Tian Yao's real body recovered very quickly. With the nourishment of the power of the stars, Lin Sen's injuries improved a lot after a while. Although he couldn't transform into his real body to fight, he was able to walk and run without serious problems.

Since Little Butterfly was sure that Green Snake and the others were locked up somewhere underground in Daming Temple, it would be good to sneak in from the ground there. Zhu Le's divine sense was good but he couldn't use it properly. After Lin Sen gave some pointers, he could sense the movement around him.

After careful inspection, it was easy to find a place with abnormal spiritual energy under the ground. Lin Sen taught a few people the technique of escaping from the ground, and together, under the guidance of Zhu Le, they went straight to the place with abnormal spiritual energy. .

"Stop..." The abnormal place was right in front of them, and they were excitedly preparing to speed up, but Lin Sen suddenly and seriously ordered them to stop.

Under the suspicious eyes of the three monsters, Lin Sen's eyes suddenly shot a faint divine light. Although the mana consumption of this natal supernatural power is very small, it only took a few breaths, and Lin Sen began to sweat on the top of his head and breathe. rapid!

"There is a formation in front of us. If we force our way in, it will attract people's attention!" Lin Sen said with a slight frown. If he was not injured, this formation would be useless to him, but now the divine sense and mana are powerful. It can't be used. Although I saw this situation, I was just in a hurry.

"There is a formation? What should we do!" Zhu Le whispered anxiously, and the eyes of several people focused on Lin Sen at the same time. The three monsters are wild people, so they don't know any formations. Now the Green Snake King and the others are here Right now, they can only pin their hopes on Lin Sen, a powerful senior!

Lin Sen thought for a moment, and finally whispered something in the ears of several people. Seeing Lin Sen finished speaking, Zhu Le and the three of them immediately showed shock on their faces, and hurriedly shouted, "How can this be done? It's too dangerous!"

"Don't worry, listen to me!" Lin Sen stared at the dark soil and rocks in front of him, and said with a leisurely smile, "There is a security formation here, once you break into it, it will definitely arouse warning, and most of the people inside There are guards, if we don't transfer them away, it will not be so easy for us to save people!"

"But you can't be the bait, senior! You still have injuries on your body! Why don't you let me go!" Little Butterfly retorted hastily, her eyes full of determination.

"No!" Lin Sen waved his hand and said, "If you go out, you're just throwing yourself into a dead end. Although I'm injured, I have a way to get out of trouble. Besides, their target is me, so it's best if I lure them!"

Seeing that King Kong and Little Butterfly were about to say something, Lin Sen immediately said sternly, "Okay, the matter is settled like this, and you don't need to panic, just these little monks are going to do me no favors!"

Then Dojule ordered, "Go out yourself, and you should pay close attention to it with your spiritual thoughts. After there is chaos on the ground," he turned to King Kong, pointed in the direction in front of several people, and said, "King Kong, you are the strongest. With a full blow here, we can charge into this formation!"

The point he was pointing at was just now using the Thousand Miles Eyes to see the formations of eyes. With King Kong's strength, he should be able to rush in.

Then he said, "After you get out of them, run away immediately, let Xiezi and his wife lead the way, and quickly leave Nanchao to go to my Cuihua Mountain cave!"

"Aren't we waiting for you? How can we do that?" Little Butterfly yelled anxiously when Lin Sen fell asleep like this. It was already too much for the senior to attract the enemy alone, and he even left him to run away alone. There are serious injuries, how can this be possible!

"Don't worry!" Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately gave Xiaodie a reassuring smile and said, "I have a small goal by myself, but it is easier to escape! Don't look at me like this. If I am not sure, I will go out to die by myself No!"

Hearing what Lin Sen said, Zhu Le and the monsters finally settled down. They each secretly said in their hearts that even if they are injured, their methods are not comparable to theirs!

Now that everything has been arranged properly, Lin Sen said, "You must act quickly. Once those monks react and want to escape, it will not be so easy!"

"Yeah! We got it!" The Three Demons couldn't help but nodded at the same time, and then Little Butterfly said worriedly, "Senior, you must be careful!"

"Haha..." Lin Sen didn't speak, but laughed heartily a few times, stomping on his feet and rushing to the ground under the worried eyes of the three monsters.

Although it is a bait, it should not be too pretentious, otherwise a fool will notice something is wrong.

After rushing out of the ground, the sky was full of stars, the stars were shining brightly, and the street was very quiet. Although he couldn't use his spiritual sense to detect it, Lin Sen instinctively told himself that the entire city of Yangzhou was full of Buddhist monks. .

Just now, the few people were already outside the restriction, Lin Sen went straight up again, and the place where he appeared was next to the Daming Temple.

Lin Sen didn't reveal his tracks, but ran towards the opposite side of Daming Temple cautiously. At this time, his mana was blocked and he couldn't ride the clouds, but even with the strength of his body, Lin Sen could walk like flying It is like electricity, and it even restrains the breath of the whole body. It is like a shadow in the dark when running, silently.

It wasn't until he had traveled more than a dozen miles away from the Daming Temple that he released a trace of a heavenly demon aura. The aura emitted by Lin Sen was vague, and as soon as he emitted it, he quickly restrained himself as if he was frightened.

But at this moment, the entire city of Yangzhou and even the temples in the Southern Dynasties are all looking for Lin Sen's trace. Although it is only a slight trace of breath, is it like a spark in the swamp gas, instantly turning the silent Yangzhou in the dark night? City lit.

Lin Sen quietly hid in the dark on the side of the street, and in just a few breaths, two nearby monks rushed over with long strides, shaking their robes.

The Buddha's light all over his body is solid, and golden light appears faintly, and his aura faintly has the appearance of turning the virtual into reality. They are two Buddhist monks who are about to form relics.

If it was because of the injury, Lin Sen would not even look at such a monk. Even when he came out of Calabash Mountain, he could easily defeat the two of them, but at this moment, he became a strong enemy. To get rid of these two people, it must be done quickly, otherwise once they are entangled, they will not be able to escape!

The two monks hurriedly came to the place where Lin Sen was standing when he leaked his breath, stood on the left and right, and handed their backs to each other. The golden light in the two pairs of eyes appeared, and they carefully patrolled in the darkness.

Lin Sen restrained his breath, and quietly hid not far from the two of them, waiting for an opportunity to appear!

The two monks turned their bodies at the same time, maintaining a posture of guarding each other, carefully moving around and patrolling until the gap between their backs facing each other happened to be facing Lin Sen.

Right now, neither of them could see themselves. In the darkness, Lin Sen suddenly opened his eyes, flung the Bichan Seal to a monk on the left with one hand, and flew up to the monk on the right! (To be continued.)

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