Lin Sen has been stalling for time, looking for a chance to escape. Lang Yuyou had no ordinary idea. This is a busy city in Yangzhou. There will be dead bodies all around.

If this is the case, the crime caused by the vain killing will hinder his practice, so Lang Yu is also stalling for time, deliberately telling some shocking news to distract Lin Sen, so as to subdue the blow.

Lang Yu's strength was already unfathomable, and at this moment, he made a sudden attack. By the time Lin Sen realized it, it was already too late. The solid golden hands that covered the sky silently surrounded Lin Sen.

It was impossible to dodge, Lin Sen hurriedly swung his arms, the tyrannical power brought by the real body of the sky demon, held the big hand that covered the sky, but the power on the big hand was almost able to overturn the ground. Under the strong pressure, even Lin Sen could only block it for a moment, and then slowly closed under Lin Sen's ferocious expression.

"Admit defeat...return..." before the smiling Lang Yu finished speaking, a black shadow the size of a fist suddenly flew out of the darkness behind his head.

bang!With a bang, it hit the back of Lang Yu's head, like fine iron colliding, and the heart of fire splashed everywhere. It means that Lang Yu's cultivation base is profound, and his body has already been condensed as hard as iron.

But even so, when the weak spot like the back of the head was hit, Lang Yu suddenly lost his footing, staggered a few steps, dizzy, staring at him.

Clutching Lin Sen's golden bergamot, without Lang Yu's control, Lin Sen immediately stretched it away, with a smirk on his face, he reached out and grabbed the fist-sized black shadow in his hand, which was the big seal of Bichan.

Lang Yu was plotting against Lin Sen, and why wasn't Lin Sen plotting against Lang Yu? He used Bichan Great Seal's hidden aura to its fullest. When the other party thought he was about to succeed, he made a sudden attack. .

Where did Lin Sen dare to stay, grabbed the big seal of Bichan, and started to shoot. This time, with the lesson he learned just now, he concealed his own breath more perfectly, and even protected himself with the characteristic of concealing breath in the big seal of Bichan , running like a ghost, without the slightest sound.

The big seal of the green toad itself is extremely important, Lang Yu was hit on the back of the head, there was a white light in front of his eyes, and there were gold stars all over. When his eyesight recovered, there was no trace of Lin Sen on the dark street in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and touched the big bump on the back of his head. Lang Yu hadn't experienced this severe pain for many years. If Lin Sen made such a move, the Buddha would be angry. Lang Yu was full of pain. There was a hint of anger on the smiling face, his eyes stared at the darkness in front of him and he whispered, "I want to run, dream..."

Although Lin Sen's speed is fast, it is impossible to escape from Lang Yu's eyes only with his physical strength. Lin Sen knows this.

It is better to be still than to move. Taking advantage of the moment Langyu was hit and dizzy, Lin Sen quickly opened the distance between the two of them. After he felt that he should have run a safe enough distance, Lin Sen suddenly jumped into the hiding place of the surrounding houses , Concentrate the breath of the whole body, even dare not look around at will.

If he still runs as fast as before, no matter how he runs, it is impossible for him to run faster than Lang Yu with his physical body. He is now betting whether Lang Yu can find him hiding here.

There was dead silence all around, and in the house behind him, the sound could be heard from time to time. Lin Sen hid in the darkness at the base of the wall, and suddenly the familiar feeling of oppression reappeared. Lin Sen knew that this was Na Langyu has already found this place, and even more restrained his breath like a rock.

The aura that made Lin Sen's heart skip a beat, passed by again and again, and again and again it was even close at hand. Lin Sen controlled it with all his strength, so that he didn't let his body spontaneously jump up and run wildly.

After going back and forth like this for more than ten times, the feeling that made him startled has just slowly gone away.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Sen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense heart was relieved a little. The crisis in front of him was finally over!

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a crisp bang. It should be that something fell and shattered in the house. Although the sound was not loud, it was clear to practitioners like Lin Sen and the others in this silent night. abnormal.

Oops!Lin Sen hurriedly screamed in his heart, it could be said that he wanted to cry, but he didn't have such bad luck, but the sound attracted Lang Yu, who had just walked by, to him again.

This time, it wasn't like checking the purpose of the walk just now, but with the clear goal of the voice, Lin Sen was exposed to Lang Yu's spiritual thoughts almost instantly.

Lin Sen knew that he had been exposed, so what was he hiding like this, he rushed out of the darkness, did not run away, but held the big seal of Bichan in his hand and waited for Lang Yu to arrive!

The moment Lin Sen stood up, Lang Yu's figure slowly appeared in front of him. He looked at Lin Sen with an old face and said, "If it wasn't for that sound just now, the old monk really let you avoid it. Unfortunately, even God Helping me too! You still haven’t surrendered!”

"Bah..." Since he couldn't run away, Lin Sen fortunately let go, spit out a mouthful of unnecessary phlegm, and shouted, "If you want to catch the young master, you have to use your skills. If you want the young master to surrender without a fight, it's a dream!"

"Stubborn..." Lang Yu snorted, stretched out his skinny palm, and a small and smooth palace flew out, covering Lin Sen directly.

Although it was flying slowly, the aura above the palace was dark and grand, but the oppression of the aura made Lin Sen unable to move.

Both knees were trembling constantly, Lin Sen almost exhausted all the strength in his body to control himself not to kneel down, it was only a period of time when the small palace slowly flew over, Lin Sen felt as if he had just been fished out of the water. It was completely soaked in sweat!

The eyelids seemed to be extremely heavy, Lin Sen gritted his teeth, forced himself to open a little gap, and looked at the palace that was slowly flying towards him, what is this thing, how could it be so tyrannical!

It's just that the coercion of the breath is so tyrannical and unparalleled, if it is included in the palace, it will definitely be lost forever!

At this moment, a golden-red pillar of fire suddenly rushed out from the ground, and the hot ground fire lava sprayed in all directions. A tall black figure in the lava suddenly hit the palace and paused.

And Qi himself was so shocked that he flew out of the lava fire column. He was dressed in a red robe. It was the elephant dragon who had been missing for a long time. Sen reacted, he grabbed Lin Sen, jumped into the pillar of fire lava, and submerged into the ground! (To be continued.)

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