The breeze was blowing, the moon was shining brightly and the stars were sparse. There were a few strange sounds of beating men on the street, and the occasional barking of dogs was very clear in the quiet city of Yangzhou.

This Daming Temple covers an area of ​​more than 40 mu, with red walls and gold tiles, stretching into a stretch, but it is very conspicuous in this Yangzhong City, and you can find it without much identification.

In the light of the moonlight, on the street in front of the Daming Temple signboard, a figure stood with his hands behind his back, dressed in a black Taoist robe, looking at the lacquered red signboard with the Daming Temple written on it, feeling a little puzzled.

In order not to attract attention, Lin Sen suppressed the agitation in his heart, and came to Daming Temple to investigate at night, but standing in front of the temple at this time, Lin Sen couldn't help but become suspicious.

Before coming, Lin Sen had considered the Daming Temple as if it were a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair, and had carefully considered every possible possibility. He had made perfect preparations before he was ready to break in, but looking at it now, all these preparations were completely useless.

It's not that this Daming Temple is too tyrannical, but it's quite different from what Lin Sen imagined. Over the temple, the light of Buddha shines, and the projections of the golden bodies of Bodhisattvas and Arhats are lifelike. The prosperity of incense can be seen.

Every door and window around the temple is guarded by a golden-armored general who is enshrined by incense, holding a long dagger, very majestic!

Facing Lin Sen, he had been prepared for a long time. It would be strange if it wasn't like this in a temple with a lot of incense.

What really puzzled Lin Sen was the monks in the Daming Temple. Lin Sen's tyrannical divine sense could see everyone in his heart without any hindrance.

The monks in this Daming Temple are all mortal wombs, and they can only use some superficial Buddhist powers when they walk. Even if there are a few people with profound spiritual thoughts, there are also a few old people who study Buddhism deeply. monks, not Buddhist monks.

If such monks form a large formation, not to mention a monastery, even if all the monks in Nanchen add up, they may not be able to stand Xianglong and others in the slightest.

Under the spiritual thoughts, everything in this Daming Temple was reflected in Lin Sen's heart. The ordinary temple seemed to be a normal mortal temple, but it was the most abnormal place for him!

Confused, Lin Sen concealed his breath and walked slowly towards the Daming Temple.

At the gate, the eight golden armored generals still guarded the pure land calmly, and seemed to have not seen Lin Sen who was walking past them.

Walking into the monastery, Lin Sen smiled secretly. For him now, the projection guard of the gods and Buddhas in the sky is like a fake. Of course, the premise is that he will not be crazy enough to go to the door to provoke him.

Casually walking into a Zen room, Lin Sen waved his hands and placed a barrier to isolate the sound. With a tap of his finger, a water polo appeared in the air and poured "哗啦!" on the head of the young monk in the Zen room.

"Who!" After sleeping soundly, he was woken up by a basin of cold water. I'm afraid that the living Buddha would be angry, let alone a little monk, who suddenly shouted angrily, and jumped out of the bed with both hands clenched, looking like he was about to clean up. human appearance.

Then he saw two star-like eyes looking at him in the darkness, the little monk couldn't help but panic, his heart turned cold, and he shouted at the top of his voice, "Come here! Catch the thief! Come here!! There are thieves!!"

The Southern Dynasty is rich and rich, but there are many good treasures hidden in the temples and towers. It's just that most people in the Southern Dynasty believe in Buddhism, and there are not many people who dare to go to the Buddha to steal things!

"Noisy!!" If he was allowed to keep shouting like this, he didn't know when he would turn his head. Lin Sen let out a cold snort, and the little monk felt as if he had suddenly become dumb. No matter how much he shouted, he couldn't make it No sound at all, I don't know why now, I just met someone with magic power, looking at Lin Sen with pleading eyes.

"I ask a question, you answer a question, if you say one more sentence, I will make you dumb forever!" Lin Sen said at this moment, exuding a little bit of his own momentum, how could the little monk bear it, he just felt cold all over his body As if falling into an ice cave, he nodded repeatedly.

"In your Daming Temple, there is a monk named Nengxiu!" Mr. Gu Na said that the big formation was presided over by this mage Nengxiu. It is absolutely impossible for such a powerful person to come here There is no name in Ming Temple.

Lin Sen didn't directly ask about the Dazheng and the snakes and scorpions, but he, a little monk, would never know about such things!

The little monk nodded, but shook his head quickly in panic.

"Whether there is or not! Tell me!" Lin Sen was fierce, but the little monk didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes!"

I'm afraid that I'm going to be a step too late, the person in front of me will pretend to be a mute, although he is a little novice, but in this Daming Temple, he knows a little about the gods and Buddhas.

"Then where is he now!?" Lin Sen asked anxiously, if he can cultivate and is not in the temple, then he must be with Snake and Scorpion and others.

"Master..Master Uncle..Ancestor...went to Qixia Temple." Frightened by Lin Sen, the little monk's gums trembled and he stuttered.

"Qixia Temple?" Lin Sen asked in confusion, the name sounded like thunder, he had heard of it before, staring at the little monk and asked, "What are they doing there!"

"I heard from senior brother..." Lin Sen swallowed his saliva in fright, stared straight ahead, and then said, "Senior brother said that there is a big Buddhist event in Qixia Temple, not only the master uncle , and many uncles and uncles in the temple, and many famous eminent monks will go!"

It is said that the little monk here can't stop showing longing. For low-level disciples like them, it is their lifelong expectation to be able to participate in this kind of Buddhist event.

The little monk was looking forward to sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, eloquently explaining the teachings of Buddhism, and the masters who were usually high above him just felt dark before his eyes and passed out.

With the disappearance of Xianglong and others, and the gathering of monks from the Southern Dynasties, Lin Xia faintly smelled the meaning of conspiracy.

Lin Sen casually erased his memory about tonight, and then withdrew from the magic circle and walked out with a serious face. It seems that all the decent monks in Daming Temple have gone to Qixia Temple. If Snake and Scorpion are arrested, He must have been escorted away by them, so he had to go and have a look anyway!

It's just that the name of Qixia Temple is well known to him, who has just entered the world of cultivation.

When Qin Wei was chatting, the Confucian gods also admired Qixia Temple very much. This Qixia Temple and the Southern Dynasty Buddhism are just like the Taoism in Kunlun. Things are really troublesome if they are arrested and taken there!


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