The elephant dragon was extremely fast, rushed out from under the ground without warning, grabbed Lin Sen and sank into the lava of the ground fire.

Although the golden-red lava from the elephant dragon splashed in all directions, Lang Yu hurriedly used his physical strength to gather them together and sink them into the ground. Run away!

But Lang Yu didn't intend to go forward to chase after him. Of course he had heard of Xianglong's name. Back then, the lava spewed out and covered thousands of miles of land.

If he catches up like this, even if he catches up, if he fights and triggers an eruption of fire, he is like a dragon who has committed a lot of sins, but he still wants to praise his merits!

Lang Yu had just closed the big black hole left by Xianglong, and there was a gust of wind behind him.

"Master..?" Nengxiu suppressed his anger and came to Lang Yu's side, his tone slightly suspicious. He originally wanted to find out the whereabouts of those monsters from their accomplices, but now it seems that his master Even missed and made people run away!

Lang Yu looked at the ground, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then said to Nengxiu behind him, "Send the images of those people to Kunlun!"

"Kunlun?" Nengxiu asked in confusion, does this have anything to do with Taoism?Although the Taoist sect avoids it, it will not have anything to do with the evildoers!

"Just say that the old dragon from the ground has emerged and is still entangled with these monsters. I think Kunlun will be happy to help us deal with these monsters." The smile on Lang Yu's face became brighter and brighter. The demon is not weak, so let Kunlun deal with it!Since someone will solve it for you, why should you waste that effort!

"Yes, master!" Nengxiu's face suddenly showed a look of enlightenment. The grievances between the elephant dragon and Kunlun in the earth fire are almost well known among the older generation in the practice world. Lang Yu said so, how can Nengxiu do I still don't understand, if the news spreads to Kunlun, Kunlun will send people to clean up these monsters!

On the other hand, relying on his friendship as a messenger, how can he get the damn snake essence? When the time comes, the Four Spirit Orbs will return to his hands!

Thinking of this, he could stay where he could repair, and returned to Daming Temple in a hurry.

But Lin Sen was caught by the elephant dragon, and sank into the ground until he was in the fire of the ground. The elephant dragon, who had been on full alert all the time, was relieved, and he was safe when he got here, and his whole body was in the fire of the ground. Opening a gap in the middle, he put Lin Sen down and said, "Brother, who is that old monk? You are so amazing. What's going on with you? Why are you hurt so badly?"

The heat from the surrounding fire quickly evaporated his almost drenched body just now, Lin Sen smiled weakly and said, "It's a long story at this time, big brother, why are you here! And you are so injured! ?”

Lin Sen asked suspiciously, Xianglong's pale face was obviously seriously injured, and the injury was not serious, so what method can the repairman of Daming Temple have to hurt Xianglong like this.

"Don't mention it!" Xianglong said with an unlucky face, "I was trapped by the young monk of Daming Temple that day, and the formation that the young monk set up was not bad. I used [-]% of my strength and he was able to hold it. I don't know what the broken pagoda in my hand is, but it can actually show the Buddha's Dharma, and nothing else. When the eight signs of Sakyamuni appeared, I spontaneously resisted, and almost brought a catastrophe! Under the ground After so many days, it is not until today that I have suppressed the true pressure, and I can feel your breath, you haven't said it yet, how could you be hurt like this!"

Xianglong said it easily, but Lin Sen understood that the situation at that time was definitely extremely dangerous. He was afraid that the catastrophe was on the verge of cohesion, otherwise Xianglong would not have escaped alone.

If he doesn't leave, let alone those monks that day, they are snakes, scorpions and monsters, and the people of Yangzhou City, I am afraid that none of them can survive the terrifying catastrophe of Xianglong!

In the next few hundred years, this fertile Yangzhou might not grow a single blade of grass, and the many innocent souls who died for no reason might turn this place into a ghostly place!

It's no wonder that Xianglong was hurt like this, the turbulent breath came from inside, and he was completely suppressing himself from the beginning to the end!

It's just that Xianglong is seriously injured at this moment, but he is far inferior to Lin Sen. If it weren't for the unusual acquaintance between the two, he would not be able to connect this weak breath with Lin Sen at all!

"It's not that monk!" Lin Sen smiled wryly at once, this trip was really unlucky, luckily everyone is fine, but I don't know if Jin Ning and the others escaped smoothly.

"What is the background of the monk?" Xianglong asked in amazement, and when he thought of the scene just now, he couldn't help showing fear on his face and said, "And that palace treasure, it has such a terrifying aura!"

At that time, although the aura was not coming towards Xianglong, even so, it still made Xianglong's heart skip a beat, and the word "terror" was actually used.

Lin Sen slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know what that treasure is, but the old monk is very famous. Brother, you must know, Zen Master Lang Yu!"

"Lang Yu?" Xiang Long looked at Lin Sen in astonishment, to make sure that the other party was not joking, and then slowly said with his eyes wide open, "Isn't he dead? Even if he didn't die, he should have ascended to bliss long ago! "

You must know that the merits of Lang Yu back then were too great. The plague was rampant, and millions of people died, and then Buddhism and the Southern Dynasty became powerful. Such achievements are enough for Lang Yu to ascend to bliss a dozen times up!

"He really didn't ascend!" Lin Sen sighed in admiration, "Today's palace, the pagoda you mentioned, and the Thousand Buddha Cliff behind Qixia Mountain, I think Lang has integrated his merits into these three. Among the treasures, the one who was able to suppress Feisheng just now, brother, you may guess, what is his plan?"

"Why?" Xianglong asked softly, Lang Yu's picture must be very small, and Lin Sen had such an expression.

"He wants to pass on the Three Discourses to the north and the south, and learn from the Tathagata of the Esoteric School!" Lin Sen said slowly, word by word.

Immediately, Xianglong's startled eyes almost popped out, and he exclaimed, "He wants to establish his own sect and become a Buddha and a ancestor?" After speaking, he couldn't help but swallowed deeply, Langyu's ambition must be too big!

"That's right!" Lin Sen nodded and said, "Lang Yu wants to spread the Three Discourses to the north and south, he must have the support of the Emperor, and now Lang Yu supports the Southern Dynasty, and we are destined to be obstacles to his grand plan! "

Lin Sen's eyes could not help revealing a slightly serious look. He wanted to establish himself as the emperor and support Tai Sui to rule the world, but at this moment he was destined to stand on the opposite side of Lang Yu. With such a tyrannical opponent, I really don't know Should we cry, or should we laugh? (To be continued.)

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