Lin Sen's cry was deep and heavy, like a copper bell's long ringing, and the seemingly endless ground fire around him also vibrated accordingly, and faint ripples appeared.

Xianglong, who was originally meditating, was awakened immediately, and hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound. This was unbelievable, even Xianglong thought he was well-informed, and was immediately shocked.

I saw Lin Sen's body crackling, and as the shout increased suddenly, two divine lights shot out from his eyes, even the billowing lava couldn't stop him at all, and several arms suddenly stretched out from under his ribs on both sides.

Turning into the avatar of the sky demon about six feet high, he jumped into the lava of the earth fire.

I don't know how hot the billowing golden-red lava is. Melting gold and wrought iron is easy, but even such a tyrannical thing can't help Lin Sen at this moment.

I saw that Lin Sen's whole body was shining with smooth purple gold, allowing the red gold lava to flow with his body, swimming freely in the lava like a long dragon.

After swimming like this for a while, Lin Sen returned to his normal size with a red face, and landed beside Xianglong.

"Brother, this is the real body of the sky demon! It's really extraordinary!" Xianglong said with a full face of admiration. Physical skills can swim lava, I am afraid that Lin Sen's physical body will surpass him in the near future!

"It's still thanks to the dragon clan's secret technique, big brother, and my sky demon avatar is a little bit more advanced!" Lin Sen said with a smile on his face. He just swam in the ground fire. With the thought of protection, swimming in the earth fire lava with the physical body, this was really unthinkable before!

"My secret method is just an introduction!" Xianglong said with a smile of admiration, but he only admired Lin Sen without the slightest jealousy.

"Brother!" Lin Sen suddenly said seriously, "Why don't you pass on my real body of the sky demon to Big Brother, so that Big Brother's strength can be further improved!" It's because I don't dare to practice anymore, and I want to increase my strength, but I can only work hard from the physical body.

But Xianglong shook his head again and again and said, "Listen to what you said, the real body of the demon that day tempered himself with the essence of the sun, moon and stars. This technique does not match me. Besides, there is no secret technique of the dragon clan that I inherited from my inheritance. Shen Wu, where can I distract myself from studying the real body of Tian Yao!"

Xianglong's words are not false at all. Although the demon body is strong that day, it is the leader of the demon clan after all. Although Lin Senxiu is tyrannical, but if he is himself, I am afraid that his power will be weakened a lot. Besides, what he has learned is even superb. Although there may not be the mystery of the real body of the sky demon, but approaching is the secret of his race.

Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately understood that Xianglong was different from himself. His blood had a complete cultivation system and countless experiences left by the ancestors of the dragon clan.

"Brother!" Xianglong asked suddenly, "How much combat power do you have now?"

These words stumped Lin Sen. The sea of ​​consciousness was still in chaos until now, and he could not feel the existence of thoughts at all, and the golden core in the Purple Mansion was sealed again, so he could not exert his magic power at all.

If this is the case, Lin Sen's strength is almost useless, but at this moment the real body of the sky demon has recovered. It can be said that it is comparable to Xianglong, but at least it can exert its combat power no less than before going to the East China Sea!

"Around [-]%!" Lin Sen thought for a moment and then said slowly.

"Seventy percent!" Xianglong pondered for a moment, and then said seriously, "The seal formation in your Zifu must be broken as soon as possible. If it takes a long time, it may hinder your cultivation!"

As Long said, how could Lin Sen not know that the golden elixir is the foundation of monks, if they are isolated for a long time, without the nourishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the golden elixir will be useless after a long time.

On the contrary, Lin Sen didn't say that his cultivation base was lost, but it was wishful thinking if he wanted to practice again. He was anxious in his heart, but the sealed light flew out of the vase on the head of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. The Great Strength Bodhisattva is also known as the Boundless Light Bodhisattva, and the power of the Buddha light in the vase of his enlightenment can be imagined.

Even though it was just a phantom at that time, Lin Sen had tried countless methods since he woke up, but the soft and peaceful Buddha light did not enter, and did not move at all.

Seeing Xianglong's face at this time, it seems that there is some way, and he immediately said anxiously, "I have tried many ways, but brother, what else can I do?"

"There is no way! But..." Xianglong paused, then said slowly, "I know one thing, maybe it can break this light array!"

"What?" Seeing Xianglong's face, he knew that it would not be easy to get this thing. In addition, he just asked how much combat power he had, so it might have something to do with this thing.

"I know a treasure called the Seven Star Sword! It is condensed from the essence of the Big Dipper. It can not only drive away evil spirits, but also specialize in breaking the restrictions of various sealing formations. It's just that the place where this thing is located is a bit troublesome. ..." Speaking of which, even Xianglong frowned slightly, obviously the place where the Seven Star Sword is located is not an ordinary trouble.

"Where is it?" Lin Senwei asked curiously, but he also wanted to know what it was, which troubled Xianglong!

"Jian..Kang..President...Guo..Mansion..." Xianglong said word by word.

Lin Sen smiled wryly when he heard this, this place is more than troublesome, not to mention that the two of them are both injured, even if they are intact, most likely they will never return to that place!

The Southern Dynasty was supported by Buddhism and wanted to use it to spread the great teaching to the world. From the emperors and princes to the hundreds of officials, all were protected by Buddhism. The Xiangguo was a person under one person and above ten thousand people. Know.

What's more, Jiankang is still located in Qixia Mountain. If there is any movement in the city, the monks on the mountain will immediately find out that it is the ancestral home of Buddhism in the Southern Dynasties, and there are many masters there.

What's more, in the Qixia Temple, there is Lang Yu who Lin Sen has been hiding for a long time. If this is the past, wouldn't it be delivered to the door by himself!

Xianglong naturally understood why Lin Sen smiled wryly, and also said with a distressed face, "The Seven Star Sword was something that Xiangguo had obtained unintentionally. There is nothing that can break the restriction in your body!"

After speaking, as if he had made some decision, Xianglong gritted his teeth and said, "brother, you and I rest for a few days, and when my brother and I recover from our injuries, we will go to the Xiangguo Mansion together!"

"No..." Lin Sen hastily stopped, the Xiangguo Mansion is like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, how could he let Xianglong take the risk with him.

But before he finished speaking, he saw Xianglong sternly said, "If you are my brother, don't refuse!" (To be continued.)

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