Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 143 Serious Injury

Click! Click! !There was a crackling sound, and under the impact of the rain-like light spots, cracks appeared in the bright thought above Lin Sen's head, and then scattered in all directions.

"Hmm!~~!" Lin Sen snorted suddenly, and the painful howling sound stopped abruptly. The divine sense was connected with his mind. At this moment, the divine sense was destroyed, it was like the brain was exploded, and he immediately fainted Dazed, the breath around the body suddenly disappeared weakly, and fell rapidly from the sky.

Seeing that Lin Sen was finally put to death, that huge and towering figure covered with gentle brilliance came to the phantom, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared from the sky!

But at this moment, a blue shadow flashed across the air, and the figure that caught Lin Sen's fall quickly disappeared from the air.

The general momentum to phantom is bursting out with the last thousands of smooth strokes. Although it looks relaxed, it is actually exhausted, but it is powerless to pursue, so it can only watch Lin Sen flee.

The blue shadow was a giant blue bird, its feathers were like cast iron, and between the flickering of its wings, it was gliding hundreds of miles away.

"Hurry up, hurry up..." Even so, there were still clear and anxious urgings from the big bird's back from time to time, but it was the pretty little butterfly looking back, although the big bird was behind him. It is already an endless blue sky, but the nervousness on Little Butterfly's face has not diminished in the slightest. After all, the sky-like bodhisattva phantom and the boundless brilliance just now are completely irresistible to them .

"I know, I know!!" The iron-feathered blue bird's hawk eyes were also full of panic. Hearing the urging of the little butterfly, it didn't dare to turn its head back. It just kept flapping its wings. It was really terrifying, even though it was only for a short moment, any amount of energy splashed in it could strangle them to pieces.

It's just that after seeing Lin Sen defeated and shot down, Lin Sen rescued a few people. How could they escape alone, but they gritted their teeth and rushed back to save Lin Sen.

"Little Butterfly, Little Butterfly, how is that senior..." Zhu Le didn't get such a good treatment. He was caught in the claws of King Kong, and he stretched his head anxiously, but he still couldn't see King Kong. Seeing the scene on his back, he could only cry out in worry, Lin Sen's scream of pain just now was too scary!

"I don't know..." Looking at Lin Sen who was completely unconscious beside him, Xiaodie said in a slight panic, "Senior is unconscious, we must find a place for him to recuperate!"

"Brother King Kong, Brother King Kong..." Zhu Le yelled anxiously as if he suddenly remembered something, and King Kong, who was already anxious at this time, immediately shouted angrily, "I'm not deaf, what's wrong..."

"This won't work!" Zhu Le said anxiously, "Our goal in the sky is too obvious. If we alarm the monks below, we will definitely not be able to escape their pursuit!" Although Zhu Le is not strong, his divine sense is strong, His mind was naturally clear, and he immediately thought of this possibility.

"I have to find a place to rest, and I can't fly in the sky. What do you want me to do!" King Kong roared anxiously. Although he was one of the two kings in Xiaomao Mountain, he relied purely on strength. Things, he really can't do it.

"Let's go back to Xiaomao Mountain!!" Zhu Le said seriously after thinking for a while.

"What? Go back to Xiaomao Mountain?" King Kong roared in astonishment. The spider's brain has been destroyed by the Buddha's light.

"That's right! Let's go back!" Little Butterfly also shouted excitedly, "King Kong, my king was captured by the monks of Daming Temple, and he should still be in Yangzhou now!"

In this way, the king of King Kong was moved immediately, and the king of green snake was extremely intelligent. If he could come out, he would not only strengthen his own strength, but also someone would come up with ideas.

Zhu Le also nodded and said, "If the Green Snake King is in Daming Temple, now is indeed a good time to save her. Now the masters of the temples in the Southern Dynasty are all in Qixia Mountain, and we are most familiar with Xiaomao Mountain. Where are you hiding?" We also have a geographical advantage!"

Hearing Zhu Le's analysis, King Kong immediately nodded repeatedly, and said with a smile, "I can't see you, boy, you know how to play with those women's things on weekdays, but now it is still useful, at least you have a good brain! "

Yangzhou was not far away from Qixia Mountain, and after this period of escape, it was already within easy reach. King Kong slammed his wings, turning into a blue streamer and rushing down.

It was dark, damp, and there was a slight sound of water droplets, just like when I first came to this world and woke up on Calabash Mountain.

Every muscle in the body is aching, and the skeleton of the whole body is about to fall apart. This is not the main thing. The brain is like being hit hard by a hammer a few times. The pain, roar, and the sea of ​​consciousness There is nothingness in it.

"Hmm..." Lin Sen hugged his head, moaned and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was a delicate face full of joy. When he saw Lin Sen woke up, he couldn't help but shouted happily, "Wake up... Wake up...Senior wake up!!"

Then the handsome Zhu Le and the rough King Kong also ran over happily and surrounded Lin Sen.

Venus appeared in front of his eyes, and there were violent roars, Lin Sen shook his head vigorously and said, "What is this place?"

"This is a cave at the bottom of the Slender West Lake. How are you, senior? You have been in a coma for several days!" Zhu Le stepped forward and asked worriedly. Unfathomable, at this time, it turned out to be this new look, and the extent of its injury can be imagined.

There was a roar in his head, and there was chaos in the sea of ​​consciousness. Lin Sen didn't even need to try, he just knew that his thoughts were broken and his spiritual thoughts were severely damaged.

Under the expectant gazes of Zhu Le and the others, Lin Sen sat cross-legged with difficulty, holding his breath and concentrating. The meridians in his body were like dry rivers, without any trace of mana.

The golden elixir in the purple mansion was urged, but there was no news. Looking inside, although the bright golden elixir was still floating in the purple mansion, it was completely surrounded by gentle brilliance.

Its light is warm, peaceful, but extremely domineering. It forms a cage of light in Lin Senzi Mansion, and seals the golden elixir within it!

Seeing this situation, Lin Sen couldn't help but a wry smile. After decades of hard work, once he returned to before liberation, his spiritual sense was abolished, and his golden core was sealed. This time he was completely defeated! (To be continued.)

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