Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 153 Xiangguo Mansion

Lin Sen couldn't refuse Xianglong's serious look in the end. After a few days, when Xianglong's injury was stabilized, and when the two came to Jiankang Xiangguo Mansion, even if they were already prepared in their hearts, they couldn't help but be rejected at this moment. The scene in front of me was stunned.

"Hey...this is too exaggerated!" Xianglong stared dumbfounded at the Xiangguo Mansion in the night. From the perspective of ordinary people, this quiet Xiangguo Mansion is only a little brighter.

But a practitioner like Lin Senxianglong can see many things that ordinary people can't see. Guarded by the four great King Kongs and the four heavenly kings, and guarded by the five directions, 24 heavenly guards, there is a golden armored general in the middle, who is the Buddhist Dharma Protector Bodhisattva Wei Tuo.

Although the tools are all phantom projections, if they are provoked, even Lin Senxiang and Long will not be able to get along well!

"Brother, don't you think it's a bit strange!" Lin Sen frowned slightly and said, "Even if this is the Xiangguo Mansion of the Southern Dynasty, such protection is too exaggerated!"

This Xiangguo Mansion is not far from the Southern Dynasty Imperial Palace, Lin Sen and others can clearly see that the guards at the Buddhist Gate in the Imperial Palace are just so ordinary!

"You mean, those monks are hiding other secrets in the Xiangguo Mansion?" Xianglong immediately understood what Lin Sen meant, and said with a thief-like smile.

"En!" Lin Sen nodded, with a faint divine light in his eyes, he looked at the Xiangguo Mansion quietly and said, "Looking at the Xiangguo Mansion area, it is in the place where the spiritual energy gathers. Fengshui is comparable to that of the imperial palace." There is nothing wrong with it, it seems that there is a complicated big formation vaguely arranged in it, but under the guard, I can't see the clue for a while, but this big formation is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Tsk tsk!" Xianglong looked enviously at the pale golden light in Lin Sen's eyes and said, "Your supernatural power is really a good thing. If it weren't for ordinary supernatural powers such as celestial vision and celestial ear power, most of them would have to be coincidences. I can't say no to the old dragon." You must practice such a pair!"

"What's so difficult about this!" Lin Sen said with a smile, "I have a kung fu method. Although I can't open the thousand-mile divine eye, I can practice it. After this trip is over, I will pass on this exercise to my elder brother!"

"Okay!" Xianglong smiled and nodded again and again, "I have to learn this kind of exercises anyway!" After he finished speaking, he looked at the Xiangguo Mansion with a embarrassed face and said, "But I have to think about the need for this place right now." How to get in!"

Elephant Dragon's tone is very embarrassing, although its strength is unparalleled, even in this world, it is also ranked first in this world. The reason for this is that he has never seriously studied the art of concealment and stealth. Anyway, he was born in the fire of the earth, but if he can't beat it and hide in the fire of the earth, others can do nothing!

Lin Sen has studied the art of stealth and hiding, and he has walked into the Daming Temple swaggeringly before, but now that the golden core has been sealed, he has no ability to hide and hide, but he can't use it. Xianglong hugged Buddha's feet temporarily, I'm afraid it would be difficult to hide from the strict guards all over the sky.

"I have one of the things that hide the breath, but I just need to trouble the elder brother to preside over it!" Lin Sen thought for a moment and took out the green toad seal, and handed it to Xianglong under Xianglong's suspicious eyes.

Xianglong penetrated his mana into it and knew the whole story, he couldn't help sighing, "Brother, your big seal is really full-featured, but although this thing is good, it is your treasure. If it is driven by me, the effect will only be the same. The remaining forty to five percent."

Although the hidden formation in this great seal is wonderful, if only [-]% to [-]% of the effect is left, it may be difficult to mix in, and the sky-filled Mo Buddha King is not a display, if it is so simple, it can be mixed in, I am afraid it is like this The national government has long been evacuated and killed!

"Brother, you must first be familiar with the usage of the formation in the seal. If you want to enter the Xiangguo Mansion, you still have to wait for the opportunity!" Lin Sen said with a smile as he looked at the glowing sky.

In this way, the two of them stayed near the Xiangguo Mansion, and they waited for two days.

It wasn't until the evening of the third day that the opportunity Lin Sen had been talking about appeared.

As a dignified Xiangguo, the cost of food and clothing in the mansion is different from that of ordinary people. Among other things, the daily chicken, duck and fish are all slaughtered and cooked.

No matter what Lin Sen said, he also lived in the Duke's mansion of the Sui Dynasty for a while, so he knew about it, and it happened that today was the day when the cook in the mansion purchased living things.

Lin Sen pointed at the group of chickens, ducks and pigs with a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Brother, the opportunity I have been waiting for has come!"

"Do you want to mix in with these chickens and ducks?" Xianglong asked suspiciously, then shook his head hastily and said, "No, no, these mortal creatures are too weak, even if we hide in, they won't be able to serve as a cover! "

If they were hiding among this group of chickens and ducks, the aura of the latter two would be restrained, but wouldn't it be more conspicuous to see the indeed mixed aura on the group of chickens and ducks.

"Brother misunderstood!" Lin Sen laughed, "This group of chickens and ducks can't cover us, but they can draw the attention of those guards!"

Lin Sen's mysterious smile immediately caused Xianglong to have doubts in his heart, what is this kid going to do!

Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately smiled and whispered something next to Xianglong's ear. Xianglong's face was filled with surprise and suspicion, and then he frowned and said, "Is this okay?"

Lin Sen's method is not complicated, and it sounds good, but he doesn't know if it will be effective.

"It's better than us breaking in straight away! It's always worth a try. If it doesn't work, let's run away and find other ways to unlock the seal in my body!" Lin Sen said with a smile.

"Then try it!" Elephant Dragon said softly after thinking for a moment, and then lightly released a tiny bit of mana, passed it to the group of chickens and ducks, and finally attached to a majestic colorful rooster.

But after doing this, Xiang Long Linsen and the two sank into the ground, waiting with all their bodies for the group of chickens, ducks and sheep to approach the Prime Minister's mansion in disorder.

Sure enough, as Lin Sen guessed, the group of chickens, ducks, and pigs approached the Prime Minister's mansion, and the subtle mana breath from the rooster immediately aroused the vigilance of the Buddha guarding the sky.

The Golden Armored Heavenly King who was guarding this direction stared suddenly, and under this stare, the valiant big rooster slumped its head to the ground and died.

It fell down suddenly, which immediately caused confusion among the chickens, the chickens and ducks ran wildly, and the big fat pig was startled by the breath just now and ran around.

"What's going on! What's going on!!" The fat cook, who was leading the vegetable basket leisurely and thinking about how much money he could deduct this time, immediately cried out and hurried around Scattered poultry.

This is the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion. If the poultry and livestock that he caused ransacked and ruined the face of the Prime Minister's Mansion, let alone this lucrative job, I'm afraid I would lose my head!

There was chaos above the ground, but below the ground, when the mana on the big rooster attracted the attention of the Heavenly King, Lin Sen and the two had already taken the opportunity to sneak into the Xiangfu. (To be continued.)

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