The stars are brilliant and the vastness is boundless.

It wasn't until late at night that Lin Sen and Xianglong quietly emerged from the ground. The security in the Xiangfu was strict on the outside and loose on the inside. The protection on the outside was extremely tight, but it was much looser on the inside. As long as you restrain your whole body's breath and don't use spells to create fluctuations in your spiritual energy, you won't be noticed by the guarding Buddha and Heavenly King phantom.

During the day, there were many people in the Xiangfu, and it was inconvenient for the two of them to cast spells to hide, so they did not emerge from the ground until late at night.

Even though it was already night, in the halls and corridors of Xiangfu's carved beams and painted walls, there were still bright lights every ten steps. The lights were brightly lit, just like daytime.

And in the rockery lake, from time to time, you can see the crane sleeping soundly on one leg, and the brocade fish swimming silently.

"This Xiangguo really knows how to enjoy it! Arrange this Xiangguo Mansion like a paradise!" Xianglong muttered in a low voice, they are practitioners, and the surrounding scenery can be seen at a glance. It's my place of earth, fire and lava where life is extinct, and the cave opened by Cuihua Mountain, I'm afraid they are not as beautiful as this place, and the aura is not as solid as this place.

"I'm afraid this is definitely not from the hands of that Xiangguo!" Lin Sen's eyes flashed a layer of gold, and then pointed to the seven small stone pagodas in the pool and said, "Brother, look at the stone pagodas. If it is only like this, this formation is just an ordinary seven-star spirit lock array, but if you look at the shape of the lake, it looks like a glutton, and it is clearly pulling the surrounding spirit energy here to lock it."

When Lin Sen said this, Xianglong immediately came to his senses. What Lin Sen was referring to was only a corner of the house, and formations like this abound in this Xiangfu, ranging from carved corridors to small murals and rock carvings. Formation like this can be seen everywhere, even the layout of the entire Xiangfu is an extremely powerful formation!

This kind of formation, not to mention this mere prime minister's mansion, even the top Fengshui master who walks in the world and is good at Fengshui layout, I'm afraid it can't set up such a big formation, I'm afraid it's only in this unique Buddhist sect in the Southern Dynasty. handwriting!

"What are these monks trying to do to turn this Xiangfu into such a cavernous place!" Lin Sen frowned and wondered, if it was just absorbing spiritual energy, it would be fine, and this formation will completely lock the spiritual energy in this Xiangfu. Among them, even Lin Sen and the other two didn't see it from the outside. If they said that they had no plans, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed!

Just as Xiang Long was about to say something, he heard a movement in his ear, and Lin Sen and he hurriedly hid.

A row of guards wearing armor and holding spears walked past the two of them in unison.

"The guards in this Prime Minister's Mansion are all elites. Brother, it seems that we have unintentionally loaded a big fish this time!" After the guards walked away, Lin Sen and the two quietly walked out from behind the rockery. , Xianglong looked at the row of guards who had already disappeared into the night and said in a low voice!

Lin Sen stared intently at the disappearing group of soldiers. Those soldiers changed their colors and settled down, and each of them was completely condensed into substance. The evil spirit was already formed. I am afraid that each of them had at least a hundred names in their hands, "Brother , The big formation in this mansion is very complicated, you and I will look for the Seven Star Sword first, and after I study the movement of this formation, look at the place where the spiritual energy gathers, and I will definitely get something!"

Xianglong nodded immediately. Although he is not very good at formations, he knows Lin Sen's attainments in them. Even Lin Sen needs to study the formations. It seems that the formations in the Xiangfu are extremely different. Simple, "As long as the things in the town house are usually in the lobby or the study, we can search these two places first!"

"That's right!" Lin Sen nodded and listened for a moment, then pointed to the lobby facing the gate and said, "Brother, you and I will go in two ways, I will go to the lobby, you will go to the study!" Then he took out a piece of jade talisman from his bosom and said "This is the communication jade talisman, you and I use it to transmit sound, and there will be no mana fluctuations!"

"No!!" Xianglong shook his head again and again and said, "You have trouble moving now, so I'll go check the lobby." The lobby is facing the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Whether it's the guards or the Buddha, it's a place that is heavily guarded, Lin Sen Now that there is no power available, how can he be allowed to go to such a place.

"Don't worry, brother!" Lin Sen said with a smile, "Even now, the technique of stealth and concealment is far inferior to me!" Without seeing it with his own eyes, Xianglong could hardly be sure whether Lin Sen existed.

"In that case, fine!" Xianglong thought for a moment before saying in a deep voice, "If something goes wrong, you must notify me immediately!"

"Don't worry! Brother! The study is also an important place, brother, you have to be careful!" Lin Sen handed the big seal of Bichan to Xianglong, and instructed carefully.

Although the Bichan Great Seal has its own concealment method, in his hands, it is just icing on the cake, it is better to give it to Xianglong!

Xianglong was also not polite, and tied the big seal of Bichan, whispering, "Be careful..." Then the red figure slowly disappeared and merged into the darkness.

After Xianglong walked away, Lin Sen's gilt eyes widened a lot, and then he silently walked towards the lobby.

Cautiously dodging many patrolling guards, Lin Sen came to the door of the lobby, even he, a cultivator of immortals, couldn't help sighing at the luxury of this Xiangguo.

The door curtain of the lobby is actually carved from Sydney, and the yearly dramas are more than a hundred years old. This sacred tree has spirits. It can not only repel insects and rats, but also prevent ghosts and evil spirits. It is painted with red lacquer, and its surface is as smooth as a mirror.

The layout in the lobby is very elegant, and there are poems and paintings with rich aura on the walls on both sides.

There are two neat rows of tables and chairs, all of which smell of sandalwood, even Lin Sen immediately felt very comfortable when he entered it.Facing the lobby, there is a plaque with a letter on it - the world is public!

The four big characters are righteous, and the tyrannical Buddha's energy is almost condensed into substance, exuding ten thousand golden lights. In a few years, I am afraid that this plaque will turn into a powerful Buddha treasure!

But under those four big characters, there was a row of small characters. Lin Sen's eyes froze. Under the plaque, it was clearly written that the person who wrote the inscription was Chan Master Lang Yu!

Sure enough, the relationship between Xiangguo Mansion and Qixia Mountain is definitely not superficial.

His eyes were gilded, and he took a few breaths to see through the hall. Although there are many things with solid spiritual energy, even a bronze incense burner in the hall is almost condensed into a magic weapon. degree.

But there is no shadow of the Seven Star Sword.

Thinking about it, the Seven Star Sword is the seat of Zhang Xiangguo's town house, how could it be placed so casually in this place where people come and go.

At this moment, Lin Sen's arms suddenly trembled.

Lin Sen took it out and saw that it was the Jade Talisman of Communication, and Xianglong's slight voice came from it, "Brother, come to the study room quickly, I found something good!" (To be continued.)

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