Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 121 Black Branches

The cyan long sword, with its precious light flowing, is full of murderous aura, and the radiating evil spirit is stronger than that of the purple and blue swords. At first glance, it is a treasure for body protection and a sharp weapon for killing dao.

As soon as the long sword came out, Shark King stared at it blankly, with nothing in his eyes, and flew up to the long sword. At the same time, Qian Yuan and Qin Wei also flew away. Get up and participate in the snatch of the blue long sword.

But Cha Nongying smiled coquettishly when he saw this, and flew out. Although the long sword was powerful, he didn't like it. His eyes had already been fixed on the bell. Seeing Qin Weisan Everyone ran for the long sword, and he was happy that no one was fighting for it, so he flew slowly towards the bell.

The four celestial beings all had their own goals to snatch, and the rest of them didn't dare to compete with the four of them, but most of them ran towards the stone tablet and the black branch that seemed to be scorched. These four heavy treasures flew out first, and the aura above them was obviously much higher than the next five pieces, so they naturally became the targets of everyone's scrambling.

Although the three of Qin Wei are heavenly immortals, they are seriously injured at the moment and cannot mobilize their magic power generously. With pure physical strength, Qin Wei and the two of them can defeat the Shark King, the evil shark in the deep sea.

There was a flash of light in the Shark King's hand, and the long knife was split into two. His martial arts had reached the peak, even if he didn't use mana, the supreme force of the knife condensed on the knife, and Qin Wei and the two of them were immediately pushed back. go.

The tall figure suddenly accelerated, threw off Qin Wei and the two and went straight to the blue long sword. The big mouth had been slightly split, revealing two rows of white teeth. The long sword was already in his hands!

But at this moment, a ferocious and brutal breath suddenly emanated, and the Shark King who was charging straight up felt that a stream of sweat froze him completely, and his heart, which was slightly complacent, was suddenly full of panic. Only one person present could emit this tyrannical aura, and that was the thousand-armed demon god transformed by Lin Sen.

If so, it wouldn't make the Deep Sea Shark King so alarmed, but it's because the aura was obviously aimed at him.

At this moment, he was blocking Lin Sen's attack. Between his life and the magic weapon, he chose his life without any hesitation. Even though the long sword was in front of him, he turned over and dodged immediately.

But as soon as Shark King Fang dodged, he felt that terrifying aura just flashed past him. Although the aura was still boiling, it was directed elsewhere.

The surprise in my heart was almost indescribable, so I didn't hesitate to hold the blue long sword in my hand for an instant, and suppress the Gangsha sword light on it with my own powerful demon power.

But he said why the aura on Lin Sen's body suddenly changed, but it started with the white ice token shot out from the fairy mansion. The white token was the center of the fairy mansion, and the thousand-armed demon god transformed by Lin Sen had a fairy The mansion master's aura broke through, and he was immediately attracted by Lin Sen's aura and submerged into Lin Sen's body.

But even with the breath of the original owner as a guide, it will take some time to refine it. Even though Lin Sen is sober at the moment, the seal of the colorful heart lotus was blown away by the power of the cold silkworm demon as early as when the formation was broken, and he once again lost control. The control of the body can still use the power created before, take this opportunity to refine the token of the Immortal Mansion, and then monopolize the Immortal Mansion.

But he didn't expect that at this time, several magic weapons from the Immortal Mansion flew out, Lin Sen could only pretend that he didn't see it, and quickly adjusted his internal energy to regain control of his body.

When several people competed for the magic weapon, Lin Sen finally regained some control over his body. While refining the tokens, he couldn't let those magic weapons slip away from his eyes.

I was ready to participate in the snatch right away, and of course the first target was the extremely eye-catching cyan long sword, so I controlled my breath and went straight to the Shark King, trying to scare him away and kill the cyan long sword. The long sword is strong in his hand.

But at this moment, there was a slight change in Lin Sen's purple mansion. The Huang Ting Dao Scenery Sutra, which had been hidden for a long time, suddenly appeared. Although it was only a flash in the pan, it disappeared, but there was a faint A connection is born with one of the four magic weapons.

What is this scene of Huang Ting Dao Jing?It is the foundation of the Dao that records Dao Zu Hongjun's preaching, and something that can be connected with this thing must be extraordinary.

There is still a lot of hesitation, Lin Sen immediately threw down the blue long sword, and instead went straight to the black branch of an inch, the thing that was connected with the scene of Huang Ting Dao Jing was the scorched and inconspicuous Inch black branches.

The black branch looks very bad, so not many people choose it, but most of them go towards the stone tablet. At this time, there is a disciple of the Taoist family, with an extremely excited smile on his face, ready to take the branch hands.

However, he felt stunned, and a terrifying aura came out from behind him, which frightened him so much that his whole body was stiff and he couldn't even move.

He watched in horror as a huge black figure appeared in front of him, and swallowed the black branch that was almost in his hands. It was the extremely terrifying thousand-armed demon god.

When he saw the thousand-armed demon god full of bloody aura slowly turn his head to look at him, the Taoist priest felt his legs go limp, and he slumped to the ground.

Where did the rest of the snatchers dare to step forward, they immediately turned into birds and beasts and scattered.

But at this time, Zha Nongying had already taken the bell into his hands, and he was not in a hurry to refine it, but instead held it in his hands and played with it, his face was full of love, and he looked at Lin Sen from time to time in joy.

Qin and Wei were forced to retreat by the Shark King. Seeing that it was hopeless to fight for the blue long sword, they hurriedly turned around and went straight to the stele. Lin Sen took the black branch and Cha Nongying got the bell.

The first four magic weapons flew out, and this stele was left in an instant, and Qin Wei and the two rushed to snatch it.

not good!As soon as the black branch entered his body, Lin Sen only felt that the mana in his body rushed into the branch like a river bursting its embankment.

As soon as the mana was lost, Lin Sen felt dizzy and was about to faint. What was even more frightening was that with the loss of mana, he felt unconscious again.

Suppressing the overwhelming drowsiness, Lin Sen flew up and rushed towards the stele, but instead of holding it in his hand, he slapped it hard towards Qin Wei.

At this time, the consciousness was already extremely blurred, and in the daze, he saw a familiar white figure again, and the aura on his body was surging, and the water-colored flag hit the white figure again.

However, the pitch-black branches of inches are like a bottomless pit, with such crazy influx of mana, even the charred appearance has not changed in the slightest.

In this way, he must be sucked into jerky by this branch. Once the mana is lost, the control of his body that he barely regained is lost again. Lin Sen has no choice but to watch the black branch continuously absorb the mana in his body .

The mana was completely sucked, but the black branch didn't seem to be full at all, the suction didn't weaken, but became stronger and stronger, and it started to suck Lin Sen's essence and blood.


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