Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 158 The Embroidery Bed

The interior of the attic is very elegantly decorated, and it is also very comfortable and quiet.

In the attic of a big family, the downstairs is usually the living room and the residence of the servants, while the host lives upstairs, so Lin Sen and the two stayed downstairs, but went straight upstairs.

Lin Sen and the two went upstairs and went straight to the target direction. It's not that there are few rooms upstairs, but that in the ornately decorated attic, only one of the many rooms has a strange atmosphere.

Entering the room quietly, Lin Sen and the two could only feel a faint fragrance of a woman at the tip of their noses. Although the lights were dim, they could clearly see that the room was sober and elegant.

Although the windows are closed, there is no trace of stifling. From the bronze censer on the table, the green smoke of conversation is slowly rising, the faint fragrance moistens everything silently, even Lin Sen can only feel the bursts of air. The mind and soul are stable, obviously the burning spices in it have the effect of calming the nerves, and it is absolutely extraordinary.

Xianglong stretched out his nose and sniffed the air a few times, and sighed, "It's really rich! They burnt ambergris as a spice, huh huh..." Then he shrugged his nose fiercely in admiration Daodao "It still smells like a good thing that is hundreds of years old!"

This ambergris comes from the body of the deep-sea shark whale, and it grows extremely slowly, it may only grow to the size of a fingernail in a hundred years or so, its effect can stabilize the soul and calm the mind.

Although the deep-sea shark whale is strong in body but low in intelligence, it is not troublesome to be sorry, but it hides under the deep sea all year round, so this kind of object is even a precious and rare treasure for people who practice Taoism.

However, the Xiangguo Mansion burns this thing as a spice. This night, it may take a deep-sea shark whale to grow for a hundred years.

And what makes Xianglong even more upset is that if this ambergris is used in the right place, it will be fine. At this moment, it is obviously used as a spice to calm the mind and help the woman on the bed. This kind of extravagant usage is for them to practice Taoism. Even people who don't know how to do it can't do it!

Xianglong focused on the ambergris, but Lin Sen paid attention to something different. Ever since he entered the attic, Lin Sen paid attention everywhere.

This courtyard gathers most of the spiritual power in the prime minister's mansion, and this attic is exactly the center of this spiritual power. The attic is as large as the room corridor, as small as tea bowls and cups, and the placement of the utensils is very particular.

The aura in the attic is no longer full and indescribable, and it has even begun to pour into the body spontaneously.

But the layout of the attic gathered all the aura in one place, that is, on the bed in this room, and he even felt a trace of the familiar star breath on the bed.

But I saw that the lady's bed was purely carved from pear wood, the carvings on it were extremely fine, flowers, birds, insects and fish, dragons and phoenixes were auspicious, and they were integrated into one whole, there was no connection at all, and the spiritual energy in the wood was restrained and concentrated In fact, I am afraid that any practitioner who refines it a little bit will be a good magic weapon.

There is a light pink gauze curtain hanging on it, and it is automatic when there is no wind, bringing bursts of cool breeze. The interior is looming, and you can faintly see a young woman sleeping lightly in it!

It is said that she sleeps lightly because the woman seems to be very uncomfortable, even with this ambergris to help her sleep, she still murmurs in dream language from time to time.

Suddenly, Xianglong pushed Lin Sen slightly, and pointed to the beautiful bed with a look of astonishment.

Lin Sen looked in the direction of Xianglong's finger, and immediately understood why Xianglong was shocked. He saw a delicate dagger that was as long as one palm hanging on the beam facing the show bed.

The whole body of the dagger is bright silver, it shines like a star even in the darkness, there is no guard on it, and the handle is almost nonexistent, but on the back of the dagger, there are seven small holes. Shaped, arranged from the tip of the sword to the tail of the sword.

"Where is the Seven-Star Sword over there? Why is it hanging here?" Lin Sen asked suspiciously. The Seven-Star hole on the dagger should be the Seven-Star Sword, the treasure of Xiangguo's town house, but Lin Sen was puzzled. However, although this dagger is full of sharpness, it can't feel the power of the stars. Thinking that the Seven Star Sword is the power of the Big Dipper, isn't this thing?

What puzzled Lin Sen even more was where the dagger was hanging.

Soldiers, the most dangerous things, should not be placed in the house.

Looking at the courtyards and pavilions, the guards are strict and meticulous, and the things used are extremely extravagant. This woman must be an extremely important person to that Xiangguo, but how could this happen.

And it's not hanging anywhere else, it's on this sleepy and timid bed, which can be said to be the most dangerous place.

The person who designed this attic paid attention to everything, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake, there is absolutely no secret here.

"That should be the Seven Star Sword!" Xianglong said softly, not sure. Although he had heard of the Seven Star Sword's reputation, he had never seen its appearance. It twinkles like a star, but I can't see what its material is, it should be the seven-star sword!"

The more Jianglong said, the more certain he became, but in the end it was completely confirmed, but he didn't know where the power of the stars went.

However, Lin Sen's eyes shot out a faint divine light, and the divine light shot onto the dagger, and then circled around.

Xianglong stood quietly by the side, he knew that Lin Sen was checking around the dagger at the moment, and he dared not disturb him when he was in a state of ecstasy!

The divine light in Lin Sen's eyes shone for a full stick of incense before it dissipated, his face was slightly pale, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"How?" The power of Lin Sen's eyes is like a dragon's, but it took such a long time to see the foundation. It can be seen that the layout around the dagger must be extremely complicated!

Lin Sen stretched out his hand to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and exclaimed, "This thing is indeed the Seven Star Sword! There is an array surrounding the Seven Star Sword in this small building, and even the entire Xiangfu's array is mostly similar to the Seven Star Sword." Connecting them together, using the Seven Star Sword as a base to pull the power of the stars, is really a big deal!"

"The power of the stars?" Xianglong asked suspiciously. The more he heard Lin Sen say, the more confused he became. Even if he didn't practice the technique of absorbing the power of the stars, he still couldn't feel it!If the dagger attracted the power of the stars, why couldn't he feel it at all!

"That's right!" Lin Sen nodded in admiration as if he was still in the great formation, pointing at the Seven Star Sword Dao, "Brother, look, the tip of the Seven Star Sword is pointing directly at the show bed, it was originally extremely fierce, but With the addition of this entire formation, it has become a channel, and the person who came up with this method must be a peerless genius!"

Xianglong was still in the fog, but saw Lin Sen pointing at the beautiful bed and said, "All the power of the stars is poured into this beautiful bed with the Seven Star Sword as Qiao Liang!" (To be continued .)

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