"Senior, how's it going?" Seeing Lin Sen's face was dark, Zhu Le asked tremblingly under the expectant eyes of King Kong and King Kong.

These days, there is a lot of noise outside. A few days ago, I dared to go out to find out the wind, but these two days, I didn’t even dare to go out of this cave. If Lin Sen, a senior with boundless magic power, was not seriously injured, he could lead everyone to escape. , but at this moment Zhu Le looked at Lin Sen's face, and felt uneasy in his heart, and it was obviously not a serious expression.

"What's the situation outside?" No matter how you force it, the sealed golden core seems to have completely disappeared without any reaction, Suo surnamed Lin Sen is not doing this useless work anymore, he opened his eyes and asked, after entering Qixia Mountain, The monks of the Southern Dynasties would never let them go so easily.

"Those monks really want to know that we haven't escaped. Two days ago, as long as there are monks with some mana in Yangzhou, they will patrol outside. I'm afraid we won't be able to hide here for long!" Little Butterfly also said worriedly, she was flexible , with a petite figure, and a secretive target, she has been out of the cave these days to spy on news.

Lin Sen nodded slowly. The fight was under the watchful eyes of the old monk, but how could there be such a tyrannical person in this world? After returning from the inheritance of the Heavenly Demon in the East China Sea, Lin Sen asked himself if he was facing the Heavenly Immortal. Although he couldn't win, he would never lose with three moves and two moves, but this old monk from the Southern Dynasty gave Lin Sen a blow to the head.

"Ahem..." Coughed weakly twice, the little butterfly hurriedly helped up the mountain, and gently tapped Lin Sen's back with his palm.

Lin Sen made a non-obstructive gesture, then smiled and looked at the aura-filled little banshee in front of him and said, "You are a little butterfly! Do you know where your Green Snake King is?"

"Both the king and the general are imprisoned in the Daming Temple. They don't know whether they are alive or dead!" As soon as the Green Snake was mentioned, Little Butterfly's expression turned sad. Knowing that the Green Snake was imprisoned in the Daming Temple, they couldn't believe it with their strength. save.

"Daming Temple?" Lin Sen immediately frowned slightly. It was in Daming Temple that he got the news of the Qixia Mountain Buddhist event. The whole temple was cleaned by him with his spiritual thoughts that day, and he didn't find anything unusual. place!

"En!" Little Butterfly nodded, and said with tears in her eyes as if she was about to cry, "That day we were taken into the Daming Temple together, I was sent to Qixia Mountain, and the king and the others were detained in the temple. inside!"

"Are you sure?" Lin Sen asked seriously in a low voice, "Do you know where you are in the temple?"

Little Butterfly thought for a moment, then shook her head feebly, and then suddenly said pleasantly, "I remember that it was extremely hot and stuffy there, with poor ventilation, so it should be underground!"

"Underground!!" Lin Sen nodded slowly. If it is possible to be underground, he did not check the ground that day, and then asked Little Butterfly, "Then your big sister, the Golden Snake couple, but I will be locked up with you, the king!"

"Yeah!" Little Butterfly nodded repeatedly and said, "Golden Snake King, Black Scorpion King, and a very powerful senior dragon, come to support us together. We have resisted under this Slender West Lake for several days, but we can still repair the bald donkey belt. A lot of monks came, and there was a very powerful pagoda, even that senior dragon didn't resist, he turned into a real dragon and broke out..."

While talking, the little butterfly's eyes suddenly lit up, staring at Lin Sen and shouting, "You are Immortal Lin Sen, right? I heard the two great kings and Senior Long mention you!"

"You're smart too..." Seeing that the little butterfly had guessed his identity, Lin Sen immediately smiled and nodded as acquiescence, and then said with calm eyes, "Since they are all imprisoned in the Daming Temple, we It is necessary to find a way to rescue him!"

Those who can practice mages will never detain Jin Snake and others in the temple for no reason. If they are delayed for a long time, there may be changes!

"How to save it!" the King Kong muttered in a low voice, glanced at Lin Sen lightly with his big eyes, and said in a low voice, "Now he's hiding underground like a mouse, and he can't even keep himself, so how can he save people! "

His voice is soft, but all the people present are tyrannical people with good ears and eyesight, even that little butterfly is already a big monster who is about to pass the catastrophe, how can King Kong hide his words from everyone present.

Little Butterfly immediately looked sad and angry, and Zhu Le's face was suddenly embarrassed, and he hurriedly looked at Lin Sen, fearing that this powerful senior would be angry, so he quickly said, "Senior, Brother King Kong means..."

"You are the Vajra King of the Second King of Xiaomao Mountain!" Lin Sen shook his hand slightly at him, indicating that there is no hindrance.

"That's right!" the King Kong patted his chest, and shouted in a thunderous voice, "I will change my name if I am willing, and I will not change my surname when I sit down. The demon king of Xiaomao Mountain is also King Kong! The fact is the same. We are too busy to take care of ourselves now. Man, don’t think that I’m like this because you hurt me, even if you can crush me to death, I’ll say the same!”

Although King Kong's speech is not pleasant, but he is a person who says nothing, but he is much better than those people who have a nice mouth and a crooked heart!

Lin Sen would not be angry with this person, he just smiled and said, "Although the situation is like this, as long as you think about it, there is always a way!"

"How to save? Based on our current situation, as long as we get out of this hole, we will be caught by those monks. If you can rescue them, I will treat you like a bull and a horse!" Said politely.

"There is always a way, but before that, I have to restore some strength first!" Although King Kong was very disrespectful to him, Lin Sen said with a smile without taking it seriously.

"Senior, can your injury recover?" Zhu Le immediately shouted in surprise. Unlike King Kong and King Kong, he has a more intuitive understanding of Lin Sen's strength. As long as Senior Lin Sen can recover some strength, they will That is, you can sit back and relax!

Lin Sen smiled slightly and said, "It's okay to recover a little bit of combat power, at least it won't become a burden!"

After waking up, Lin Sen has never stopped checking himself, looking for every bit of power that can be used now. Although the Bichan Great Seal cannot drive the formation in it, its own weight is also a powerful force. attack.

What really made Lin Sen so confident was that Lin Sen had just discovered that although his Purple Mansion Golden Elixir was sealed, the star fruit tree was the spiritual root of heaven and earth, how could it be sealed by the Buddha's light, and still send out bursts of essence from time to time? The pure power of the stars nourished Lin Sen's broken body.

It's just that in such a short time, Lin Sen's body has recovered from the fragmentation just now, and some strength has gradually appeared in his body.

If this is the case, as long as he is given some more time, he will be able to recover some of his combat power to some extent! (To be continued.)

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