"Brother, what should we do?" Xiang Long looked at Lin Sen and asked seriously, he really had no idea at the moment!

The two came here for the Seven Star Sword, but at the moment the Seven Star Sword is the core of the formation, if there is a slight change, the defense of this Xiangfu and even the entire Yangzhou will be alarmed, the two of them are still injured Can't escape.

But what they didn't think of was that the matter of the Seven Star Sword was small this time, and seeing Lang Yu wanting to create a huge formation of a human emperor was the most shocking part of this trip.

Leaving aside the grievances and entanglements with Lang Yu before, if he wants to become the emperor and compete in the world, he is already destined to stand on the opposite side of the two, and he will never die!

Now that the two of them bumped into each other unintentionally, if they just leave without doing anything, it seems to be a waste of God's reminder. If this situation is broken, the two of them may not be able to get out even from this Xiangfu.

If you kill the woman on the bed!It is innocent in this matter, and the fetus in the womb is an unformed creature. This is how Xianglong can do it. Even if he can do it, I am afraid it will leave a huge hole in his Dao heart.

Xianglong had no idea, and Lin Sen was also struggling, what should he do now!

In the dark night, the two stood silently in front of the boudoir door, and the cool night wind blew through the hall, causing the white gauze curtain by the window to shake slightly.

The cool night breeze slightly lifted Lin Sen's hair on his forehead, and suddenly those eyes that were dazed in the darkness suddenly shone with light, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, do you have an idea?" Xianglong cried out in surprise when he saw this, Lin Sen's smile obviously has a solution!

"Hey!!" But Lin Sen said with a smirk, "This formation cannot be broken, the layout of the mansion, we can't move any plants or trees!"

"Don't move anything?" Xianglong looked at Lin Sen suspiciously and asked, if he just left, why would Lin Sen have such an expression!

"Yes, don't move anything!" Lin Sen looked at Xianglong with a smirk and said, "As long as we have a little power, we might alarm the guards, so we can't move anything, but..."

When Lin Sen said this, he deliberately bought a key point, and Xianglong hurriedly held his breath and listened attentively. Lin Sen was about to talk about the key point!

"But..." Lin Sen said with an uncontrollable smirk on his face, "Although he can't move, we can give him some food!"

"Add some ingredients? How?" Although Xianglong could see from Lin Sen's smile that he must have thought of a very sinister idea, he didn't understand it for a while!

"Lang Yu lured that crape myrtle into my life, and I can also lure the power of the stars into that woman's body!" Lin Sen said with a smile. In this world, no one can match the power of the stars when it comes to understanding and using them. After all, Whether it is Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation or Sky Demon Avatar, the play is the ultimate use of the power of the stars.

Lin Sen stared at Xianglong's confused eyes and said with a smile, "The fetus in the woman's womb has not yet formed. I will quietly use some means to attract the power of the sun into the fetus. When the time comes..."

When Lin Sen said this, Xianglong understood in an instant, and looked at Lin Sen with an expression of sudden realization, as if you were too bad.

The sun belongs to extreme yang, and the sun belongs to extreme yin. For all living beings, those with strong yang energy are males, and those with strong yin energy are females. This is the rule of the prehistoric universe and cannot be reversed.

At this moment, the fetus has not yet formed, and it is the time when male and female cannot change. If Lin Sen induces the power of the sun to pour into the placenta and is nourished by the power of the sun, it will definitely be affected by it when it is formed, and it will become a baby. Feminine woman.

Thinking of when Lang Yu and others saw that the Emperor whom they had hoped for had turned into a woman, a smile like Lin Sen's immediately appeared on Xianglong's face.

Now that they had landed as if they had done it, the two smiled at each other, and only after the woman in the room's dream voice gradually subsided and fell asleep again did they slowly walk in again.

Standing in front of the bed, Lin Sen pinched the mantra with his hand, urging the star fruit tree in his body, and in a moment, a shining spot like starlight appeared on his finger.

Although his own mana is sealed, the star fruit tree is not hindered. Lin Sen immediately mobilized it to absorb the power of the stars in the sky and condense them on the center.

When the condensed starlight seemed to be real, Lin Sen muttered silently, waving his fingers in the air, using his hand as a substitute for the pen, using the power of the stars as the ink, and began to write and paint in the air.

With the dancing of Lin Sen's fingers, a disk-sized show-off formation was depicted on the void in front of him, and in the middle was a lunar shape, surrounded by twisted and twisted ancient demon texts that came from within. Outside from small to large.

Under the urging of Lin Sen's own star power, this star disk formation became brighter and brighter, but it was not dazzling, just like the distant stars outside the sky.

After half a stick of incense in this way, the brilliance gradually faded away, and the star disc became more and more clear and transparent, slowly sinking into the beautiful bed under Lin Sen's control, Rightfully attached to the woman's body.

Until now, under the pull of the Seven Stars Sword, the star disk spontaneously began to extract the power of the sun, and poured it into the woman's body along with the power of the stars pulled by the Seven Stars Sword.

It wasn't until after all these were done that Lin Sen let out a long breath suddenly, and his body was staggering. If Xianglong hadn't rushed to help him, Lin Sen would almost fall down.

Although his pale face was covered with beads of sweat, Lin Sen's eyes were full of joy and he said, "It's too big, I almost failed!",

The cost of setting up this formation is incomparably high. If it is not for the support of the star fruit tree, I am afraid that it will fall short, but even so, the only small bud on the star fruit tree, the brilliance on it is now Dim it too!

This Prime Minister's Mansion was set up by relying on the formation of the earth's veins. I don't know how many people were mobilized at the same time. Although Lin Sen's formation is relatively small, it is portrayed out of thin air. Be careful not to touch the seven-star sword formation, and integrate his formation into it.

Fortunately, this formation has been completed, and it is also guided by the original Seven Star Sword. Its aura is the same as that of the original formation, and it is the person who set up the formation. It is also absolutely difficult to notice that there is a little more momentum here.

"If it's successful this time, no way, we have to thank Master Langyu!" Lin Sen said to Xianglong with a smirk on his weak face.

What he thought was much longer than Xianglong. Although in this era, it is impossible for a woman to be an emperor, after all, not many years later, the first and only empress in history was born in the Tang Dynasty. (To be continued.)

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