Xianglong still didn't quite understand what Lin Sen said was cloudy and misty. With a puzzled expression on his face, he carefully opened the gauze curtain of the show bed. It didn't matter if it was opened, it was already prepared, and he couldn't help being surprised. His eyes were wide open.

"This...how did this happen?" Although Xianglong was astonished, he still said in a very low voice. After all, the woman on the bed was a very light sleeper, and it would be bad if he woke her up!

"That's true..." Lin Sen nodded fiercely and said with admiration, "The people who set up this big formation are not only bold, but also have fantastic ideas, and they want to deceive even the sky!"

A woman in white was sleeping on the bed in the embroidered pavilion, with smooth black hair pouring down, skin as firm as jade, eyebrows as picturesque, cherry mouth like Zhu Dan, she was a beautiful woman.

If this is the case, even if this woman has the appearance of a celestial being, it will not move the solid Dao heart of Xianglong and Lin Sen, two practitioners.

The reason why these two people were so moved was that the woman's lower abdomen swelled slightly, even if the two of them didn't feel the pulse, they could feel the breath in it. The woman in the embroidered pavilion was actually pregnant.

And the point of the seven-star sword on the beautiful bed was pointing at the woman's belly, more precisely, at the woman's navel.

This is the natural acupuncture point, and it is also the connection point between the mother and the child. The power of the stars, using the Seven Star Sword as a bridge, passes through the navel and enters the unformed baby in the woman's womb.

Suddenly, as if the gauze curtain was pulled open, the woman felt a little uncomfortable, her beautiful legs raised slightly, and a soft moan from her mouth was very cute, as if she was about to wake up.

Xianglong hurriedly put down the gauze curtain, and both Lin Sen and Lin Sen backed away quickly, and quietly exited the boudoir.

"What's going on here? How could it be a pregnant woman? He's not afraid that the child will disappear if he draws his breath into his body like this?" Xianglong asked one after another in astonishment as soon as he left the room. Judging from the current situation, All the arrangements in this Xiangfu are for the child in the woman's womb. As for this woman, I'm afraid it's just a reproductive tool!

No wonder they are already extravagant enough to use ambergris to sleep peacefully. Such a forcible introduction of the power of the stars into the body, whether it is for the body or the soul, is a huge burden. This woman must have been tortured insane long ago.

"Brother, don't you understand yet?" In the darkness, Lin Sen's eyes were like a pair of cold stars, and he said coldly, "Na Lang Yu wanted to pass the Fa family from north to south, and even planned to convert the three thousand monsters into his sect." , it can be said that everything is ready for its great prosperity, but there is one last thing missing!"

"What?" Seeing Lin Sen's serious expression, Xianglong asked suspiciously.

"If you want to educate the world, it is absolutely impossible without the support of the Emperor. In the current trend, the powerful people in the world have already seen the trend of unification, and Lang Yuzi also knows it, but the Chen family in the Southern Dynasty did not have the blessing of uniting the world. Distribution and luck... The situation is difficult to compare with Nalangyu, as expected of the person who created a patriarchal clan, he is really a peerless genius, unexpectedly came up with such an idea!"

"No way!!...Could it be that Langyu wants to..." Xianglong finally understood, opened his mouth wide, his eyeballs almost fell off, and stared at Lin Sen blankly, wanting to Find out from him whether your guess is correct!

But seeing Lin Sen nodded slightly with a serious face, he said, "That's right! Seven stars entered his body, Ziwei entered his life, and he couldn't find the Human Sovereign, so he just wanted to hide the truth and create a Human Sovereign!"

Not to mention the stunned Xianglong, even Lin Sen didn't believe it when he said it himself, but the facts are already in front of him, whether it's the formation in the prime minister's mansion or the rank of the Seven Star Sword , there is only such a conclusion.

The Human Sovereign is determined by God, except for a few powerful beings among the prehistoric people, no one knows where the Human Sovereign will be born, and who will be born with the Divine Luck and Dragon Qi.

Therefore, for monks like Lin Sen and Lang Yu who want to assist the Emperor, whether they can meet the Emperor depends entirely on their own luck.

Lin Sen is a person of later generations, and he knows that the troubled times since the Three Kingdoms, the most chaotic period in history, will end in the hands of his disciple Yang Jian, so he has a clear goal, and without any effort, he is here Then Yang Jian, who was collected by Chang'an City, started.

That's exactly the case, the Confucian Qin Weixian who came to the door that day, knew that the luck of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was not strong enough, but he couldn't find a successor, but he had no choice but to assist him. After meeting Yang Jian later, he would be so straightforward Let Lin Sen cooperate with Confucianism.

Otherwise, the two of them would still be in hostile relationship that day. How could Lin Sen, a bare-boned junior with no family or faction and weak influence, be able to get into the eyes of Confucianism, one of the three major forces in the world.

And this Chan Master Lang Yu is indeed the same as the Confucian Master Qin Wei. Although he feels that the world is united, but even though he traveled the world to find it, he himself is not blessed with the Master of the Emperor. It's so big, looking for the Emperor aimlessly, how could it be possible to find it like this.

Although Nan Chen has half of the country and respects Buddhism very much, but the Chen family is not lucky enough and the luck is not enough, Lang Yu can see that the time of Nan Chen's demise is already in front of his eyes.

Southern Chen's fall is imminent, but the Emperor has not been found. If it is the Emperor who ruled the world, it would be fine to treat Buddhism with respect. If it is like the Yuwen family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, it may be a huge blow to his Dharma clan .

It's hard to blame Chan Master Na Langyu for coming up with such a method at this time, but he couldn't find the Emperor, so he might as well create one himself.

In this South Chen, apart from the Chen family that is about to be destroyed, the person with the highest fate is naturally Zhang Chengyuan's Zhang family of Xiangguo.

This must be the case, Lang Yu then set this goal on the children of the Zhang family, but the fate of the children of the Zhang family who have already been born has already been determined, and there is no way to change it if they want to change it. Creatures start.

Therefore, this woman with the flesh and blood of the Zhang family lived in the attic, and set up a large formation to attract life, soul, and luck.

Surrounded by a group of stars, Ziweixing is the lord of the stars, and a person with the destiny of the emperor must have that Ziwei.

Therefore, although there is no technique to pull the power of the stars, there is the Seven Stars Sword as an introduction, and it is possible to use the power of the Seven Stars Sword to pull the Seven Stars into the body.

Therefore, according to old legends, those who step on the seven stars are destined to be rich and powerful. With these seven stars in their bodies, Ziwei enters their lives, and they are nourished by this aura so strong that both Lin Sen and Lin Sen are tongue-tied.

Although the women in this house are working hard, if she is really allowed to give birth to Lin'er, it may be really possible for Lang Yu to deceive the world and create a human emperor with good luck! (To be continued.)

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