, but came straight to Lin Sen spontaneously.

The torrent of vitality brought about by the shattering of the prohibition dissipated, and the long-awaited Donghai Immortal Mansion was nakedly placed in front of everyone, but no one dared to act.

The thousand-armed demon god transformed by Lin Sen didn't know what happened at this time, but he closed his eyes and stood there motionless, but no one was sure.In case if you rush up, don't get the benefits, but wake up the killer, then no one in this cave can escape!

Time passed by slowly, this is really suffering every minute and every second, the treasure is in front of you, but you dare not approach it, your heart is dying like a hundred claws scratching your heart, not to mention how uncomfortable it is!

But at this moment, suddenly, four beams of brilliance flashed in the Immortal Mansion, flying towards four directions rapidly, but there was a sword, a stele, a bell, and a dark branch of an inch.

Then five streaks of light flew out, but it was a green hill, a white jade bottle, a colorful ring, a small water-colored flag and a colorful juan yarn flying away in all directions.

Obviously, the spirit treasures in the Immortal Mansion had spirits, and when the restriction was broken, they lost their suppression and were trapped for an unknown number of years. Once they were freed, they immediately flew out to escape.

At this time, how can these people hold back, if they continue to look at it, I am afraid that this Lingbao will disappear into this world, and if they want to get it, they can only rely on their own fate!

Coupled with the fact that the spirit treasure is soaring at this moment, the spiritual energy in the cave immediately surges with it.

With such a big commotion, the thousand-armed demon god transformed by Lin Sen still didn't react at all. Everyone felt relieved at this moment, and flew up one after another, each running towards the magic weapon they fancy.


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