Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 133 Road Encounters

This time, Lin Sen didn't rush to Qixia Mountain, instead, he hired a four-wheeled carriage like that mortal, and walked slowly towards Jian'an like a son of a wealthy family traveling.

So and so, but first, knowing that Snake and Scorpion and others are in Qixia Temple, they are anxious not to be here for a few days; second, there are so many monks in the Southern Dynasty, if they really fly over, there is no telling what will happen on the way, as for the third Come....

Lin Sen raised the curtains on the carriage and looked out, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself, there really is an unexpected harvest!

Outside the carriage, a group of traveling monks were on their way. There were six people in the group, and they had strong cultivation. The person in the front was only one step away from the Earth Immortal. Although compared to Lin Sen, this cultivation level was not enough It's nothing, but in the entire world, it already belongs to the peak level.

It was raining lightly outside, and this group of monks continued to brave the rain, apparently anxiously rushing to Qixia Temple to participate in the Buddhist ceremony!

If that's the case, then that's fine, but what really caught Lin Sen's attention was the object in the hands of the first monk. The old monk, who was about [-] years old, had a thin face and a coarse cassock. At that time, the alms bowl used for alms was holding a small and exquisite pagoda instead.

The pagoda is divided into ten floors, even exquisite, and it does not match the old monk's body. Although the pagoda is in front of his eyes, Lin Sen's spiritual sense only feels nothingness. The pagoda in the monk's hand is actually a phantom.

But what interested him even more was that he could feel a slight trace of evil spirit from these monks.

Lin Sen's gaze was concentrated for too long, and the golden light flashed in the dim yellow eyes of the old monk of Tota. From Lin Sen's point of view, it was obvious that he was awakened by Lin Sen's gaze.

"It's raining so heavily, and the masters are still on their way anxiously. Don't be weak and get in the car, and Lin will give you a ride!" Lin Sen was unstoppable, restraining his whole body, letting the monk wood pipe look over, with a smile on his face. Said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, benefactor, for your kindness!" The old monk returned the courtesy slightly, "This light rain is not a serious problem, besides, it is also a part of my practice!" Although the old monk didn't notice any abnormalities on Lin Sen's body, But Lin Sen's proposal was still rejected.

"Boy, my whole heart is dedicated to the Buddha. Today I will ride with all the masters to do something for my Buddha. It can be regarded as a meritorious deed. I hope the masters will not refuse!" Lin Sen called to the handlebars to stop the carriage , also disregarding the muddy ground, hastily got off the carriage and issued an invitation that could not be refused.

Seeing that the monk was about to make a change, Lin Sen hurried forward to help him, and seeing Lin Sen wink at the handlebar, he also hurried forward. Most of the southerners worshiped the Buddha. If his carriage could take a few masters today, he would surely Blessed by Buddha.

If you take this carriage, you will be able to arrive at Qixia Temple earlier, not to mention that this young man in front of you has done a lot of merit for my Buddha. Pulling the carriage by himself, he thanked him and said, "Amitabha, if this is the case, the poor monk will no longer shirk the blame. If you say good deeds today, you will surely get good rewards in the future!"

With the leading old monk as an example, the rest of the monks also filed in. Fortunately, the four-wheeled carriage hired by Lin Sen has a lot of space, and these six monks don't seem to be too much. crowded!

Lin Sen served tea from the side, and at the same time asked the old monk, "I don't know the master's name?"

"Poor monk Benyin!" The old monk performed a Buddhist ceremony and said again, "These are old monks and younger brothers, but this time they are bothering you!"

"What did Master Benyin say!" Lin Sen hurriedly said politely, "It is my blessing, Lin Sen, to ride with several masters. These masters are profound in Buddhism, but they are also going to participate in the Buddhist event at Qixia Temple?"

Lin Sen's words made Ben Yin stunned for a moment, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled and said, "Young master Lin is well informed, but this old monk and all the juniors are here for the Buddhist affairs at Qixia Temple!"

Lin Sen's eyes were all fixed on the pagoda in the monk's hands, and he said slowly, "Master, this pagoda is extraordinary at first glance. Although my family has a wealth of wealth, I have never seen such a magical thing! I don’t know if Master can let Lin watch it!”

Accepting other people's favor, it's not easy to refuse because of that, he hesitated for a moment, then handed the pagoda to Lin Sen under the astonished eyes of all the juniors.

"Senior brother..." One of the monks hurriedly stopped him, his eyes were full of anxiety, what's wrong with senior brother, how could he be so confused, this pagoda is of great importance, how can he hand it over to others at will!

Seeing the junior brother stop me, Ben Yin secretly shook his head while Lin Sen was away, as if I had a plan of my own.

But seeing Lin Sen carefully holding the pagoda in his hands, with uncontrollable admiration and greed in his eyes, he murmured, "Good baby, good baby!!"

After a few breaths, Lin Sen seemed to feel his gaffe, and hurriedly sat upright, holding the pagoda back respectfully, and said, "Thank you Master for opening Lin Sen's eyes..." At this moment, his eyes flashed coldly and said, " Go to hell..."

Both hands turned into palms, with a green and smooth surface, they went straight to pat Benyin's chest.

Just as he was about to hit the target, the pagoda burst into golden light, and Lin Sen's hands seemed to be hitting an iron wall. The strength in his hands was like a stone sinking into the ocean, but the golden brilliance remained motionless.

"Monster, I have discovered your strangeness a long time ago, and you dare to fiddle with me in front of me. You are looking for death!" Because of the Buddhist ceremony with one hand and the pagoda with the other, the golden pagoda returned to him at some point. , is rotating drippingly, exuding bursts of golden Buddha light.

"Impossible!" Lin Sen roared in horror, "Impossible!! It is impossible for my breath holding technique to fail! Impossible!!"

"Your breathing technique is unique, even I don't see it!" Benyin said with a smug smile on his old face, "But you are too careless, the Qixia Temple Buddhist story has not been spread yet, how do you know , besides, just now I cast a thousand catties curse on this pagoda, this pagoda weighs as much as a thousand catties, you can actually play with it in your hands! Your greed has blinded your heart!"

"Senior brother's wisdom eye!" The other monks hurriedly got up and said, they were enlightened, no wonder the senior brother casually showed such an important thing to outsiders!

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it! If you have the ability, you and I will fight with swords and guns! Old bald donkey!" Lin Sen's body was smooth and shiny, resisting the Buddha's light of the pagoda with difficulty.

But seeing that Benyin shook his head slightly and said, "I am obsessed with obsession...let me save you...go..." The pagoda in his hand slowly flew above Lin Sen's head, and a golden light shot out. Before Lin Sen finished speaking, he With a scream, he was taken into the pagoda.

"Amitabha...I didn't expect to see another one on the road, but this is an extra merit!!" Under the envious eyes of all the juniors, Ben Yin slowly retracted the pagoda and muttered softly!


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