"Monster...Monster...You should be damned..." The aura of the surrounding green snakes and monsters had completely disappeared without a trace, and the huge pain on his forehead seemed to remind him of his shame, a face that could be repaired. The wind and clouds have long since disappeared without a trace.

With bloodshot eyes, he stared ferociously at the void below the surrounding surface, and the peaceful and serene Buddha aura surged along with him.

Under the bursts of golden light, the surrounding ground seemed to be burnt, surging and rolling.

coax!With a loud bang, the powerful Buddha light exploded from the ground, thousands of rubble flew out, the houses above the ground collapsed, the ground cracked, and countless people who were still sleeping were buried underground along with this compassionate golden light!

A golden light flew out from the collapsed ground, and the Buddha's light around him stood above the void like a burning flame. His eyes were full of anger, braving the golden light, searching and patrolling the dark night sky!

It's a pity that in the increasingly chaotic city of Yangzhou, Nengxiu couldn't find any traces of the green snakes and monsters, so he finally had to groan and disappear from the sky in a golden light.

The femme fatale escaped successfully, but Lin Sen was not so lucky!

According to Lin Sen's original plan, although he was able to attract the eyes of the monks in the city to him at the beginning, as long as Zhu Le and the others started to act, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of Nengxiu.

But Lin Sen planned everything, but he did not expect that the old monk on Qianfo Cliff was also near Yangzhou. When there was movement from Lin Sen, the old monk suddenly appeared in front of the two dead bodies as if he had crossed the void. beside.

Just catching up with Na Nengxiu, he was furious at the monks in the temple and uttered a lesson.

Canxiu stepped forward to worship, but his heart tightened suddenly, and he felt that there was something wrong with the restriction under the ground in the temple, but at the moment the old monk was by his side, although his complexion changed slightly, his heart was anxious, but he didn't show half of it.

"Little thing, let's see how you managed to get out of my hand this time!" The old monk whispered while looking at the dark street with his hazy eyes. This can be hidden from others, but how can it be hidden from this old monk with all hands and feet.

"You don't need to worry about this little monster, let me take care of it!" After finishing speaking, the old monk didn't give any answer, just took a small step forward, although this step was slight, it was like stepping into the void , the figure disappeared from the street.

After the old monk left, he rushed to the secret room after being able to repair it, and it was exactly like this that gave the green snake and others a chance to escape.

However, after Lin Sen killed the two monks and attracted the attention of the monks in Daming Temple, he put away the big seal of Bi Chan and jumped into the surrounding darkness, hiding his aura, and only chose remote and deep alleys to drill.

As he was running, Lin Sen suddenly shivered, a heart-warming chill emanated from the inside out, just like when the prey was exposed to the eyes of the hunter.

This feeling is very familiar, just like the feeling when the old monk looked at himself on the Thousand Buddha Cliff.

not good!Lin Sen screamed in his heart, and hurriedly sped up to escape, and then an old voice sounded clearly next to his ear, "Little thing, let's see how you escape from my grasp this time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Sen suddenly felt something strange in front of him, he stopped and flew back, and saw a skinny old monk covered in Buddha's light suddenly but unobtrusively appeared in the darkness, standing there and looking at Lin Sen with a smile on his face. Sen Dao: "The ancient monster clan's master, the real body of the supreme demon, you little thing is also a good opportunity!"

The sudden appearance of the old monk made Lin Sen's heart skip a beat, but there was no change on his face. After hearing the old monk's words about his avatar of the Supreme Heavenly Demon, he immediately tightened his eyes and said "Who are you?"

The heart is set, but he keeps thinking about the way to get out. This is a residential house, if there is a fight, innocent people will be hurt, the Buddhist general is merciful, at least for the time being, he is safe!

"Hehehe~~" The monk said with a benevolent smile on his face, "The poor monk Qixia Temple, Langyu..."

A few simple words shocked Lin Sen even more than the sudden appearance of the old monk. He looked at the skinny old monk with his eyes wide open and said in astonishment, "Aren't you ascending to bliss?"

If you want to talk about why Lin Sen is so panicked, you have to start with Lang Yu. It is really such an ordinary dharma name, and its reputation is too loud!

Speaking of the prosperity of Buddhism in the Southern Dynasties, Qixia Temple has to be mentioned. The Buddhism of the Southern Dynasties was not completely derived from Western Buddhism, but was self-contained like the Esoteric Buddhism in Nazang Province.

The reason why Qixia Temple became so famous in the Southern Dynasties is that it was the ancestral home of these three sects, and it could be said to be the source of Buddhism in the Southern Dynasties.

And this old monk in front of him has mastered the concepts of the Three Theories, and then carried them forward in Qixia Temple.

At that time, the change of dynasties in the Southern Dynasties was as complicated as the rising and setting of the sun, and the wars continued for years, causing a large-scale plague. There was this Qixia Mountain who was enlightened by the Zen master, who tried the medicine himself, and finally solved the rampant plague. Among the tens of thousands of disaster victims and the water and fire, but itself passed away. After this one time, this Southern Dynasty Buddhism immediately became popular among the disaster victims, and then quickly spread throughout the Southern Dynasty.

The prosperity of Buddhism in the Southern Dynasties can be said to be due to people, and its popularity in the hearts of the people is even more popular than some Buddhist Bodhisattvas and Buddhas!

If a monk like this has made great achievements in promoting the Buddha, if he passed away and went to the Western Ultimate Bliss, even if he is not a Buddha, he must at least have a bodhisattva status.

Therefore, Lin Sen always thought that this Zao Deng bliss, but did not expect that Lang Yu was still in the world.

"Haha!!" Seeing Lin Sen's astonished expression, Lang Yu knew the reason, clasped his hands together and said with a slight smile, "The old monk's merits and virtues have not yet been achieved, how can he ascend to the Paradise of Paradise!"

"A merit?" Hearing what he said, Lin Sen was taken aback for a moment, Lang Yu had already achieved so much in the human world, what kind of merit would he need?

"The old monk once made a great vow to spread the Dharma of my three schools of Buddhism throughout the north and south. If this vow is not fulfilled, it will be impossible to achieve bliss!" Lang Yu said softly with kind eyes.

But these ordinary words were like thunder to Lin Sen's ears. Staring at the old monk in astonishment, Lin Sen couldn't help admiring him deeply, not because of his great wish, but because of his ambition. Said, "You want to learn from the Tathagata Tathagata of Tantric Buddhism!"

Lang Yu suddenly smiled, and said with a smile, "The benefactor is really smart, no wonder he can comprehend the supreme desire of this ancient monster! The old monk also asked the little benefactor to punish me, take refuge in my Buddha, and serve me by my side. It is possible that the Buddhist sect will Great Bodhisattva Fruit Karma!"

Lin Sen felt something was wrong when the old monk was smiling, and then he noticed something strange behind him. Lin Sen was trying to delay the time. Why didn't the old monk say shocking things one after another, and when Lin Sen was not caught, he quietly made a move. Formed a bergamot hand behind Lin Sen, and grabbed Lin Sen! (To be continued.)

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